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In the Thick of Things, part 3

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2011 @ 2:04am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Jackson Hawkins & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

812 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Yerdi Space



"Wait to see what they do first." Khiy reluctantly ordered. The last thing they needed was a ship full of prisoners.



Aboard the Prosa, things were not nearly as calm. The attack from the Khellian left them dead in space.

Damage reports were coming in from all over the ship, but those that concerned the Commander the most were coming out of the drive section. She already knew that she lost her Chief Engineer along with the majority of her engineering staff.

As the Prosa listed starboard, her attitude control neutralized, the crew began abandoning the battle ship. Dozens of small emergency craft began detaching themselves from the hull of the crippled warship.

The Ervasa had gone silent, no doubt some act of sabotage from the new and powerful enemy. Realizing that she couldn't contact the Ervasa, the Commander of the Prosa knew her fate was sealed.

She closed her eyes as the core of the Prosa breached, killing her and almost her entire crew instantly. Those that believed they had escaped were caught in the wave of destruction, their tiny crafts consumed by the joining of matter and anti-matter.

Large chunks of the Prosa's hull flew off in different directions, some striking the new found enemy, others striking friendly ships.

Unscathed, the tiny cruiser that had been protected by the three battle ships set a collision course with the Khellian and engaged at high impulse. As the cruiser struck the shields of the Khellian, it exploded in a bright encompassing light.

Two ships down, and the remaining two had no means of communicating with each other.


Khiy was watching the viewscreen when it all happened. He felt almost a tinge of guilt as the warship detonated killing all hands. Adding to the chaos was the number of cloaked ships in the area that sustained serious damage from the exploding debris. Without their shields up large sections of hull collided unimpeded with devastating effect.

Khiy didn't even see the smaller ship change course, let alone had enough time to prepare himself for what would happen next. The force of the collision was like nothing Khiy had ever felt before. The impact was so violent that he was thrown clear from his chair and his head ended up colliding with the support brace near the middle of the bridge. He looked up at the viewscreen just in time to see the ship explode at point blank range. A second, more violent blast rocked the Khellian, tossing crewman around like rag dolls.

A number of terminals exploded in a brilliant shower of sparks including the con console which caught the helmsman full force. He was blasted back to fall limply on the floor. At the same time, the support brace Khiy was holding on to buckled and then fell over, crushing the command chair and digging deeply into the deck plating. Several small fires ignited around access hatches and power couplings.

It seemed no one on the Klingon vessel expected a kamikaze attack as most of them picked themselves off the floor in shock. "Shields are down to 20%. Hull integrity down to 30%." Called out the weapons officer weakly. Half of his face was badly burned from a blown panel.

The air was filled with smoke and smelled strongly of ozone as Khiy picked himself off the floor. His face felt warm and sticky with blood and he could taste it in his mouth as well. He looked to the viewscreen only to notice a large crack stretching from one end to the other. No images would be displayed there any time soon. "Raven?" Khiy called out. He could barely see through the haze.

Raven lay on the floor against the far console. She'd tried to hold on, but the force of the impact jerked her from her position and hurled her across the bridge.

She was pretty sure she'd dislocated her shoulder -- if her collarbone wasn't broken. "Khiy," she answered telepathically. It was easier to use her mind than speak at that moment.

He nodded, that was good enough for now. He was just glad she hadn't ended up like his helmsman. He rushed as fast as he could over to a side panel and re-routed navigation controls to it. He could see a spackling of damaged ships floating through space with limited power and two untouched battlecruisers closing the gap towards the Khellian.

"Weapons?" Khiy asked.

"Left wing mount disrupter is inoperable." The weapons officer replied immediately. "Point defence weapons also inoperable for the most part. Weapon strength down to 30%."

{To be continued...}

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Yerdi NPCs by
Captain jackson Hawkins
Starbase Typhon


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