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Tying Up Loose Ends, part 2

Posted on Tue Oct 5th, 2010 @ 6:49am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

940 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Trans Galactic Trading
Timeline: Current



"There is a person I know on Typhon who works in sensor control, he does excellent work and he comes with a price tag. He can do anything from masking sensor readings on incoming cargo ships to making them disappear entirely. He has a quality of work that rivals Korvan Delim's." He knew Raven would remember the name from her days as Morticia.


"If there could be a common denominator with these occurrences, it would be him. He could easily mask those mines on the stations hull, he would have access to secure sensor logs from docked Starfleet vessels and he would have route information on Starfleet scout sorties.â€

Raven took the glass and whistled. "Korvan Delim... I haven't thought of him in a very long time." She took a swallow and looked at Khiy. "If this person is that good he's dangerous. At least, if he isn't working for us."

She pondered the possibilities for a moment and looked seriously at Khiy. "Could he be persuaded to work for you -- and if he did, could you trust him?"

There was a reason Khiy knew how good his work was and it wasn't by word of mouth. This guy was a professional, and he wore a Starfleet uniform to boot. Guys like that were hard to come by and for good reason.

"Let's just say we are already familiar with each other's work. I could get him to work for me, no problem. Getting him to divulge his employer's name? No, it would be unprofessional and counter productive for him considering his clientele."

"True," she said, sighing. "So, what do you suggest?" As good as Raven might be, in many areas Khiy was better.

"I could tell you, but you have already asked me not to." He responded.

Chuckling, she took another sip of her drink. "Fair enough. So, how are you doing?" she asked, changing the subject.

Khiy half grinned at the abrupt change in topic. "Busy isn't a fair estimation." He said running his hand through his hair. "In the midst of a corporate buy out. My people have been working round the clock to make sure this goes as smoothly as possible.

"I'm taking over a company that has large holdings out of the system and aren't subject to the Typhon's fickle nature. Every time something happens on this damn station they lock it down. I can't afford the down time between shipments, some of the materials I courier are very time sensitive."

Khiy tapped on the open space on his table. "It’s the right time, right place kind of merger. Didn't come cheap either, I've had to personally invest heavily on this to make the buyout possible. The benefits are well worth it though. Brand new freighters, most right out of the dry-dock, also some pretty solid Captain's to run them. It'll be tight for a while but well worth it in the long run."

"That's great! I agree, you have to jump on an opportunity like that," she said. "I hope it turns out well -- but knowing you, it will. You have an eye for this sort of thing." She took another sip of her drink. "So, apart from business, how are you doing?"

Khiy caught the tone of her question and smiled. "Alright Raven, what do you know?" He said with a shake of his head.

"You and the Romulan ambassador were at the opera together. From what I hear, you seemed to be enjoying each other's company," Raven said with a mischievous grin.

"Indeed." Khiy simply said. He knew Raven was frighteningly good when it came to gathering information on her enemies and even more so when it came to linking data. He doubted that with her new career in Starfleet she had diminished in her capabilities when it came to her networks.

"And aside from knowing what my favourite coffee flavour is, what else might you know?" He said, poking fun at her exceedingly efficient Intel gathering. He already pieced together the likelihood of her knowing the extent of his relationship with Miral to date.

"That's a secret," she said cheekily. "I'm not prying. I think it's cute." Besides, she would love to see Khiy happy. He deserved it. She finished off her drink while she watched him. He'd changed. Not a lot, but the edges weren't as hard as they used to be. It suited him.

"Cute?" He repeated with a scoff. "If only some of the old runners were to hear that." He shook his head and chuckled.

"Yes, cute," she said, giggling. "I think you're cute. But I promise to keep it between the two of us."

"That is somewhat comforting...I think." He grinned ruefully. "I guess it's time to start making a new reputation anyways."

"Oh? What sort of reputation do you want to make?"

"I haven't decided yet. I am in a position to go in any number of directions."

Raven laughed heartily. "That's a typical non-response. But I won't pry any more than I already have."

He shook his head and chuckled. After a moment his smile faded a little "How about you? How are you doing lately?" He hadn't talked to her since the visit to her ship.

"Things have returned to normal. Or, as normal as they get around here," she amended. She finished her drink and set the glass on the table. "I should let you get back to work. Let me know when you have any more information for me."


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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