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[Columbia] Ghostly Waters (part 4)

Posted on Wed Oct 31st, 2012 @ 2:08pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane
Edited on on Wed Oct 31st, 2012 @ 2:10pm

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV



Wilhelm was seething. "Very well Lieutenant Lancaster. Proceed as you see fit." Then he looked at the two Marine Sergeants "Come with me." he said and marched with them in tow over to Damion. "Lieutenant Wolfe. Under the Starfleet Code and procurent to Regulations you are relieved of duty for insubordination to a superior officer. If we had a Brig you would be thrown into it. As of right now, you are under probation until we return to the Calypso for a psychological evaluation and General Hearing. Am I clear or do you need to be disarmed and restrained?" Wilhelm said with fire in his eyes.


Damion took a step forward towards Wilhelm. As expected, his marines hands went for their weapons and prepared to draw. Damion took toe to toe with the Colonel. Showing the same fire in his eyes and lack of fear. "I can promise you it wont get that far." He whispered and without showing any concern for the Marines orders walked away toward Ronnie.

Ronnie felt every muscle in her body tighten as she listened to Colonel von Hackleberg. The Colonel hadn't raised his voice, but she was so focused on what Damion was doing that she couldn't help but overhear. What was going on? This wasn't like Damion at all. Not the Damion she knew, anyway. Was it his medication? Was he still not recovered from their weeks in the mines? She knelt to dig through a container so no one would see her fighting back tears. Until they got back to the ship and Damion had his evaluation, all she could do was focus on her job, on the entity or apparition or whatever it was.

She felt Damion approach her, but continued to ignore him. After several minutes, she was composed on the outside and had even managed to find a pair of force field emitters. "I found two," she told Bourne and headed off to the designated location to set them up.

"I'll take one if you want." Mandy offered, seeing as she didn't think she was needed elsewhere at the moment.

"Thanks!" Ronnie handed the medic one of the force field emitters. "We're going to set them up in the corner by the cavern wall and the lake." She took the other and led the way, grateful for the chance to get farther away from Damion.

She ran a few computations to determine the best location based on the two sightings. If they were lucky, they'd be able to trap one. If it were sentient, it might want to observe the team. In that case, it would be fairly easy to catch it. Especially as the emitters were on the other side of the cavern from their camp.

Mandy took the emitter and followed Ronnie, seperating off when they reached their destination. "Right here?" She asked, positioning it where she supposed it was meant to be.

"That works," Ronnie said, positioning her emitter far enough from the other to create a viable field. "Now, if we have one more, we can set up the field." She looked over to Cameron to see if he'd found anything.

After rummaging through their supplies, the only thing Cam could find was an outdated field emitter, that bearly looked operational as it was. "Oh well, I guess this will have to do" he said, as he started setting it up. After a while, he managed to get it up and running. The field was a little shoddy but it was stable.

Wilhelm went over to Cam and looked at the field emitter. He brought out his phaser rifle and popped open the side and took out out emission aperture and fixed it to the field emitter "That will help increase the integrity of your field. Same technology, different application." Wilhelm said.

Damion looked over to Wilhelm, following him with his eyes until he heard a noise. It started softly and then got louder and louder. He started to look around the cave until he started to feel the rumbling at his feet. The rumbling began to grow and instinctively, Damion crouched down behind Ronnie. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, protecting her with his body in fear of the rumbling causing debris to fall around them. Damion was concerned she would get hurt and would do anything to protect her. "Cover the equipment!"

Ronnie wasn't sure what the noise was. It started as a low hum, then built to a rumble. If she didn't know better, it sounded like some large engine starting up. She wondered if the Columbia's engines had fired when it hit the bottom of the sand sea. If so, there would soon be a large explosion.

When Damion grabbed her her first reaction was to pull away and hit him. He was behaving like such a jerk. How dare he now want to protect her?

But some of her temper eased as he held her. She didn't know what sort of game he was playing, but she didn't like it. For now, however, she was going to secretly enjoy the moment. Then she'd consider hitting him.

Wilhelm crouched down next to the emitter he was next to and watched as the ground rumbled. Nothing he could do at the moment besides protect the equipment and wait.

Cameron had hit the deck the moment the rumbling started. He'd been on enough cliffs to know that if you feel rumbling, hug the wall, or in this case the floor.

The rumble grew to a roar. Ronnie hid her face against Damion to help muffle the sound. If definitely sounded like a ship, but it couldn't be the Columbia. That ship was inoperable. Then what was it? What sort of ship could be hiding beneath the sand?

When the noise and the vibrations faded and disappeared, Ronnie pulled back and looked around. There were a number of fallen rocks and other debris in the cavern, but other than that everything looked intact. She untangled herself from Damion and went back to setting up the emitters.

Damion stood back up, obviously forced to let her go and pushed away. He brushed the dust and small debris from his uniform. "Your welcomed." He said softly as he looked around from where he was. "Everyone Alright?" He called out to whoever was in earshot.

Ronnie looked over at Damion for a moment, then turned back to her work.

Cameron stood up and looked around, "all good here!" He called out, waving over at Damion before turning his attention to the field emitter to check for damage.

Wilhelm stood up and brushed some dust off himself. "Good here..."

Ronnie looked around and nodded. "Good. Let's see if whatever it was chases out our ghostie."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Damion Wolfe
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Mandy Lane
USS Calypso

Master Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Delta Platoon Leader
USS Calypso


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