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[Athena] Blue Ribbon Ceremony

Posted on Mon Aug 6th, 2012 @ 12:55pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Admiral Kathryn Burke & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Edited on on Mon Aug 27th, 2012 @ 10:26pm

724 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Athena Shipyards Conference Hall


The Marines, and Security, were doing a great job orchestrating things, as was the borrowed Operations Officers, from Typhon.

To top it all off, Fleet Brass. Everywhere. And Scientists. And Engineers.

Skylar nodded, to Admiral Burke, as she passed, with a gaggle of Admirals. He eyed the Athena docking bays, themselves, through the view-port. Several of them had already collected transferred vessels, from Typhon. Edison, Calypso, Bell, Hyperion. The Columbia had been there, but Captain Claire, and several diplomats, had taken the aging vessel to Tiberius V, some twenty minutes ago. He patiently waited, for the collected group, to collect enough, that he could begin the ceremonies.

Sirgei walked up to Skylar, and nodded. "Quite a spread, huh?" Sirgei asked.

Skylar nodded. "Quite. Are the scientists from Sautech keeping away from Walsh & Associates Engineers? You know how they can fight, and cause a scene."

Sirgei chuckled. "Not to worry. Sautech was warned that any personnel misappropriating our courtesy, would be thrown in the brig, and Sautech's CEO would have to personally come bail them out."

"And Walsh & Associates?" Skylar asked.

"Sheriff Sovik is present. If anyone misbehaves, under his command, here, I do not envy them." Sirgei said.

Skylar thought of it, for a moment, then nodded.

"How many left to arrive, still?" Sirgei asked.

"Twenty Nine." Skylar said, after looking over the collected crowd.

"Provided there are no party crashers, of course." Sirgei said.

"Quite." Skylar said, with a nod.

Kathryn Burke was relieved to have the shipyards completed. Underfunded and understaffed, it was a miracle Athena was completed at all, let alone one of the finest shipyards in the fleet for its size.

She was also looking forward to bringing Fleet headquarters back to Typhon. Ronin was a fine starbase, but she always felt like the cadets were intimidated by her presence.


The security supervisor wanted to be in the center of the fun and with the Fleet staff present he had extra security personnel stationed around Athena. All lining the wall of the conference room and key locations just in case a naughty someone wanted to rid Starfleet of certain high-ranked officials.

He had a quarter of the total security personnel of Typhon on the Shipyards assisting Athena's assigned security detail. The elite teams are on guard duty one officer per official, and not dressed in security attire as not to be noticed as obvious.

It was a new approach and this seemed a good time to test it, though he wouldn't admit that to the brass. It was his job to know what he was doing which he did.

The officer himself, in dress uniform, stayed somewhat close to the Admiral but kept an eye on everyone. He had a skin-coloured earpiece in his ear that was linked into the security subchannel so he could hear status reports and at a moments notice get reinforcements from Typhon if need be.


Billy Jo felt like a proud momma. Her babies built a mighty fine shipyards. And she'd been asked to stay on, which made her happy as a pig in a mud puddle. She beamed at Skylar as he passed her. "You should be proud of yourself."

Skylar nodded. "Indeed." He said. "It is rather impressive. Special thanks to you, and the SCE, for making it even possible to finish." He added, in a very diplomatic tone.

"T'wern't nothing, honey. It's my job. I'm just glad there were a few competent people to work with," she replied.

"Bloody miracle workers, I swear." Commodore Watkins said, as he walked by.

Skylar turned, and gave him a sharp look. Everywhere the Commodore had walked, as of late, people gave him a wide, and silent, berth.

Raising an eyebrow, Skylar regained an impassive expression. "I was unaware we had addressed you, sir." Skylar said, impassively.

Watkins chuckled. "You caught the bug too, huh?" He asked. "Odd. I would have thought Vulcans, immune."

Skylar, in proper Skylar fashion, simply turned back to Billy jo, and then raised an eyebrow.


Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Commander, Theta Fleet

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Personnel Director

Security Supervisor (played by Commander Leonardo Rayon)
Athena's Chief Security Officer

Commodore Watkins
Head of Athena Shipyards


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