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Trouble at Typhon

Posted on Fri Jul 29th, 2011 @ 8:49pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,066 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

The Smile of the Regent traveled at high warp, well high warp for a Yerdi ship, at warp six. The wedge of a ship still had not managed to regain its cloak as it barreled towards Typhon. The problem with approaching Typhon is that neither was expecting the other.

Typhon Command:

The Yerdi ship dropped out of warp in the Typhon zone, setting off sensor alarms throughout the command center.

Anna moved over to one of the stations and saw the unidentified ship, "Open a channel to the ship." Anna said. Once the com was open Anna spoke, "This is Captain Anna Johnson of Starbase Typhon, unidentified vessel please acknowledge and identify yourself."

Smile of the Regent

"Typhon?" Quizzed the Commander as she leaned forward in her chair. "We are unfamiliar with your species. We are seeking safe harbor until we can facilitate repairs."

As the Commander of the Yerdi ship finished her sentence five Yerdi warships decloaked behind the Smile of the Regent and began firing.


Anna saw the other ships, "This is the Executive Officer of the Starbase Typhon you will stand down. You are in Federation Space." Anna said once coms had been open to the other ships.


Without warning, three of the five Yerdi ships broke off and targeted the station. As they opened fire, it became apparent that their weapons posed little threat to Typhon.

"You are providing a haven for terrorists!" Came the voice of a female commander. "You will suffer the same fate as these traitors!"


"We are a space station we are in this sector to provide shelter and repairs for ships that are in the area and in need if it." Anna said as she pressed the commands taking the station to red alert. "Stand down or we will return fire." She added as the Klaxons sounded.


The three ships continued bombard the station with their limited weapons.


Hawkins walked into the command center. "What have we got Captain?" He quizzed as he moved towards the tactical display.

Anna looked over her shoulder, "We had a ship show up unexpectedly and as for asylum in need of repairs. As I was discussing this with them five other ships appeared and started attacking the first ship. When I ordered them to stand down they accused us of providing a haven for terrorist. I ordered them to stand down or we would return fire and they fired on us." She said. "Their weapons are nothing for our shields and we could probably take out all of them with just a couple of shots each."

Hawk nodded towards Krang and motioned for him to put the situation up on the main viewer.

Krang tapped the commands to bring the display up on the command screen.

A heavy sigh came from Hawkins as he looked at the ships on the viewer. The ships matched the configuration of the ship Typhon's guests had emerged from.

"Captain, I think you will agree that they have gotten us involved in their affairs..." Hawk looked over to Anna for confirmation of his understanding of the Prime Directive.

Anna nodded, "We had no way of knowing about this when we allowed the other ship to dock here. I had never even heard of their race before they asked for permission to dock here." She said.

Hawk nodded. "Commander Darkmoon, can you extend our shields around the ship being attacked?"

"I can, but it would thoroughly weaken the shields." Krang replied.

"Enough for their weapons to cause damage?" Hawk continued.

"Quite possibly. It's hard to tell for sure."

Hawk slammed his hand onto the station nearest him. "Damn it..." He watched as the smaller ship continue to take hits from the Yerdi ship. "Do it."

"Aye, Sir." Krang replied and typed in the commands. The lights in Ops flickered at the shields began to take impacts as they enveloped the small vessel.

Moving closer to the tactical station, Hawk continued. "Now I want you to target weapons and engines only. We need to disable them..."

Krang looked at Hawk with a confused look. "Let me understand. You want me to fire, for effect, on five targets of unknown configuration without destroying any of them?"

"Essentially Commander." Hawk confirmed with a nod. He wasn't a big fan of asking for the impossible, but in this situation he had little choice. "Unless of course you know of an alternative..."

Krang set the stations weapons at 25 percent power and targeted the areas that appeared to be weapons and engines on the closest vessel. Sadly, it exploded. The other four stopped firing and back out of weapons range.

Hawk shook his head. "Thank you Commander." He looked to Darkmoon and Johnson. "Get the Runnymede ready. I somehow fear this is not the last we'll see of our visitors." The Captain looked up to the dockmaster. "Bring them in... outer ring."

"Yes sir," The young ensign answered and used the tractor beam to bring the ship in as ordered.

"I think we need to go and try to get some answers." Anna suggested.

Hawk nodded in confirmation. He hadn't been able to get Commander Adams back to the station and so he was left with little choice but to deal with the situation as quickly as possible. The safety of the station was now at risk.

"Do you want to go or do you want me to handle it sir?" Anna asked.

"You two take the Runnymede. Commander Rotrov should be aboard already. If he is not, make sure you grab him before you leave. I'll keep things tied down here." Hawk hated the idea of being stuck on the base during a battle, but this was his new post and he wasn't going to abandon it to go off on an away mission.

"What about the guest we just took onto the station sir?" Anna asked.

Hawkins began counting off his crew. Johnson and Darkmoon were about to run off on an away mission, Adams was already out on an away mission. He was going to have to get Commander Hart out of sickbay. "We'll get it taken care of Captain."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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