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[Typhon] Shuttle Discoveries

Posted on Wed Oct 31st, 2012 @ 2:10am by Captain Cressidia Lane & Captain Raymond Kelly & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]
Edited on on Thu Nov 1st, 2012 @ 11:09am

745 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: The Shuttle, various places in space.
Timeline: second day of surveying, the morning

"Ugg..." Cressidia said faintly as she pulled herself out of the tiny bunk in the shuttle for the second time this trip. What she wouldn't give to be back in her own bed on Typhon. She sighed, and after a quick rinse of her face, she walked back to the front section of the shuttle and sat in the pilot's chair. She was starting to wonder if the shuttles would ever find anything interesting out here, so far all the sensor readings showed nothing but empty space.

"Morning." Otto said as Cressidia plopped into the pilot's seat. "Scouts so far reports nothing out there so far. Though one had to turn back with engine trouble. They should be back at base within the hour." Otto said with a yawn at the end of it. "Damn these deep patrols burn a person out..."

"They really do don't they." Cressidia said, the tiredness obvious in her voice. "We should do a sweep over the area they were covering, just to make sure they don't miss anything in their absence." She said, carefully manouvering the shuttle so that it could still be in long range communication range of the station, but could scan into the new area as well.

"Firing up long range scanners." Otto said in a tired voice. "Initiating scan...and...hold on..." Otto said becoming alert and working the controls furiously, "It looks like a sensor ghost though I do believe there is some sort of object out there. Fairly large to, considering the size of the ghost that is now a persistent ghost on multiple scans."

"Hmm..." Cressidia said, pulling up the readings with what looked at first glance to be asensor ghost, but with it's persistance of staying there, she suspected that it was a real object of some sort too. "I'm raising the captain on long range communications." She said, pressing the transmit button.

"Commander Lane to Captain Kelly."

"Captain Kelly, come in please." Cressidia repeated after a short while, having not recieved a reply.

Otto looked at his screens, "I'm showing some sort of massive magnetic interference that just went up when we activated our COMM system. I suggest we head back to base fast and report this in."

"Good plan." Cressidia said, double checking the readings before inputing the command for the shuttle to head back to Typhon.

Several seconds later, there was a rather large spray of sparks from the console.

"Ouch." Was really all Cressidia could muster from her knocked over position on the floor. She was slightly dazed, not the first time in the last few days, but she didn't appear to be outwardly injured except for a few little black dots that now adorned the top half of her uniform, probably caused by the sparks. Pushing herself up, she leaned on her console to see what was on Otto's since her's wasn't functioning anymore.

"Could the magnetic interference be causing any troubles with controls?" Cressidia asked, thinking it didn't sound likely. Magnetics typically didn't effect the shuttles in any way unless they were very, very close, and very, very strong.

"It could if it was a tractor beam of some sort at the other end..." Otto said looking at the controls. Their speed was picking up and their heading was changing. Otto's fingers flew over the controls and a small hiss could be heard from the back of the shuttle. "High speed message probe launched with all our logs and information to date." Otto said looking at the sensor screen and the ghost got bigger.

"Let's hope it makes it out, it looks like we're going into... Whatever it is." Cressidia said, considering holding her breath, but sighing instead, thinking that might turn out to be a bad idea. She looked over Otto's shoulder to watch the readings, since her console had effectively died. The ghost was getting bigger, or rather, it appeared that they were getting closer. Since most things didn't just get bigger on their own.

Otto was looking through the window and could see a ripple ahead, "Looks like some sort of cloaking device, but on a massive scale which makes it imperfect." Otto said with a tinge of fear in his voice. Getting up from his station he hustles over to a storage locker and starts pulling out his web gear, weapons and his usual bag of tricks.

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
Starbase Typhon


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