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Bring the Rain

Posted on Fri Apr 1st, 2011 @ 7:32am by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

585 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter/Starbase Typhon
Timeline: Current


Tara was sitting in her office in the flight bay and looking around her files. The unit was one of the best that she had ever seen. All the fighters, run abouts, and cargo vessels were in perfect condition and they were upgraded as soon as R&D was done with testing. Looking at a padd, she noticed that the Marine CO had sent her a message. Opening it, she looked over and opened up a line of communication to the man. He was on the world of Exeter, so there was no real pause between communication relays.

"Colonel, heard you could use some help down there."

"You could say that...Pleasure to make your acquaintence." Wilhelm said then continued "Our two squadrons worth of Razor's have been running ragged ever since we landed a month ago. With the rest of us they have suffered some casualties in crew and aircraft and maintenance is becoming a serious issue since the loss of their Commander. I was wondering if their was someone you could send to take command and possibly some replacements and reinforcements."

"I'm not doing anything at the moment Colonel, and I have a whole wing that is more than ready to get some action." Tara smiled, the velvet rabbit under the desk, and in her hand. "And I can think of a few things to help get the planet back, something from the wars I've seen and been in."

"Well we're always looking for new ideas. We almost got the Capitol city of Aurora secured except a main pocket we have under siege and some outlier areas. As for bringing the whole wing, I'd be all for it, except logistics and the station's protection dictate otherwise. We could support an additional three squadrons besides our two Razor squads. We've encountered some Breen Kor Than bombers and some fighters so prep for that as well of course. I'll have my current, sub-in, Air Officer send you a list of parts and equipment we are currently short on as well as personnel and aircraft that need to be replaced. The next resupply convoy should depart Typhon within 48 hours if they keep to schedule." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"Once I've got the list, I'll make sure that you get all of it, and I'll come down personally to take Command for a little bit. I don't mind getting my hands dirty." Tara looked at a padd as it lit up. "Thats all? I have all of this in Fighter Bay One, and Three. I'll take the spares from three, and send down the Second Fighter wing with me on apex of the formation if that's what you need."

"That should work. I'll get some hangar space available on the Marine Assault Ship Gladius for your boys along with some open space dirtside."

"I'll be staying dirt side Colonel, I'll let my boys know that they'll be more than welcome to rack with the grunts."The word came out with none of the condensation or hatred that most fleeties used it as. It didn't even sound derogatory. "I'll which ones what to come down planetside for a round of chase the Breen."

Wilhelm smiled and said, "Always a fun game Commander. The Marines here will be glad to see you."

"I'll be down in less than 48, try to keep the AA away from my boys. We'll be coming in hot."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Wing Commander


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