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[Tiberius] Cacophonous Symphony (part 2)

Posted on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 11:25am by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 11:32am

723 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV

"If you'll excuse me for a moment Commodore." Wilhelm said and moved over towards Tan'Ru. Nodding politely to Miral on the way. He could immediately see her fidgeting and almost a look of panic. Wilhelm respectfully kept his distance and bowed slightly. "Hello. I'm Colonel von Hackleberg. How do you do?"

Her first look of the Colonel is towards his unit insignia. She closed her eyes for a moment of thanks to the elements when he is definitely not from the same unit that sexually assaulted her; her sister; her friends; and brutally murdered numerous other Romulan women and children on the Romulan territorial world during the Dominion War.

"Uhlan Hrienteh of the Imperial Romulan Navy. On assignment as the Temporal Science Officer of the USS Jefferson." She reminded herself of the "orders" that came DIRECTLY from the a powerful Senate member. "It's a privilege to meet someone of your ranking Colonel. Usually, the only time Senior Romulan Officers speak to the Junior ranking ones in a public setting is to make an example, but I have been informed by the Commodore that such events do not occur very often in your fleet."

She relaxed a little giving the Colonel a somewhat forced grin. She moved her weapon hand to the back of her to hide the shaking, and used mental training to stop the terrors of the past from invading her memories.

There was history there, Lestari could see it not only in the body language but in the way the air changed between the, as the Colonel moved towards Tan'Ru. She could taste it, but she knew no reason for the ill feeling.

Lestari kept her silence, and continued to observe.

When the Colonel stepped away from Curzon, Sam moved closer. "Something in her past," she told Curzon telepathically. "She's almost frozen with panic but she's fighting it."

Bennett looked at her and nodded. He decided that now was the best time to intervene - they'd kept the Tiberians waiting for long enough now.

'All right, let's go meet them.'

Leading the group over towards the waiting factions, Bennett stopped a few feet away and addressed them both at the same time, careful not to imply bias by addressing one group first.

Douresh and his grouping stood off to his left. Most wore the baggy clothing of the deep-desert dwellers. Their peoples had been here for at least two centuries, one of the extreme edges of the early colonisation efforts following the Earth-Romulan War, and had adapted accordingly. Most were grungy, skin streaked with dust, earth and sweat.

Most seemed to be of Middle Eastern descent, but there were a fair few Caucasians and other races present amongst them. Bennett clocked the curious fact. Membership not based on ethnicity. Must be cultural.

Follett and his gang would blend in on any Federation world. Most wore nondescript clothing that would not look amiss on any of the core worlds - perhaps a bit out of fashion by now, but not comically so. They too were sweating, beads tracking down variously nervous, mutinous or anxious faces. No wonder in those suits.

Zeke Batfeathers was dressed in long tan robes reminiscent of early Hebrew clothing. He was accompanied by three women in white Grecian gowns and two large Samoans in battle dress. All had long hair that flowed loose past their shoulders. He bowed to Captain Bennett. "Welcome. I am Zeke Batfeathers. I represent Morgan Damron and Damron City. Morgan regrets she can not be here to greet you personally, but she is officiating at the Wild Man Competition on Inti Colony."

'As you know, I'm Captain Bennett of the USS Jefferson. As you know, a ship from Typhon was en-route, but has since gone missing. We were asked to step in and help mediate an end to your conflict.' Bennett paused and surveyed the two groups for a moment. 'Given the sensitivities, Starfleet thought it wise to have an external observer in the form of Ambassador Annhwi of the Romulan Star Empire.'

Both leaders of the factions gave a curt nod in her direction. Doubtless wheels were turning in their heads already, the better to take advantage of this development.

Miral gave them a polite half-bow.

'If you'd kindly lead on to the meeting-place then?'




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