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[Columbia] Bring it On! (pat 1)

Posted on Tue Dec 4th, 2012 @ 4:46pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Edited on on Tue Dec 4th, 2012 @ 4:52pm

845 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: The Caves of Tiberius IV


The air was thick with particles of dust and sand. It made visibility difficult, even with HUDs. The rebreathers were straining to filter out the dust.

It was like something from a horror movie. All they needed now was the creepy music and a creature to jump out at them with a machete.

Private Parhtz looked around anxiously. The hair on the back of his neck was standing up. He was either going to be eaten by an alien or attacked by Darth Vader. Neither one appealed to him.

Suddenly there was the sound of loud, raspy breathing. I knew it! Here comes Vader! he told himself. The sound was quickly accompanied by a dozen more deep breathers. Then came the sound of clanking, like a troop of armored soldiers. "Stormtroopers!" he shouted, raising his rifle.

"Stay cool." Trent said through clenched teeth. The last thing they needed was someone on their team to lose it. He couldn't help but empathise, however, as his own anxiety was kicking into overdrive. His thumb nudged at the safety on his TR-119a as he looked over to his Sergeant for orders.

"Wait for confirmation," Kara ordered quietly. "And keep in formation. If those are drones, you'll have one shot so make it good. They're not likely to give you a second chance to kill them." She was near the back, listening for signs of anything coming up behind them. How on earth were they supposed to go hand to hand with Borg?

"Aimed head shots. Drops them every time and you only need one shot." Amarylis replied coldly.

"Today we are all Picasso and those drones are our canvass, Oorah?" Trent grinned despite himself.

"Picasso is right," Kara said. "Make them practically unrecognizable!"

Just then the Borg came into view. They came four abreast. As soon as they saw the Marines they raised weapons.

Kara raised her TR119 and shot one between the eyes. As it dropped she dropped the one next to it. Before she could aim for a third shot, the Borg had moved up to engage the Marines.

Parhtz shouldered his TR116 and shot several rapid bursts into the Borg. Two fell, two stepped back and the rest just kept coming. He yelped and backed up, afraid they'd overrun his position and him with it.

"Hold the line!"

Amarylis withdrew two pistols from her thigh holsters and aimed them at the walking kitchen appliances. "Come get some boys!" She said smiling anxiously as they approached.

Private Parhtz raised his weapon again and began to shoot. "Woo hoo! Take that you bottom-feeding scum-suckers!"

Cam hobbled up behind the others holding a standard hand phaser. Programming it to fire on a rotating frequency, he started firing at the drones, "Eat phaser clankers!!"

Wilhlem came up on one side and added his fire into the oncoming wave keeping his face impassive. He knew it was only a matter of time before they adapted.

For the first few volleys, the Marines seemed to be unstoppable. Then the Borg adapted. They began to return fire, shooting with a speed unmatched by the Marines. Within moments, the first flank was down.

Wilhelm ducked down and dropped his worthless phaser rifle. Pulling his projectile side arm he fired a couple shots watching his targets go down. Pulling an incendiary grenade from his web gear he primed it and through it down the passageway not trusting a regular photon or frag grenade for fear of bringing down the roof on their heads. With satisfaction he watched Borg wreathed in flame drop.

Parhtz laughed at the flaming Borg. Maybe now the tide would again turn in their favor. He raised his TR116 and began to shoot repeatedly, hoping to keep the Borg off guard and away from the body of the Marines.

"Nineteen! Twenty!" Amarylis yelled out calling the number of skulls she had shattered with her weapon. "Twenty-One." she exclaimed again felling yet another target.

Kara heard a noise from behind them. "We're blocked in!" She pulled out a frag grenade, pulled the pin and threw it behind the oncoming Borg. She hoped it was strong enough to kill the Borg but not strong enough to collapse the tunnel. Either way, it was a risk worth taking. Better that then let the Borg sandwich them.

Wilhelm ducked as the frag went off with a bang. Using the opportunity to put a fresh magazine in his weapon. He also made a mental note to talk to these marine's CO if they made it out of this. He then raised and began firing at the group coming up behind them.

The frag grenade landed behind the second row of Borg and took out a dozen, but that still left far too many moving far too fast.

(To be continued…)

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Master Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Delta lead
USS Calypso

Staff Sergeant Kara Melo
Alpha Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Sergeant Amarylis Beckinsale
USS Calypso

Private Trent Kushner
USS Calypso

Private Parhtz


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