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[Columbia[ Of Borg and Men (part 1)

Posted on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 4:09am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 4:20am

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Back on the bridge, the computer beeped the approach of another ship.

Malcolm heard the beeps of the console and began to worry a little bit."Ops, whats that beeping and what is it indicating?"

"Incoming ship. It's the Borg, sir."

Malcolm suddenly had a huge ball of fear envelop his stomach."Ready weapons! Battlestations, Commodore to the bridge!" he shouted trying not to cry from fear. The view screen then popped on and whimpered a little as it did so.

Vance appeared on the viewscreen. "Commodore, lower your defenses. You can't begin to imagine the possibilities you are denying yourself of.

"Hi Commander, uh I'm kinda in charge right now until the Commodore arrives so if I could maybe put you on hold for a moment or two, then you could relay your message of doom and gloom to her, that alright?" he responded trying to delay a little



"Irrelevant, Lower your defense Lieutenant, don't let the arrogance of your Captain deny you a greater existence. We can offer you so much more than the bounds of humanity could ever. We can offer you a family whose loyalty will never waiver and whose embrace is everlasting. Come now, resistance is....unwise." she finished her statement giving the Lieutenant a beckoning smile.

Samantha saw the message from Vance appear on the viewscreen and walked briskly out of her ready room. She hoped Tallas, Jourdan and Eamon had enough time to get everything ready. Just in case, she would try and stall -- if you could stall a Borg.

She turned to Malcolm as she walked to the center chair. "Report."

"We have our beloved Commander threatening us with the typical Borg soap box speech of resistant is futile you will assimilated blah blah blah." Malcolm then walked over to the Commodore and whispered in her ear."Can you pleaaaaase take over now, I'm not cut out for this stuff, I mean come on the Borg, really? I'm a counselor not a tactician." he said trying not to have a nervous break down.

"You've done magnificently," Sam assured him. "I'll take over now."

Sam made sure the comm was off and turned to tactical. "Launch escape pods. Same pattern as before." Let Vance think she was going to use the same trick. Hopefully, Sam could still catch Vance off guard.


Vance watched as the escape pods left the Calypso. Scans of the pods masked the true contents but the probability dictated that the pods contained tri-cobalt devices.

Lock on to the devices, transport to Grid forty seven, subsections eleven, twelve and fourteen.

Vance hailed the Calypso once again.

"Your move Captain...."

[[Calypso Bridge]]

Excellent. Now, Sam needed one more thing before destroying the Rhombus. She needed Vance.

She tapped a command on her console, hoping Tallas had done her job. The proximity alarms sounded and Sam smiled. "I'm bringing on reinforcements. Since Starfleet is still enroute, I called on a few friends."

Just then, two Cardassian ships uncloaked behind the Borg ship.


Two Vessels decloaking at coordinates 314 mark 159. Identified as species two zero zero zero, Cardassian.

Vance's attention was soon turned away from the Calypso as she began to feel anger. Her blood was boiling, the voices becoming blinded by rage.

Species unfit for assimilation, terminate immediately. Vance commanded turning the vessel about.

[[Calypso Bridge]]

Sam cut the audio so Vance couldn't hear her and turned to communications. "Contact the strike team. Tell them to get Vance now while she's distracted."

"Tactical, take down their shields. Ops, as soon as possible, beam back our people."

"Workin' on it," Eamon called as he made several taps at his console, he had to switch frequencies of the phasers and modulated the torpedoes launchers to give every torpedo it's own frequency. He fired everything but towards different parts of the Rhombus.

"Direct hit. Shields are down."

"Tallas, time for the Cardassians boarding party. Let's see how Vance handles them coming after her."

"Transport everyone but the strike team back on board," Sam ordered.

She sent a covert message to the strike team, informing them to grab Vance as quickly as possible.

[[Central Plexus, Rhombus]]

Allocating additional reserve power to defensive systems.

Second Lieutenant Martin Lewis looked at his team. "How much further to the Central Plexus?" He asked his Squad Sergeant. "'Bout fifty meters such." The Sergeant said with a deep Louisiana drawl. Lewis and his team were the only ones to make it this deep into the Rhombus. "Let's keep on moving. Got those explosives ready Cranth?" Lewis asked a Bolian corporal who nodded back.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Malcolm Hoffman
Chief Counselor
USS Calypso

Commander Alexandra Vance
Executive Officer
USS Calypso

Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Eamon Lynx
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

NPC'd by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg


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