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[Typhon] Reviewing the Situation (part 2)

Posted on Tue Dec 18th, 2012 @ 6:21pm by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,315 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Raven's Quarters




She thought about it while she continued eating. "Strange, I know. So, we move on to something more pleasant. What about you?"

"I find that I have little to worry about. She is an extremely capable woman, independent and strong. Besides, she is likely in a better position then we are right now."

Khiy took a sip of his ale and stared at the plate in front of him for a moment. A slow smile crossed his lips and it expanded to the point where he started laughing to himself.

"This really is absurd, you know." He gestured to the room around them.

Raven set her fork down and chuckled, amused at Khiy's reaction. "What is?"

"What we are doing right now. Having dinner and making casual conversation as if nothing is amiss." Khiy pointed at the food in front of him. "We live on a space station that has just mysteriously been transported thousands of light years away. We have no idea who did it, why they did it, nor how they did it. And yet this doesn't phase us. How twisted a life do we live for this not to rank as anything but normal? This isn't even valid enough for us to change our routine for!"

Raven's chuckle turned into a full laugh. "You're right. I, for one, am enjoying the adventure. Very warped and twisted. It reminds me of the times we didn't know if our next haul would be our last, if some Cardassian or Jem'Hadar was waiting to shoot us out of the sky. Even though we probably ARE at risk, I feel much safer now than I did then." She stopped to consider his comment further. "I think it's that I trust the crew here to get us out of this mess. I don't know how, but I am not nearly as concerned as I was back in the day. And I trust you and Morticia if things get really tight."

"You two I can trust," He stopped for a moment, bemused by the strangeness of the words. "But Starfleet?" He shook his head. "Neither here nor anywhere."

"Good point. There are people in Starfleet I trust. Skylar. I think Captain Kelly might be trustworthy. We'll have to wait and see on that one."

She turned the conversation back to his ships while she continued eating. "I've got everything set up on my personal computer to fix your ship."

"My ship? He asked. He was confused by this until a thought struck him. "Wait...did you create a program that can change the prefix code on any ship I want?" His hand slowly put the fork down that he was holding.

"I don't know about any ship," she countered. "I have to set up each ship individually. There are a lot of specs that need to be entered in; but, in essence, yes."

A myriad of thoughts and ideas ran through Khiy's head as to the possibility of what his small fleet of ships could do with chameleon prefix codes. The notion took him so much by surprise, in fact, that it was only moments later that he realised he just "broadcast" everything, having slipped in his obligatory shielding that he was accustomed to doing with Raven.

Khiy looked up at her as if to guage her response to where his thoughts went. "I didn't say I was 'going' to do those things, Raven." He noted.

"No, you didn't," she said, chuckling softly. "You're far too careful for that. And if I didn't trust you to keep both of us out of the brig, I wouldn't even consider it."

They were both finished with dinner, so she cleared the table and led the way to her office. "The computer here is more secure than the one in Intel. I don't have quite the same access, but it'll give us what we need." She sat down and indicated the chair next to her. "So, how do you want to proceed?"

"I guess I should tell you what you would be up against." He said as he settled into a new chair. "I'll need an override prefix for a D'deridex class Warbird. My new aquisition."

She looked at him and smiled. "Beautiful. Okay. Do you have the current codes?"

Khiy pulled a small data crystal from his pocket and handed it to Raven. "It's encrypted. You know my standard cypher."

She took the crystal and slipped it into her computer. Then she entered the decryption code and watched the data scroll across the screen. She quickly pulled out the necessary codes and transferred them to a program she had prepared earlier. "Now, we let the program do its job and in a few minutes you'll be all set." She turned to Khiy. "Therea re a number of places the code needs to be changed. The program is designed to find all of them, make the necessary changes, and then make sure the codes work properly."

"Functionally is it rewritting the code or masking it?"

"Rewriting. Masking could be detected. When it's done it will appear as if this had been there all along."

"Impressive as always, Raven." He nodded in approval. "would this work off a pre-existing prefix code, like say an existing ship, or would it be a new code all together?"

"That depends on how deep you need the rewrite to go. Right now, it'll show up as a refit. But when we're back home, I can create a history for the ship to say whatever you want it to say."

"Best thing to do with the D'deridex is completely erase the base prefix. Having a soft code should be fine so long as her 'ping' looks real. What's important is that she needs to have the ability to change on the go."

"For that you'll want a soft code with a set number of variables. You can't really change it on the fly there are too many things that need to be researched, and you'll need to keep up on all current prefix codes or risk duplicating one that's already in use. But if you use a fabricated base code and one or two from ships that are missing, you should be fine."

"That's the idea. For the most part this ship will be mirroring an already active code. Thing is, that code will change from contract to contract. Only way to get through some blockades is to appear like one of their own just passing through."

Raven nodded. "Just remember that they won't be new each time. So you'll use the same code each time you want to be Klingon. Keep track of where and how you use each code. I've also set up several IFFs for you."

The program finished and she checked it carefully to make sure there were no loose ends or any sign that there had been changes. When satisfied, she closed out her programs, pulled out the data rods and sat back. "Done. I think that will work."

Khiy smiled. "Shame you work for Starfleet these days. Something like this back in the day could have made us a remarkable fortune. I know of people that would trade their own mother for something like this."

"And that's why I don't do it. I'm making an exception for you. And Morticia." She grinned. "Gotta help the poor girl stay unnoticed."

Raven stood. "Now that we've taken care of business, how about some dessert? I have chocolate cake, brownies, and vanilla ice cream. And we still have some of your Romulan Ale. I've never tried mixing it with chocolate before." The thought of chocolate alcohol made her chuckle as the two went back into the living area.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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