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Yearly Physical 1

Posted on Thu May 31st, 2012 @ 11:43am by Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D. & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart

494 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Krang had gotten a memo telling him that his annual physical was due. He wanted to avoid the stereotype of the Commanding Officer being difficult about these types of things, so he cleared the morning from his schedule and made his way to the infirmary.

He walked in and let Miss Back know that he was here as ordered, then took a seat and waited.

Izzy stepped out and saw the Captain sitting waiting, "Hello Captain. Did you want to wait for Doctor Basil or would you like me to do the check up so you can get on your way?" She asked. "I'm sure he will check in us before we're done at least."

"Well, I can go either way. It was Doctor Hart that requested my presence."

Izzy smiled, "He can't do all of them by himself that's why they hired me remember?" She said, "Come on let's get you checked out so you can get back to work."

"Lead the way. I am at your mercy. Which I pray be bountiful." Krang joked, feeling in a rather odd mood.

Izzy shook her head and led Krang into a private room since he was the commanding officer after all. "Just lay down on the bed and we'll run a scan. Then I'll listen as well." She added indicating the stethoscope around her neck.

"I see Doctor Hart's eccentricities are wearing off on you." he responded, lying back as instructed.

"Sometimes you can hear things that the computers might miss. Usually nothing major mind you. There is also always a chance that the equipment will malfunction so it's a good idea to know how to recognize things on your own as well." Izzy answered.

Krang barred his teeth in his best attempt at a smile, "I find your logic most compelling."

"At least you know the crew will be taken care of either way." Izzy replied as the bed finished the scan she offered her hand to Krang so he could sit up and then she listened to his heart and lungs.

Basil wandered into the exam room, his nose buried in a P A D D. He looked up, just before bumping into Krang. "Oh, hello, Captain. Sorry I didn't see you, but I was a bit occupied by this latest monograph on vocal reverberation under spinal pressure. Fascinating stuff! Hello, Izzy."

"Hello Doctor Hart, how are you today?" Izzy asked as she finished and pulled the stethoscope out of her ears.

"I'm fair to partly cloudy." He grinned the old joke. "Izzy, would you like me to take over, or would you prefer to complete the Captain's physical?"

"I was just finishing it when you got here actually." Izzy said. "Except for slightly elevated stress levels which is to be expected with our current situation everything looks fine." She added handing Doctor Hart the PADD with the results on it.

"Have a great day Captain Darkmoom." Izzy said with a smile.


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