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[Typhon] Delta where?

Posted on Wed Oct 31st, 2012 @ 2:18pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Captain Raymond Kelly & Commander Buck Ducati

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Somewhere in the Delta Quadrant


Rick slumped at the transporter console, bored spitless. He leaned back over his chair and yelped in surprise as the chair tipped over.
As he rose, muttering crossly and rubbing his head, he reflected that nearly concussing himself by falling out of his chair would probably be the most exciting thing that happened to him in quite some time.

To say the least Leonardo did not feel good but he could bare it until he found a sickbay. He slowly picked himself up from where he had fallen during the unsettling transition the starbase had experienced.

First priority was to find out what the hell just happened and then go from there. Looking around he saw he was near a transporter room, Leo thought it would be faster then walking to Ops.

Leo entered and found the operator rubbing his head. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Me? Haha, naw, I'm fine, I just fell out of my chair. Other than an overwhelming sense of stupidity and a crushing boredom which is acting like a garlic press upon my soul, I'm fiiiiine," drawled Rick. "You look a bit peaky, though, mate. Sickbay would probably be better for the measure if you darkened its doors."

"Bored hmmm," Leo muttered then started chuckling. "Do you know what fine stands for?" He asked the operator.

Rick grinned. "Freaked out. Insecure. Neurotic. Emotional. we're all fine here!"

Leo nodded. "Here as in Operations or this starbase?" He asked

"EVERYWHERE." Rick widened his eyes exaggeratedly and wiggled his fingers in an attempt to be spooky. He ultimately failed. "You know. Whatever."

"Well shall we beam to Operations?" Leo asked.


Jane was back in her beloved arboretum. She'd been replaced on the bridge so she could do some much-needed maintenance, mostly weeding and checking the trees and plants for any sign that they'd been affectaed by the move. It wasn't likely, as the station was well-shielded and the arboretum was closer to the center, farther away from the outer rings.

Mostly, she was there because it gave her a chance to regain some serenity. She was still a bit off-balance from being sucked through some vortex and dumped in the middle of nowhere.

For the millionth time she wished Wilhelm were with her. But he was busy on Tiberius V with the riots. Did he know Typhon was gone? Had word spread yet? Possible. The people on Athena would know. She picked up a handful of dirt, rubbed it with her fingers, smelled it, tasted it. A little too salty. She made a note to alter the organic fertilizer she used a bit. Salt would do her plants no good.

Still mulling over recent events, she walked into her workroom to create a new plant food.


Raven was patient. Sort of. She scoured star maps, recent sensor logs and scans. She wiped all reference to Khiy and his shops from the logs, replacing them with "ghosts" and set up the "special project" she was doing for him. But when that was done, she grew fidgety.

It was bad enough that the bond she'd shared with Skylar was gone. The mental silence alone was driving her crazy. To that, she wanted to send Morticia out on the Hawthorne to see what was out there, but she didn't want to bother Commander Lane and the Federation shuttles. So, she found new files to scour and new databases to sift through. And she hoped to find something that would help them figure out where they were and how they got here.

Finally, after two days, she could stand it no more. She contacted a few friends about having a good look at the surrounding area and headed for Captain Kelly's office.

"Enter," he called at the door when the chime rang. Though the office might be his in a sense of 'whose else would it be', Ray still wasn't entirely comfortable here, and it showed. He wasn't sitting, instead pacing the room with a PADD in hand when Raven entered.

She took a deep breath and walked in. He was not going to like what she had to say.


Captain Raymond Kelly
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Jane Porter

Transporter Officer


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