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[Columbia]A boat full of marines, security officers, and diplomats.

Posted on Wed Aug 1st, 2012 @ 5:13pm by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 8:10am

890 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: USS Columbia

The bridge of the Columbia was silent, as the Marines, and Security officers, who were trained on various consoles, began pre-flight checks. The science department was being manned by someone with four pips. The center chair, was empty, yet both seats on either side, had been set aside for the visiting Diplomats.

"Uhm... Attention USS Columbia, this is Athena Shipyard control..." The slightly confused voice of Lyra Walsh came over the comm-link. "Uh, according to the computer display thingy, you have five minutes of clear shipping lanes, so you can go now."

Captain Claire almost said something. Almost. She nodded. "One quarter Impulse, whoever's got helm. And if someone would mind giving me an attendance list, I'd greatly appreciate it." She said, from the science console.

Wilhelm walked onto the busy bridge and wondered in awe at the organized chaos. "Two Platoons are aboard Captain. They are currently storing their gear in Cargo Bay 2." Wilhelm reported in.

"Just log it in the computer." The woman said, nodding. She put on some kind of device, over her ear, and it projected a small display in front of her left eye. "I have every intention, by the way, Colonel, of making sure that your marines are very plainly visible. Feel free to have some undercovers. It's a Human Colony. Shouldn't be hard. The same goes for Security, and our Intelligence Specialist."

'Knock, knock,' called Walder jovially as he and his aide made their entrance. He preferred to travel light - only a case of with a PADD of notes and a few changes of clothes and a keepsake. As such he could keep his possessions with him in a duffel bag at all times. It was the same with his staff.

One aide, Temora Foot. Half-Trill and an eidetic memory. Formidably intelligent, companionable and tall and willowy. She had been the only good thing about his stationing on Trill for those damnable two years.

"Ambassador, and Company." Captain Claire said, nodding. She nodded to someone sitting at the Engineering console. "Have someone rig a chair for the Ambassador's Aide."

Miral sat in the back, happy to be out of the chaos but still in a position to observe. Discipline was clearly lacking. She only hoped the situation improved before they arrived on Tiberius V.

Claire wasn't used to being around this many marines. She nodded, once, to Zandrell, but said nothing, waiting for the chaos to subside.

Wilhelm watched as the Marines moved to a fro as they went about getting organized. Then Wilhelm couldn't take it no more, "Excuse me Captain." Wilhelm said looking towards Claire, "MARINES! CLEAR THE BRIDGE ON THE DOUBLE!" and like the Red Sea the Marines cleared out in a hurry. "There we go Captain. Sorry I can see your not used to such a large grouping of the Marine's finest."

Claire nodded to Willhelm. "Greatly appreciated." She said, with a nod. She pondered the man. "I will endeavor to get you home to her, as soon as I can." She added, cryptically, in a soft voice. She turned to the Ambassadors, without clarifying. "We'll be pulling out shortly. Have you gotten settled, yet?" She asked.

Busy fiddling with his tie, Walder looked up, and glanced at Foot, who nodded. Languidly crossing one leg over the other, he nodded in turn. 'We're ready when you are Captain.'

"I am always settled," Miral replied dryly. "Unsettled seems to be a uniquely human trait."

"Unlikely." Captain Claire said, with a smirk. "You should watch a single Vulcan attempting to put up with a ship full of illogical, emotional, folks."

"I would rather not," Miral replied dryly.

Claire chuckled. "I can only imagine, how the Commodore is handling herself. Are you aware they put Commodore T'Yuna in command of a starship? That can't end well. She had problems enough helping the Admiral in basic day-to-day tasks."

Walder said nothing, merely satisfying himself with a touch of Foot's hand. Already he was preparing for the trials to come on the planet's surface. He did so wish that they could get a move on. After a moment, his curiosity bubbled up and got the better of him.

'Madame Ambassador, where do you stand on Vulcans?'

"I endeavor not to. I prefer to let them stand on their own.," she replied dryly.

Walder nodded his head in appreciation of the pun. Looking at her for a moment, he was unsure of whether he should push his question further. After all, he really did not know her. Miral was an unknown quantity to him.

Claire shook her head. Puns weren't normally something she found entertaining. This seemed to be an exception. She caught herself snorting, ever so slightly.

Glancing in Claire's direction, Walder raised an eyebrow. Another unknown quantity. His attention was then diverted by a PADD slid under his nose by Foot. Duty called.

Claire shook her head, at the dismissal of the Vulcan-esque joke. "Helm, set course for Tiberius V. Maximum warp, once we're cleared for departure, until we reach the cloud."

"Yes ma'am." The Ensign nodded.

"All hands, prepare for departure." She added, after tapping her comm-badge.


Captain Claire
Columbia CO

Commander Lyra Walsh

Baron Wilhelm von Hackelberg
Marine CO

Alvar Walder
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador

Walder's Aide


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