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Enter the Assistant, Exit the Fool

Posted on Sun Aug 12th, 2012 @ 12:56pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant John Williamson

1,472 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Typhon Intelligence Office

John wasn't late, ever. This morning, however, his alarm did not wake him up. The clock did not wake him up because it did not feel like it this morning. The clock must have felt unappreciated because even after months of loyal service to him and the whole of starfleet, not once was it ever thanked. Amazing things clocks are. The entire world depends on them to tell us the time and when to wake up. Without them, we would fall as a species. We would never wake up and time would disappear. Scary thought.

This is what John's thoughts are like when he is having a good day. This was not one of those days. John requested a transfer from his security position to the marine detachment. They transferred him, alright...right into Intelligence. John didn't dislike Intelligence, he just preferred grunt-work.

John stopped at the door to the Intelligence Office and chimed the door for entry.

Raven was sitting at her desk, eating a muffin and reading over Starfleet Intel reports. "Come in," she said, closing the PADD and setting it aside. "Edgar, stealth mode." The bird flew up to its perch in the corner of the room and sat motionless.

John stepped forward and the door slid open. He stopped walking when he reached her desk and snapped to attention.

"Lieutenant John Williamson reporting as directed by Starfleet. I'm you're new assistant, Commander."

John relaxed and stood at ease.

"Have a seat," Raven said quietly. She'd read the man's file and was expecting him. "Tell me why you're here on Typhon."

"Thank you." John said as he sat.

"I've been on the Typhon for 3 months as a Security Officer. A month ago I requested to be transferred to the Marine detachment but Command said I'd be of better value in Intelligence." John leaned forward and smiled. "And as short-staffed as we are, I can agree."

"Why Intel?" she asked, wanting to hear his reasoning for the change.

John sat back and took a breath. "Well, I have near perfect memory, there isn't a door I can't open, a lock I can't pick, a security system I can't hack, or a person I couldn't convince, charm, or bribe."

"Near perfect," Raven's voice was noticeably cooler. She leaned forward and glared at the El-Aurian. "And cocky. Mr. Williamson, I can guarantee you I know people you can't charm, locks you can't pick and systems you can't hack. I don't want someone who thinks he knows everything. That type of person is dangerous. And foolish. Your transfer will be on your desk in two hours. Good day."

John stood up and sighed. "Ma'am, I'm not being cocky, I'm telling you the truth. These are the skills sought after by Starfleet Intelligence and here I am getting the boot after listing my skills. You're calling me foolish for "thinking I know everything", I'm calling you foolish for even denying me the chance to prove myself." John turned and made his way to the door. "By the way, who will be seeing the recording you made of this interview? You've been recording me since I entered your office." John turned and a slight grin could be seen on his face. "The cloaking device is perfect, but the hum of the servo-motors gave it away."

John walked back to her desk and stared at the Commander. "His name is Edgar, is it not?"

"There's no cloaking device and no servo motors," Raven replied coolly. "There is only Edgar. He isn't a secret, Lieutenant. If you want to impress me, you'll have to do a lot better than that."

John sighed and laughed. "You saw through my bluff. I didn't think I'd have to do this."

John looked at Raven's desk and found what he wanted. He quickly grabbed the lamp on her desk and smashed it to the deck. "I hope that wasn't an antique. You're move Ma'am." John said with a grin.

Raven raised an eyebrow. Several thoughts ran through her head and were discarded. Not yet. "Edgar, find another one. Charge it to Mr. Williamson's account." She looked at the man and smiled coolly. "It was. But Edgar can find a replacement. Cost is no object, I assume."

"Not at all...Ma'am." John was finding it very hard to keep calm through this.

She wasn't going to use anything he could observe and copy, Nor was she going to show her hand. But, since Edgar was well programmed, she didn't have to. "Edgar, remove all access from Mr. Williamson. After you buy my lamp, of course."

Edgar's eyes glinted and and he nodded his head. "Done."

Raven smiled. "Thank you."

John was amazed. Nothing seemed to phase this woman. She clearly deserved to be in her position. He thought the lamp would be his ticket to the brig, which was where he wanted to go in the first place. Nothing says 'escape artist' like leaving a starfleet brig unnoticed.

John stopped and it hit him like a sack of potatoes. She's playing head games. Has to be. No visual signs of stress or anger. Her heart rate is normal. And her smile is just screaming "I love to watch you squirm."

"Now, Mr. Williamson, you seem to be under the impression that Intel is all about cloak and dagger espionage. It isn't. We gather information and we do research. We investigate. Most of your job will be sifting through information to find the bits and pieces that are important to an investigation."

She looked up to her raven. "Isn't that right, Edgar?"

The bird nodded. He often spoke to Raven, but in front of strangers he liked to pretend to be a normal bird instead of the AI he was.

"Now, if you're looking to show how great you are at picking locks and escaping from places, I suggest you apply to the lounge to be an entertainer. I'm sure the inhabitants of the starbase would love to watch you get out of a straitjacket. If you want to work in Intel, you will sit down, drop the cocky attitude and admit that even though you're 569 you have a lot to learn."

John sighed in defeat and took a seat. "Ma'am, allow me to defend my actions. This is not my first assignment in Intel. I used to be an infiltration specialist. Before that, I was a marine. I was nothing more than a smart-ass marine in a spiffy starfleet uniform that my ego was too big for."

John sat forward and looked at Raven. "I came into this office under the assumption that there would be head games. That's just the training I was used too. In my defense, it's been close to 100 years since I worked in the intel field. I apologize for my actions and have made a terrible first impression. I am too old to be making mistakes and assumptions like these. But...I'm not so old that I can't make up for my transgressions.

"At least you recognize that your arrogance is a weakness," she said. "You also need to remember that it's never a good idea to play head games with a Betazoid."

She sat back and watched him for several moments. "You're better suited to infantry. Colonel Von Hackleberg would whip you into shape. However, if you wish to stay in Intel, you'll need to stop thinking of this as black ops or counterintelligence and start thinking of it as research and information-gathering. When Starfleet has questions, Intel gets answers."

John nodded and felt relieved. His arrogance had almost cost him his career. "No Ma'am. I've served my time in the military. I'm burnt out on marine regiment and hotheadedness. I would be more than happy to remain here and let you punish me." John smiled and stood. "Is there anything else, Commander?"

"Not at the moment," she said, standing as well. "I don't trust you. You'll have to earn that trust. But for now I'll let you stay."

He'd forgotten something important, but she hadn't. "Edgar, let him back into his quarters. Level 1 security clearance. He'll have to earn anything higher."

Edgar fluttered his wings and looked smug. "Done. Information sent to Captain Kelly and Lieutenant Rayon."

"Thank you, Edgar." She smiled at John. "If there's nothing else, you can go."

"Thank you, Ma'am." John bowed his head and turned to the door. As he was about to walk through it, John turned and looked at the Commander.

"I guess that means I should throw away my spy-kit now, huh?"

"Keep it. You never know when you might need it to get back into your quarters," she said, tongue in cheek.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant John Williamson
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer


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