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[Columbia] Ghostly Waters (part 3)

Posted on Mon Oct 29th, 2012 @ 8:55am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Wed Oct 31st, 2012 @ 2:06pm

1,059 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV



She pulled away from him and glared. "Trust me, I won't be turning to you for anything." How dare he prevent her from doing her job? How dare he treat her this way in public? What was wrong with the man? RIght now, she didn't have time -- or inclination -- to find out.


Turning her back on Damion, she again looked to Cameron. "Now, tell me more about your idea."

Damion crossed his arms over his chest again and just watched her. It pained him inside to act the way he did, but he had no choice. The last thing he wanted was to push Ronnie away, especially considering how much he loved her.

Cam was standing off to one side, looking through the supplies they'd brought with them, all the while ignoring the 'children's squable' behind him. Hearing someone addressing him directly, he turned around to face Ronnie, "well, what I was thinking was we set up several Forcefield emitters in a circle somewhere along the edge of the lake and try to 'catch' one of those energy flashes"

"I think we have a couple. Not many, though." She began to help him search. "Could we set up what we have in one area and drive anything we see in that direction?" she asked.

Cam nodded, "setting it up shouldn't be a problem, but 'herding' one of them into it could be. We can't touch it and it doesn't seem to be aware of us. Any thoughts?"

"I've seen it twice so far. I don't know if that means it's romaning around here or if it's showing up because we're here. If we're drawing it, then we can simply wait for it to wander towards us."

Wilhelm was wondering what just went on before Kara give him the report about the Columbia. He was exploring ahead cautiously when he heard shouting behind him in the distance. After coming back he could see the tension and anger in the Calypsos faces. He called the group together. "Do we have any problems here anyone? Because from the echos of that yelling I could hear you all a full 500 meters down the tunnel which could give away our positions to anything in these caves. So I ask again: Do we have any problems?!" Wilhelm said in his best command tone that he reservered for berating green officers.

Ronnie glanced to Damion and back to teh Colonel. "No problems, just a minor disagreement. I apologize that Lieutenant Wolfe got a little...loud."

Damion looked over as Wilhelm came into view. He watched him closed and clenched his fists as he heard him yell in his berating tone. He held himself back as much as he could and then walked off to an area away from everyone else. Damion was pushing himself now. The more he seemed to act angry, the more it was easy for him to get that way. He was starting to think that he was going to push himself so far that he couldn't get back from it.

He leaned against a wall and tried to relax himself. He needed his fix. Damion figured it was the only way to get him back down to normal. He was started to rely on this stuff much more then he used to. It was started to be like an addiction, but a necessary one. He pulled out the hypospray from one pocket and a vial from another. He slipped the vial into the hypospray and adjusted to dosage. Just a few more should keep me calm. He thought as he put the hypo to his neck and released the medicine. Damion felt his nerves starting to calm and his anger starting to subside. This would keep him calm, but he didn't know for how long.

Ronnie's heart sank as she saw Damion use the hypospray again. It worried her that the frequency was increasing, as was his anger. Was that why he blew up? Because he needs to see a doctor and about his condition? She wasn't sure and right now she wasn't going to approach Damion about anything.

Wilhelm looked at the group. "Very well a minor disagreement. We shall leave it at that. From now on I expect discipline to be maintained. Any more outbursts," Wilhelm said with a glance over to Damion, "Will end up with my boot on your neck. You are Starfleet officers! Start acting like it. As THE ranking officer here you shall bring all your problems to me until COMMs can be reestablished. Do I make myself crystal clear?" Wilhelm said. "Now do we have a plan to deal with these spectres or not?"

Damion could feel the hostility coming from Wilhelm, but he just laughed it off as he felt his anger slowly starting to subside and his mind starting to become calm. "When we need something to be shot at, we'll call you Jarhead." He spoke loud enough to be heard and then turned and started to walk to the group again. "Until then, Starfleet personnel come to me. Let my people do their jobs. Why don't you go do your job and guard our way in and out. Or is that too much or you?"

Ronnie was mortified by Damion's behavior. She pretended not to hear his comment and addressed the Colonel. "Master Sergeant Bourne has a plan. We're going to implement it next to the cavern wall."

Wilhelm was seething. "Very well Lieutenant Lancaster. Proceed as you see fit." Then he looked at the two Marine Sergeants "Come with me." he said and marched with them in tow over to Damion. "Lieutenant Wolfe. Under the Starfleet Code and procuent to Regulations you are relieved of duty for insubordination to a superior officer. If we had a Brig you would be thrown into it. As of right now, you are under probation until we return to the Calypso for a psychological evaluation and General Hearing. Am I clear or do you need to be disarmed and restrained?" Wilhelm said with fire in his eyes.

(To be continued...)

Colonel William Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Damion Wolfe
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Master Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Delta Platoon Leader
USS Calypso


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