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[Typhon] Seeding

Posted on Wed Feb 20th, 2013 @ 6:23pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Captain Raymond Kelly & Captain Cressidia Lane

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Various
Tags: OOC


[Alien Facility]

The watchers were careful not to make their presence known to Cressidia and Otto. It was imperative that they observe. If the humans ventured further into the complex, they would be met by the armored soldiers. But if not, they would still be watched.

The watchers were especially interested to see how these humans got out of the facility. How clever were they? Would they be any sort of challenge or would they be more like sheep, easily driven?

"Ready." Cressidia said, getting back onto the shuttle from the Breen ship. The reactor would go critical when they triggered it, and she had tied in the controls to the tertiary console, seeing as the secondary one was currently occupied with their shuttle's controls. For once the redundancies were all in use. No room for a back up now.

"Otto" She said, after a moment of no reply.


Hiro Hamza, so named after his mentor, sat on the ground of his cell. He was chained from his neck, to his arms, by a chest plate that was electronically controlled by his captors. He felt the shock from his collar, which forced him to growl and stand up off the floor. Hiro felt the buzz from the lock that always came before his shackles being released. A compartment on the wall opened up, revealing his Katana like blade, which only meant one thing to him. They wanted him to capture new arrivals.

He reluctantly stood there until he felt a second shock, this time bringing him down to a knee and forcing a louder growl from his mouth. Hiro screamed in anger and slammed his fist against the wall as he stood, using his other hand to remove his weapon and grip it tightly.

"Test their worth!" A voice yelled from the speaker in his cell as the door opened with a loud creak. He stood there again, reluctant to move again. Hiro was passed this point in his life. He was no longer a hunter, but a peaceful man. "You know what happens if you don't move!" The voice added.

Hiro growled softly and gripped onto the handle tightly. He promised himself he would not push for a killing shot. He was still going to remain to his teachings. Hiro wasn't going to give them what they wanted. This was still his choice and no pain in the work would make him kill again. He walked out slowly from his cell and took a moment to look around before continuing. Perhaps, these new arrivals would prove more of a challenge then the last ones.

[Typhon Lower Decks]

Pete and Repeat made their way to the lower decks nad found a bar frequented by enlisted and civilians. It was the perfect place to start their infiltration. All they had to do was mix and mingle; buy drinks and celebrate. The humans wouldn't even realize they'd been infected. It would take 24 hours for the nanites to take over once they were introduced to their new hosts. So there was plenty of time. Time and opportunity was all they needed and then, if they were patient, the starbase would be theirs.

A young Ensign walked up to the men. "Hi. My name's Patsy. How are you?"

Pete grinned. "I'm great. Can I buy you a drink?"

She slipped onto the barstool next to him. "Sure. Where do you work?"

"I'm a pilot. How about you?" he asked, signaling the waiter to bring her a drink.

"I'm nurse. I work in one of the clinics in the civilian sector."

Pete looked at Repeat. She was perfect. "Sounds fascinating. I think you and I will have a lot in common." Chat her up, flirt, take her back to her quarters and infect her with nanites. It would be the perfect beginning.


Kelly banged a fist on the console he and one of the scientists were studying. "The star charts put us in the Delta Quadrant, Ensign. The option to simply 'tow the base away' isn't one!"

The hours had passed with the Captain's nerves fraying. They still had only partial power to the station, people were still unaccounted for, and odds were, it would be this way for a while longer. They weren't deaf anymore, with the shuttle patrols, but Lane's hadn't reported in yet. Odds were there was just something that had caught the XO's eye, but Kelly didn't know her well enough to presume automatically that all would be well if a checkpoint came and went. Being the newest member of the command staff at a time like this was wearing on him.

"Someone just tell me something good. Please."


Captain Raymond Kelly
Commanding Officer

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Hiro Hamza

Pete and Repeat
Infiltration Drones


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