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[Columbia] A Bridge to Adventure (part 2)

Posted on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 3:52am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 1:36pm

1,113 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV



Gathering up his gear, Wilhelm moved to replace the sentry he put on detail to watch the entrance into this cavern in case rescue arrived or anything unpleasant decided to show itself intead. After waiting for an hour he could here voices coming from the corridor linking to the bridge of the Columbia. He poked his head around the corner and could see flashlights sweeping around on the other side and hear muffled voices but couldn't make them out or what language. Taking a photon grenade off his web gear, better safe then sorry he thought, he shouted down the little corridor in the rock. "IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!!!" Wilhelm made ready to arm the grenade just in case.


"We're Starfleet," Ronnie yelled back. "Stand down!" She wasn't sure who yelled, but he sounded like he meant business. And right now, the last thing Ronnie wanted was to be shot by someone she was trying to save.

Wilhelm breathed a sigh of relief, putting the grenade back were it goes and safetying his weapon. "Took your sweet time Fleeties!! Come on up!" Wilhelm yelled down the corridor.

Ronnie looked at Damion and the others. "Marines." It was enough. They all knew what to expect from Marines. "Be right there."

"Damion, anything you want to do here before we see what the Marines are up to?" she asked.

"We should download the ship's records to analyse." Eamon spoke up.

Ronnie nodded. "You go see what the Marines are up to while I upload the data to the Calypso," Ronnie said.

She tapped her combadge. "Lancaster to York."

"York here. What's up?" Came the quick reply.

"Lieutenant Lynx suggests we copy the ship's data. Do you want that on the Calypso?"

Sam paused for a moment, thinking. She was in her ready room and had access to a secure database she used for working on personal projects. It could easily be separated from the main computer and her own system with relative ease. That would allow her and Intel to check over the files before porting them to the main computer. "Give me a minute." She quickly set up the proper security protocols and closed off access. When she was done she tapped on her combadge again. "York to Lancaster. Ready. Sending the information to upload to your PADD."

Ronnie's PADD beeped and she checked the incoming transmission. "Got it." In a matter of moments the appropriate files began to upload. As they were only interested in recent files going back a few months just in case there were problems leading up to the crash, it didn't take long.

"Done," Ronnie said. "Did you get them all?"

Sam checked the data and the upload itself. "Got it. I'll start working on it now. Thanks, Ronnie. York out."

Eamon totally didn't enjoy any marine's company as they are just the same as Security personality types and those clash a lot. He eyed the science officer before reluctantly making way over to the marines and approached their commanding officer. "First of all is anyone in need of medical attention and don't any of you think about being tough marines," he announced.

Wilhelm glared at this upstart Lieutenant and said. "Yes Leutnant. We have three that need immediate medevac. I hope you brought pattern enhancers." Wilhelm said looking at the cave, "This rock strata is loaded with kelbonite and a couple other ores that make sensors and transporters next to worthless. Though otherwise one of my combat medics that survived has been doing his job efficiently. We also rescued about 30 others from the wreck being only able to penetrate to Deck 8."

Ronnie finished what she was doing and walked over to Eamon and Wilhelm. "Thirty? We've found no one else on the ship. At least so far. Where did the others go?"

Wilhelm shrugged, "I couldn't say. Like I said we could only get to Deck 8 and we pulled everyone living that we could reach. I know they didn't wander outside. There has been a massive sandstorm ever since we crashed. The sand on that wind would've rendered anyone to a pile of bones in mere minutes even in an EVA suit."

"The sandstorm is gone. Or was, when we arrived. Knowing this planet, it's not likely to last for long. We have two shuttles. And medics." She glanced at Damion and Eamon. "Let's see what we can do to help."

Wilhelm nodded, "Jet, Chip, Wilks show them to the survivors." Wilhelm said looking at his Marines, "Hsung, Keller, Melch find Switch and that Starfleet Ensign and get them back here." Receiving affirmatives Wilhelm looked at Ronnie, "Two volunteers are scouting out the cave system. Apparently it's quite extensive though we haven't found any other paths back to the Columbia."

Ronnie turned to Rachel. "Go to Engineering. Tell Captain Raine where we've gone. We'll send the wounded to the shuttle. Have transporters there ready in case the skies are clear. Got it?"

The engineer nodded.

"So we missed introductions in all the hustle. I'm Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg of the 21st Marines out of Starbase Typhon. Which ship came to the rescue?"

"I'm Ronnie Lancaster from the U.S.S. Calypso. This is Damion Wolfe and that is Eamon Lynx," she said, indicating the Chief Intelligence Officer and Chief of Security.

"My pleasure." Wilhelm said with a short bow. "Here anything from your other search teams. No other survivors?"

"I haven't heard from the others. We're all supposed to be reporting ot the Calypso every hour. GIve me a minute and I'll check."

Ronnie tapped her combadge. "Lancaster to Calypso. Have there been reports of survivors?"

"Hi," came a female voice. "I haven't heard of anyone. No one's come back to the ship except for Commander Vance. She didn't feel well. Three Marines went down to help the team in sickbay. I haven't heard from them recently, either." There was a long pause. "They're late reporting in, though. Not very nice of them. I'll have to tell Commodore York."

"Yeah, why don't you do that," Ronnie said, trying not to sound exasperated. "Have her contact me. Tell her we've found survivors."

"You have? That's great. I'll let her know now. Calypso out."

Ronnie sighed and looked at Wilhelm. "Does that answer your question?"

"It does but it only raises more questions. Thank you Lieutenant." Wilhelm said and made his way towards the main cavern up ahead.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Eamon Lynx
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso


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