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[Columbia] Bring it On! (part 2)

Posted on Tue Dec 4th, 2012 @ 4:47pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Edited on on Tue Dec 4th, 2012 @ 4:54pm

817 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: The Caves of Tiberius IV



The frag grenade landed behind the second row of Borg and took out a dozen, but that still left far too many moving far too fast.


Kara raised her TR119 and began to shoot.

Throwing away his compression rifle, Cam pulled out his TR-110 sidearm and started firing. "We need to fall back!! Focus fire on our rear, make a hole!!"

"Aye, sir! You heard the Master Sergeant, fall back!" Kara ordered her men.

"Fall back! Covering fire front!" Wilhelm ordered what was left of his Marines. Standing up shooting towards the front while stepping back letting the Calypsos clear the way back.

Changing his pistols clip, Cam stood beside Wilhelm covering his back. As soon as the others were a few meters away, he tapped Wilhelm on the shoulder with his free hand, "your up, Go!!" He called over the gunfire.

The Borg in the front were adapting to the weapons fire. They were keeping covered as much as possible so as not to be in the direct line of fire. Their speed was hard to deal with as the moment one fell, two more took its place.

Parhtz was feeling out-gunned and overwhelmed. In an act of desperation, he pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin and threw it into the Borg. "Fire in the hole!" He then opened up to fire as rapidly as he could. But he couldn't seem to get the upper hand. They were coming faster then he could mow them down.

Loading his last clip into his pistol, Cam started to panic, "Anybody gat any ideas?"

"Stop talking and put more bullets down range." Amarylis said switching her pistols to full auto.

One of the 21st Marine survivors chimed in, "I have a high powered satchel charge... We could make our own exit. Or bury us, or both..."

Wilhelm cringed. "We blow that thing ten to one says we're dead." he said slamming his last clip in and taking out his sabre and extending it, anticipating a final hand to hand run.

hobbling over to the Marine survivor, Cam held out his free hand, "Give me the charge than start running. I want everyone clear before i set this thing off"

"Maybe if we all scream like crazy and run at the Borg behind us we could confuse them enough to get out?" Parhtz said. "That or use the Force and levitate them all out of the way, but I'm plum out of Force points."

Kara gave him a resigned look. "We don't have The Force, Parhtz. But maybe if we throw a flash bang THEN run like crazy we might get past them in the confusion."

Wilhelm pulled out a Sparkler grenade made by one of his men. "This'll do just nicely. Smoke, flashes minor concussives very handy."

"Perfect. On your orders, Colonel."

Wilhelm looked over at Cam "Good luck." Wilhelm primed the grenade and pitched. Waiting a second a series of concusive blasts followed. He quickly switched his HUD to standard setting because he knew the smoke would mess up IR. "Come on boys and girls." Wilhelm said charging first into the smoke saber and pistol at the ready. Encountering a Borg immediately he sliced sideways with the sword that passed clean through the target. Wilhelm kept running and hacking as he went.

Amarylis changed her clips and slowly made her way into the smoke taking shots at anything with the signature red laser. For the advantage it supposedly gave the Borg it made for easy pickings when masked by a smoke grenade.

Waiting until everyone had disappeared into the smoke, Cam turned around and faced the main force of Borg. Reaching into his shirt, he pulled out a small silver cross attached to a thin silver chain wrapped around his neck "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen" he said, rubbing the cross before activating the Carge, "come on, let's dance" Cam than threw the charge and detonated it, causing the passageway to collapse.

Wilhelm was hit by the shockwave from behind, knocking him down. "Knew that thing would blow big.." He muttered, stood up and kept going till it looked like he was up to the intersection were the teams split where he waited and carefully cleaned the blood off his sabre.

Kara picked herself up and looked back at the cavern. The ceiling had collapsed, effectively stopping the attack from that direction. Unfortunately, there was no way to tell if Cam was alive on the other side, or buried in the rubble. Not yet, anyway. She turned towards the remaining Borg and began shooting her way out.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Master Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Delta lead
USS Calypso

Staff Sergeant Kara Melo
Alpha Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Sergeant Amarylis Beckinsale
USS Calypso

Private Trent Kushner
USS Calypso

Private Parhtz


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