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[Tiberius] Cacophanous Symphony (part 1)

Posted on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 11:21am by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 11:29am

710 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV


Bennett stepped out of the shuttle and on to the tarmac'd ground. And into the sun. Beating down from high above, beads of sweat formed within moments. He was lucky that Starfleet uniforms were engineered for all weathers and climates.

The city was oddly silent, with only the creak of the leather, the chink of the metal and the mutterings of the two groups in front of them to be heard. Glancing around the park, Bennett saw the Marines that had set up a discreet patrol to secure the area.

A whine sounded overhead, resolving itself into the form of a second shuttle, also from the Jefferson. The Peregrine accompanying it banked off to the right, racing across the city, scanning for any potential trouble. Nodding in satisfaction, Bennett watched the rear ramp of the shuttle descend to the floor.

It was unusual for Lestari to be in a position of uncertainty - working with 'known' races was one thing, but negotiating with a colony in distress was a different sphere - one that she expected to find challenging, and hoped to be both successful and rewarding.

She was uneasy.

Cheten bowed her head slightly as she related what she sensed in a whisper into the Commodore's ear, "The sand sings of turmoil, the air is tainted with the tang of fear. It is an unorganised dance that we approach, one with kicks and jumps that we may not be able to predict."

Bennett was used to interacting with empaths and telepaths. He was not used to being conveyed information in such a sense. Processing the information conveyed he nodded his head in understanding. 'Right.' With Sam and Cheten on the team, it would be a wily foe indeed who could pull one over them.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg came across and bowed slightly. Seeing Curzon he walked over and held out his hand. "Commodore. I'm Marine Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg. Pleasure to meet you."

'Colonel, glad to see you here,' Curzon smiled kindly at the member of Typhon's crew. There ranks were swelling by the hour it seemed. 'I hope you can be of assistance during the negotiations.'

"I do as well sir. I helped establish one of the colony's on this world as a boon to some friends. Of course my Regiment also established the Firebase here as well." Wilhelm said.

Sam stood by herself, looking around. There was a strange silence in the air. It felt almost eerie in a 'waiting' sort of way. She closed her eyes to see if she could pick up on anything, but for now there was nothing but the ominous pall.

Miral stood back and observed the others. She was almost pleased to see von Hackleberg here. The thought made her smile.

Fear ... Tan'Ru swallowed hard as she seen the Marine speaking with the Commodore. She resisted the urge to step back a few meters. She felt her hand shaking from the intensity of the fear of a Marine standing near, and she closed her fist tightly to stop the shaking. They are no different from the many other beings she fought on the battlefield, except for one thing from a battle she fought and lost against "them".

Flashbacks of the assault revisited her memories but she fought them back. Not knowing that her body did in fact react she silently moved to a more better "defensive" position. She can only hope that the Commodore does not assign her with any of these Starfleet Gorillas.

Miral was surprised at the other Romulan's reaction to the Marine Colonel. She filed the information away for future use.

Bennett noticed the Romulan's reaction to Hackleberg. He said nothing, but filed it away for a future talk with the Tal Shiar officer. That was not normal behaviour.

The feeling of fear and panic was like a physical wave and Sam sucked in a deep breath before turning to see the source -- and the cause. Tan-Ru and a Marine? She wondered what happened in the Romulan's past to cause such a reaction. The Romulan Ambassador from Typhon didn't seem to have any problems with the Colonel so it had to be something in Tan'Ru's past.




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