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Breaking Down The Barrier

Posted on Wed Mar 30th, 2011 @ 6:32am by Master Sergeant John Deal & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & 1st Lieutenant Tony Way

1,486 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter- Slave Pens
Timeline: Current


Master Sergeant Deal was running full tilt, allowing himself to be prodded into what he hoped was a well laid trap by the Dominion. As Lieuteant Way and Sergeant Krupp were going to see what they could do to stop the slavers, he was keeping the Dominion off their tails. He had sprung a good looking trap, then turned tail and ran, having his small team follow him on roof tops, and several streets away. He was in constant communication with his men, so it didn't hinder them at all.

"Turning Left, Hitler Bulivard," he said with a smile as he juked right, and dove left, rolling into a ball. As he did so, he released four sensitive photon grenades, and ran off again. It was enough to stop the forces coming behind him, but not enough to crumble the buildings and hinder the slower members of his team. He also had gotten intel that the trap he was about to spring would become a turkey shoot as his men over took the position, and they ran off again.

"Sliding home in ten seconds. Keep your aim true boys, I'm a little too young to die." As he dove head first into a slide, his men opened up on the Dominion forces that were rushing out of buildings, cutting them down in the death traps they had set for themselves. As their fire erupted, the ground shook, and building shrapnel flew out into the same area, cutting two soldiers in half, luckily they were the enemy. As John picked up his head, he watched one shake in its death throes as a chunk of steelcreat jut from his chest, pinning him seven inches off the ground into another building. "I'm going to have to ask Otto what he packs those grenades with."

Otto and his men were advancing by leapfrog as fast as they could towards Lt. Tony's position. "Ohh an old family recipe Sergeant." Otto said with a smile into the COMM as he covered a Marine running past him. "Keep up the pace boys and keep your eyes open flankers."

"Well next time warn me," John grumbled as he stood and ran forward. His men were getting the next stage ready, and their enemy wouldbe moving more cautiously this time. They wouldn't be caught in the same type of trap. Not to look suspicious, John continued at the sprint, twisting this way and that to get to the new position. "Otto, are you and the L T at the extraction point yet? I need to know if there's anyone in there before I order us home."

Otto hit his COMM "We're currently enroute to the Lt's position as fast as we can move. Estimate three minutes. Setup and beam out the civvies another minute then enroute to extraction. Should have eyes on in 15 mintues Sergeant. "

"Well don't be late Otto, we're wheels up in less than twenty." John dodged left this time, going off the beaten track of the attack. He didn't need to go so far out of his way, but the extraction point was where he wanted it to be. It was an old Landing pad for the planets defunct plantetary defense system, and the coded beacons were laid out for the transport to come in. His men had dug a trench around it, and were once again sitting in holes that the had more than enough of. "And be careful of the east side of the extraction point. It has some of your home made claymores sitting there on a prox timer."

"Yes Sergeant we will not be going that way. I dont feel like being turned into a mist." Otto said as he and his men broke hell for leather for the Lt's position. Breaking into the original court yard Otto spotted some mercs milling around trying to figure out how to get back into there prison building. They were brought down without effort. "LT. Tony we are just outside to your left dont fire on us. Fireteam Bravo take up covering positions and prepare to withdraw for evac." Otto said running up to the buildings very large loading door. "Swift! Swift!" Otto yelled into the opening. A Marine private came out of the darkness weapon up then lowered "Thunder Sergeant." The private said. "This way."

Within four minutes Otto and Tony had the 20 city officials beamed up and they started their exfiltration. "Sergeant Deal. Beamed up 20 civvies enroute to you location ASAP."

"We leave in about five," John said looking behind him. "So if you're late, its your loss and good job on the civvies." Closing the line, he looked around the area, and all was quiet. "To let you know Otto, we're a little quiet right here. Be careful coming in."

"Received and understood: Hump it and be careful aye." Otto said then looked at the Marines running in front of him as they made their way through alleys and sidestreets. "Keep those eyes and scanners up somethings smelling fishy and I dont think it's the local pleasure inn." Otto said with half a smile doubtlessly not feeling quite right....

Within a couple minutes they reached the outer perimeter the old defence facility. "Allright kids, this doesn't feel right but we'll have to deal with it. We'll exit into the open ground at a run in a wide-spread column formation anyone sees any weapons fire thats not ours pop smoke and if in front provide covering fire till the rest get past for a fighting withdrawl." Otto then keyed his COMM "Deal we'll be inbound from the northern approach please check your fire." Closing the COMM Otto nodded to Sergeant Gonzalez.

Gonzalez started running followed by two second intervals by marine after marine. Otto took off last after all the other Marines left. Running hard Otto was only a quarter away across the space when he heard the whine of a Breen disruptor farther up then followed by the sounds of alot more weapons fire. The COMM channel came alive: "HARD CONTACT RIGHT!! POP SMOKE!!! PLATOON STRENGTH OR MORE!!" Otto reached onto his web gear and pulled off a smoke grenade in each hand twisting the top and throwing as hard as he could to his right and then put on the speed. As Otto came running up he could see Marine fire going into the smoke screen running past the next Marine, Otto took a knee and started firing blindly into the thermal smoke screen his optics couldnt see through heat or otherwise. Enemy fire slacked off as they just began firing blindly into the smoke hoping for a hit. Like clockwork the marines moved across the field in good order firing then running as someone moved ahead of them.

Otto seen increased fire up ahead as he came closer to Deal's Marines and a Wyvern transport just touching down.

As Otto and Tony, and they're men made it into the clearing, John waved his arm and several mortar positions opened fire behind them. The ground was ripped assunder, throwing Breen parts this way and that. Two fighters flew in close formation, opening bay doors and dropping what turned out to be napalm right after the mortars stopped. John gavea shout and his men quickly packed up and headed to the transport as he walked over to Otto. "You're not the only one that knows how to make an entrance."

"Always a good thing. Nice effects and timing. I give a ten for ten." Otto said as he mentally counted the marines walking by making sure they were all there which they were. "Well John, nice operation 50 civvies or so rescued, an area and an enemy battalion trashed not bad for a days work." Otto said as they walked up the transport's ramp. Otto reached under his coat and took out a midsized flask. "Celebration drink? Aldebran whiskey." Otto said and took a small nip then held it out John.

"I'm on duty Sergeant," John said with a smile. "But when we get back to the Starbase, I'll be more than happy to take you up on a drinking offer." Slapping the mans back lightly they walked into the transport and took a seat as the door closed. "But for now, I think I'd just like a cot,a hot meal, and some good news."

"All the good things in life..." Otto said with a smile, "I gotta head to the Armory and make some more home made goodies. It seems we burned most of them up..." Otto said and was cut off by the COMM.

Colonel von Hackleberg's voice came over the COMM, "Congratulations Marines. Sergeant Major if you could make a formal report as soon as you hit dirt..."


Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Tony Way
Combat Reporter
FNN News

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Marine Raider Regiment


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