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[Typhon] "Staff Meeting"

Posted on Mon Aug 13th, 2012 @ 4:08am by Captain Raymond Kelly & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant John Williamson & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

1,328 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Shuttlebay 1
Timeline: Shortly after everything went badly

Ray was in the shuttlebay pacing, waiting for the senior crew to gather after Commander Lane had put out summons to everyone. In his head, he ticked off the important information determined in what little reports he'd seen so far, nodding to himself as he did. Things were grim. But they had a lot of people to take care of, and plenty of material to work with. They'd figure something out.

Cressidia was one of the first people to enter the shuttlebay, after the captain. "Ready?" She asked, looking a bit nervous herself.

Ray nodded to the XO. "As much as we can be, given the situation."

Raven was already nearby, checking on her own ship. She was curious about this "Captain Kelly" and took a moment to look up his CV before she joined the others. "Hello," she said, nodding to the Captain and Commander.

Cressidia could guess that Raven was probably more interested in the new Captain, so she responded with a polite, "Hello." And left it at that.

He nodded in greeting to Raven, but waited on introductions for the moment.

John entered the Shuttlebay and as he approached the group he took note of the individuals ahead. The tall male, red shirt, four pips...Captain Reymond Kelly, age 49. He has a sister serving on the USS Monitor. The gothic female, Commander Raven Adams, age 31. She's my department head as well as the Second Officer. And...the woman with the entrancing eyes must be the Executive Officer, Commander Cressidia Lane."

John stopped in the middle of the group and looked around as he spoke, his eyes stayed on Commander Lane longer than they did anyone else. John didn't think anyone would notice. "Lieutenant John Williamson, reporting for duty as Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer. No need for introductions, I already know who you all are. What's the status of the Typhon?"

Ray eyed the newcomer. Not that he didn't appreciate enthusiasm, but Ray didn't enjoy repeating himself. "You'll find out in a moment, along with the rest of the staff reporting to the shuttlebay, lieutenant."

John stared at the Captain for a second and smirked. Good to know he isn't afraid to put a little bass in his voice. "Very well, Sir. Forgive my impatience." John turned and walked towards a nearby crate, and sat down.

Once everyone had gathered, the captain turned to face everyone and stood at an approximation of parade rest, the professionalism taking precedent over the seriousness of the situation.

"Likely, none of you know me. My name's Captain Ray Kelly. I was aboard Typhon receiving orders when this situation arose, and now thanks to an inability to locate Commodore Ongaku-Chi, I'm the ranking officer aboard the starbase.

"I'm not here to throw my weight around or make this about the circumstances with which I join you; I'm here to help us all get the hell home. As are all of you. The fact of the matter is we're not at home, we're blind, and we're injured. So we need to get things done now."

He gestured to Commander Lane. "Commander Lane has proposed this meeting in conjunction with a plan made to start getting things done. We currently have no sensors and nothing better than short-range communications working on the station. We're far too large to let that stand. According to the manifest, there's literally dozens of shuttles aboard the base; we need to gather teams, get them in shuttles, and get eyes out there. One hundred thousand kilometers range for comms is plenty to get us an idea of where we are, and if anything's coming to get us.

"Anyone who doesn't go, triage and repair is the order of the day. Scientific personnel need to go over the reading the Operations Deck pulled down before the starbase moved, and start doing your theory thing. Coordinate with Tactical and Intelligence on who might do this, if anyone. I hope this is just an anomaly, but we all know better than to hang our hopes on nature."

"I'd like to hear from each of you before we break up and get to it, in case I'm missing something here."

"Sir, I would like to request that I be one of the pilots on a shuttlecraft." Cressidia said once she was sure that Captain Kelly was done speaking.

"Do it," Kelly nodded. "Someone needs to coordinate all of these ships and pilots anyway, since Operations is left a little hindered with no comms or sensors for docking."

"Thank you sir. Once the breifing is finished I will organize the departure of all shuttlecraft, including one that I will pilot." Cressidia said. Moving to the side so that others could ask their questions as well.

"Captain, I'm Raven Adams, the Chief Intelligence Officer. I've already started looking into what happened. I've been cross-referencing science and communications between the starbase and Athena. We have the shipyards' scans just before we were pulled here." She hoped to get out in her own ship and do some scans of the area. She also wanted to talk to Khiy and see if he could help, but that wasn't something she was ready to bring up to the new officer -- or anyone else, for that matter.

"Good to know everyone in Intel's big on living up to their name. Whatever you need to identify this phenomena, and whether we've seen the last of it, let's get in your hands, Commander," Kelly had to admit, at least privately, that the Intelligence folks on the base knew their trade. A far cry from those he usually worked with.

Raven nodded. "I'll keep you informed." She was impressed with this new Captain. On first meeting, he seemed to have things well in hand. "We also have a number of civilian craft here. And some businessmen with their own ships. They might be willing to help."

"Given the situation, I'm not inclined to refuse help," Ray folded his arms in front of him as he considered Raven's suggestion. "Those who go, though, need to understand that they're sticking their noses into a potentially volatile situation, and that there's no guarantee of their safety. If they can deal with that, get them out there."

Raven nodded. "Yes, sir. I'll talk to those I think will be of help."

John, having nothing to add, made his exit. He had to report in to his department head in 30 minutes.

Otto waited till the Captain looked at him, the only NCO and Marine in the group. "Captain sir. I'm Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp, acting Sergeant Major of the 21st Marines. The Colonel and the bulk of the officers are off the base on assignment to Tiberius V. I'll liase with our Air Officers and get their birds in the air and establish a CAP and deploy the Air Wing's Recon craft. Also, I'm assigning all the Regimental Artificers to the damage contol teams and getting the rest of the Regiment ready for anything that might swing our way."

"Push out farther than the shuttles with the recon craft," Kelly said after the report. "They can relay their findings to the shuttles, and so forth. It's far less efficient than our own sensors working, but we take what we can get."

Otto nodded his head, "Aye sir. If you'll excuse me I'll go get the pilots briefed and in the air within the hour." Otto said saluting smartly then turning on his heel and marching out.

Kelly smirked. "Well, it's good people aren't fond of standing on protocol in emergencies. If anyone has more to report, I'll be in Operations. The rest of you know where you're supposed to be and what you're doing, so get on it. Dismissed."

Captain Raymond Kelly
Commanding Officer

Commander Cressida Lane
Executive Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Second Officer/Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant John Williamson
Assistant Intelligence Officer

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
Acting Sergeant Major, 21st Marines


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