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[Typhon] Another Command Change

Posted on Thu Aug 9th, 2012 @ 2:21am by Captain Raymond Kelly & Captain Cressidia Lane
Edited on on Thu Aug 9th, 2012 @ 4:07am

743 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Operations Deck
Timeline: Shortly after everything went badly

Cressidia was on the bridge, waiting for whatever Captain-rank person happened to be the one they had found to take command here. So far in this new sector of space, there had been no sightings of trouble, which in itself shouldn't be worrying. But because whatever that thing that had brought them here was, it not a natural occurence, and that meant there should be something here waiting for them. The fact that it hadn't shown up yet suggested something sinister.

They'd found him in one of the cargo bays, digging some poor soul out of the wreckage of a series of deuterium containers. After he'd helped the medical personnel get her strapped to an anti-gravity gurney (rarely used except in situations where the Operations personnel were busy fixing the transporter, like now), he'd received the summons.

As the turbolift slowed to a halt at the operations deck, Kelly ran through potential scenarios in his head. Attack? Maybe, but the jolt felt like movement, not weapons fire. But what would have the power to relocate an object that large?

The doors slid open and he stepped into the unfamiliar command center, much larger than what he had been used to. Commanding a Defiant on picket duty for four years in no way prepared him for the sight of all the officers working at their consoles, or moving from place to place. The nerve center of a starbase was very different than what he usually dealt with.

The surprise on his face was momentary. The mask of professionalism snapped onto Kelly's face as he strode into the center of the room.

"So I understand there's a lack of command-level officers aboard the starbase," he said to the room. "My name is Captain Ray Kelly. And for the moment, I'm the ranking officer available. I know your XO's still up and working, and that's good; she's key to all of us making it out of this. But I'll do my part, as well. I'll need status reports from everyone, as soon as possible. Let's get out of the woods, people."

He turned to Cressida finally, offering a genial smile. "So how bad is it, Commander... Lane, was it?"

"Well for the moment it appears we have main power and life support online, but other than that, I'm still working on getting all the details. Reports are coming in though, so I should have more shortly." Cressidia reported in a predictably official manner. "You just arrive before this mess?" Cressidia asked, wondering if he had any experience with the starbase. From the look he had on his face when he first arrive, he hadn't commanded one before, but if he had been around for a day or two then at least he will have had a bit of experience with the place.

He nodded. "The Revere was in for replacement plasma intakes, and I was accepting new orders. I'd been aboard about a week. Leave, mostly."

Ray mused for a moment before turning to the central console. "When we have a clearer headcount, let's work on sensors and communications. It seems like internal comms are working, since I'm here after you called for me. First priority's identifying where we are, second is calling home, letting the folks know where we wound up."

"The base has a fairly extensive shuttlecraft complement, correct?"

"That's correct sir." Cressidia confirmed. As a starbase there were plenty of smaller ships available for short trips to and from planets. And at any one time there could be dozens of personal spacecraft as well.

"What do you think about gathering up teams of officers, checking out the shuttles, and if any are in workable shape, sending them out to be our eyes temporarily? Seems like it might beat looking out the windows until something's close enough to make us upset."

"Should we hold a briefing in say... a half hour? I think most people would be able to come by then." Cressidia said, mentally agreeing that watching out windows was a bad idea. "Perhaps even in the shuttlebay. A bit out of the ordinary, but it would save time to be already down there."

"Good idea, Commander. I support it. Get everyone who's got a reason to be in one of the primary shuttlebays in thirty minutes."

"Yes sir." Cressidia said sharply, heading towards her office, where she could make the necessary preperations.

Captain Raymond Kelly
Commanding Officer

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer


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