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Follow up check up

Posted on Fri Jul 29th, 2011 @ 10:05pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Jana Johnson & Commander Basil Hart

504 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Sickbay

Jana was walking with Anna her arms crossed. She didn't want to go to the infirmary she felt fine but Anna insisted they needed to do a follow up visit to Doctor Hart to be sure the illness from before was completely out of their system.

They stepped through the doors as it was near time for their appointment and approached the receptionist.

"Helen looked up from her station. "Welcome, ladies!" she smiled pleasantly. "The doctor is expecting you. Captain, you can take room one, Jana, room two."

The two of the nodded and went into the indicated rooms.

Anna jumped up onto the biobed and waited. In the other room Jana had done the same.

Basil entered Anna's exam room. "So, captain, any thoughts of taking up arms against the British?" He winked conspiratorially at her.

"No and no desire to cut off all of my hair either." Anna said a tight braid making its way down her back.

Taking a quick reading from the bed, he patted her shoulder. "There seem to be no residual effects from the infection or the cure, so I'd say you're as healthy as the proverbial horse."

"Sounds good. I hope everyone fared as well." Anna said.

"Oh, I should think so. I've had no complaints. Off you go, then, captain." He gave her a friendly wink. "Do tell me if you have any symptoms." He turned, and exited the exam room, entering the one in which Jana was waiting.

"Well, Jana," he began. "How are we feeling today? Any urge to sing or play the lute in public?" He smiled kindly at her.

Jana blushed a deep red, "No," She said, "Thank goodness I can do that in the privacy of my own room again."

Basil chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I actually think your voice is rather pretty. Have you ever taken lessons?" He ran a Feinberger over her upper torso, and checked the readings.

"No lessons," Jana answered, "Just a hobby I enjoy."

"Well, you seem to have been blessed with a natural talent, my dear. I think that with a little training, you could perform anything you set your mind to." Checking her extremities, he found what he was looking for: nothing. "It looks as if you'll continue to have full control of your faculties for the foreseeable future, Jana. Although I wouldn't mind hearing you sing again, some time. For now, however, you're fit for duty. Please let me know if you feel any symptoms returning."

Jana looked at the doctor, "Are you sure you okay doctor? I'm still a student for now."

He chuckled, shrugging off the question. "I assure you, my hearing is excellent, and I have a good ear for music. Keep studying and improving. For now, though, off with you!" He turned and started putting away his tools.

Jana jumped down off the bed and went to meet Anna.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Jana Johnson


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