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Greeting the New Captain

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 12:57am by Morgan Damron & Captain Jackson Hawkins
Edited on on Sat Jun 11th, 2011 @ 1:43am

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Captain's Office
Timeline: Current


Morgan Damron had settled comfortably on her side of Tiberius V. Her corporation was running smoothly, her followers were settled into their commune and life was looking very good indeed. It got even better when she saw a report that Edward Fannin was no longer commanding the Starbase. As soon as she could, she took a shuttle back to Typhon to greet the new commander in person.

Morgan and her bodyguards breezed into the Captain's office. "Captain Hawkins, how delightful to make your acquaintance," she said, kissing him on both cheeks. "I'm Morgan Damron, head of the Damron Group."

Hawk, caught completely off-guard by both the unannounced intrusion and forward greeting, clammed up immediately. He quickly turned and moved behind his desk, putting distance between himself and Morgan. "Please Ms. Damron, have a seat." Hawk eased himself into his chair and looked across the table trying to figure out exactly how this woman wasn't stopped prior to her entrance. Beyond that question, why wasn't this woman scheduled an appointment and be required to wait just like everyone else?

Morgan slipped gracefully into a chair and crossed one leg over the other. Her two bodyguards took their positions to either side and behind her. They were large Samoan men in full warrior dress. They stood silently, beefy arms folded across their barrel-sized chests, glowering at the Captain.

"Welcome to Starbase Typhon, Captain," she said, smiling benignly.

Smiling ever so faintly, Hawk spoke. "Thank you. Now, since you managed to skirt past security and my yeoman, I'm sure you have pressing business that requires an immediate response lest lives be lost." Hawk wasn't exactly skirting the issue.

"I'm Morgan Damron. When I wish to speak to someone it's always pressing. The Damron Group is the largest corporation in known space. I own one third of Tiberius V. I'm the single largest business presence on the starbase. The only group that comes close is Trans Global Trading and I eat companies like Trans Global for breakfast." She tossed her hair over her shoulders. "I am here because I wished to meet you. I must say it's a nice change from Commodore Fannin. The man lacks couth."

Hawk shook his head from side-to-side. "Frankly Ms. Damron, I'm not so sure that you will find me any more acceptable." He stood and walked over to a pitcher of water and poured himself a glass. "In fact, I'm willing to bet you will like me less." Hawk paused to take a drink and then smiled. "Now Ms. Damron, you and I can play this the easy way, or the hard way. It will be your choice. I am willing to give you the respect you give me. Walking into my office unannounced... Unacceptable. Showing up with out an appointment... Unacceptable. I'm no more impressed with your financial holdings than I am with your bodyguards. So my level of being impressed Ms. Damron is nil. Now if you would like to have a mulligan, I would be more than happy to permit an attempt. However, barring that, I don't see that we have anything else to discuss. Any formal requests for assistanct from the Damron Group can be passed through my yeoman and I don't look at informal requests." Hawk moved back over to his desk and sat down. "Is that all Ms. Damron?"

Morgan smiled, delighted. "It's refreshing not to have another simpering fop of a man behind that desk. I'm going to enjoy getting to know you. We should do dinner. Are you free tonight?"

"Unfortunately Ms. Damron, I do not have time for social calls. The fop of a man that was behind this desk before left operations in the lurch and so I will be working furiously on getting the base up to speed." Hawk continued his pleasant smile.

Morgan expected as much. He was definitely a military type. "You know what they say about all work and no play," she teased. But, to be honest, she found military types boring. She stood and faced the Captain. "And for your information, when I wish to speak with you, I don't need an appointment. Ask your Yeoman. Ask Admiral Winkle at Starfleet Command." Her smile turned slightly predatory. Just slightly. "We will meet again. But for now, I will let you settle in." She looked around. "It shouldn't take you that much time."

Hawk smiled perhaps the most false smile he ever mustered. "As I said Ms. Damron. Equal consideration..."

Morgan leaned over the desk, her smile cool. "I'm a very good judge of people, Captain. I came here wishing to be polite. You may be a good Captain, but you're a terrible diplomat. Too bad. I can be a powerful ally." She didn't wait for his response. She turned and glided out of the room, her bodyguards trailing behind.

Never before had Hawk been so relieved to be rid of a guest. He slumped back into his chair.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Morgan Damron (PNPC)
Damron Group


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