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Command Chat

Posted on Sun Dec 19th, 2010 @ 12:33pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

693 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Commodore's Office

Anna had gotten up with a bit of a hangover from festivities of the night before. Nothing to keep her from functioning just a headache. That said she skipped the coffee for now now got some ibuprofen from the replicator and a large bottle of fruit flavored water with extra electrolytes to rehydrate herself from the alcohol the night before.

She drank from the bottle as she stepped into Fannin's office. Her instructions from the night before were a bit fuzzy. She knew she needed to do departmental annual inspections. There was also something about overseeing some kind of construction on the station. She wanted a bit more detail before she got started so she stepped into Fannin's office. "Is the Commodore in yet?" She asked as she stepped in.

Terri was at her desk. "Sure is, he mentioned you would be in this morning. Admiral Vail just left"

"So since he was expecting me I'm guessing it's okay to go in?" Anna asked.

"Sure go right in Captain"

Anna shook her head she still wasn't use to being called that, "Commodore Fannin I thought we could discuss more of what you wanted me to do with the inspections exactly."

"Hi Anna, I see your still clear headed after your party last night, Yes well, this inspection. Every nut and bolt that floats out here needs a close inspection... Been a year, and I'm sure we have a few places hat need attention."

"You want me to cover every inch of this station alone?" Anna asked. That would take me several years." She said.

"No of course not, The stations engineering has a scan protocol that will guide you to problems it finds on board. Those must be investigated and repaired or replaced. The tests run for several days and won't require you to make sure those areas are signed off."

Fannin took a sip of hot coffee and turned on the large Holo-screen of the station.

"I ran a test of the system when I first stepped on the station a year ago, Commander Tolren was with me and did much of the department work, here watch..."

Edward moved over a touched the diagram with his finger. He enlarged a section of the outer ring. A 3D section appeared, he touched a menu report tab.

A separate window appeared showing a small area that was color coded.

"See this one seems to be ok, if you see something highlighted in red it's a major problem... this one shows corrosion and if you tap this tab it tells you if our engineers have a work order on it."

"All you have to do is let your fingers do the walking."

"That will make things a bit easier then," Anna said with a sigh. "Other wise all I would ever be doing is inspecting."

"Yes if you had to walk this station you would die old and tired and still not be done with it. Jack and I got it done in three days with the aid of a few hundred engineers and a lot of coffee."

"I guess I'll get the pot started." Anna said, "Doesn't look like I'll get to use that vacation offer anytime soon." She said. "Anything else I need to know?"

"Well I wasn't expecting you to start until you return actually. In fact you can get your chief engineer to start running the tests. Use those pip's you just got. Oh, and have a good vacation too."

Anna smiled, "I'll get right on that then," she said. "I'll go speak to the engineering chief next."

"Very good Anna, enjoy your vacation."

"I'm sure I will." Anna said with a smile.

"I'll have this transferred to your computer so you can play with it when you get back." Fannin turned off the program and returned to his desk with his cup of coffee.

"Now get out of here and go have some fun"

"Yes sir." Anna said.

Fannin smiled as the Captain left his office. He picked up his pad and headed for the bridge


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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