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[Tiberius] Cacophonous Symphony (part 3)

Posted on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 11:27am by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 11:35am

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Tiberius IV

The Assembly building was a squat dome, a dirty grey against the yellowing sky. It had clearly not been used for a long while, judging by the unkempt flower beds and hedgerows that lined the route to the main entrance. And it had certainly taken a beating during the conflict. Bennett could see disruptor burns, and what looked like bullet-holes in the faade.

The others led them through a side-entrance, filing in one after the other only once Bennett had intervened to cease their childish squabbling about who was to enter first.

Inside was much cooler than the parkland in which they had landed. The corridors through which they walked were spartan, utilitarian. Most likely used for the backroom business of a functioning polity.

Finally they were ushered through to a large meeting room, with an especially large round table around which all the delegations, and the Jefferson team could be seated.

Bennett bade them all do so.

Wilhelm looked around. They've been busy... he thought and took his seat noticing a couple of people from the colony farther north he helped established. He noticed a look of shame coming from them as they spotted him.

Miral looked around carefully, noting what was in the room and where everyone congregated. She chose to watch the others take their seats first to see what she could learn from them.

Sam chose an out-of-the-way seat so she could observe. She noticed that the Romunal Ambassador seemed to be doing the same. Her eyes followed Curzon, then she relaxed and listened to the emotions radiating from the others. She wasn't going to eavesdrop on their thoughts, but if any of them were particularly loud or forceful, she wouldn't be able to avoid their mental "shout."

The cooler air came as a relief to Lestari and she closed her eyes for an instant letting it wash over her. Cooler air, cooler thoughts ... not that the thoughts of the gathering delegation were likely to be cool in the main.

Unlike the others Lestari had no intention of taking a seat. She stood not far from the door, her back straight against the wall, staring into the middle distance as others filed in and took their places.

Clearing his throat, Bennett set a PADD on the table, and set it to record the meeting.

Cutting through the hubbub that filled the room, he stated clearly that, 'I call to order the first general meeting of the Starfleet Mission to Tiberius V, Commodore Bennett presiding and assisted by,' he listed the names of the group that had arrived with the Jefferson.

'If each group leader would state their names, their organisations, and their grievances, we'll begin with those to my left ...'

Almost immediately, the shouting started. Bennett kept his cool, and shot a glance in Sam's direction. It was going to be a long session.

The meeting is getting interesting to Tan'Ru. Not so much different from "diplomatic" meeting in Romulan territory, but of course the Tal'Shiar would quickly step in if any type of minor rebellion would show its face. Tan'Ru is here to observe, and on a PADD she wrote all of her thoughts in a short hand that would be "gibberish" to Starfleet. It is an ancient and no longer used language from hill country that was taught to her by her maternal great-grandmother. Only about less than 100 Romulan's know the actual language. Of course there is no proper word for her description to the Marine's as there are no "Gorilla" type creatures ... perhaps a more worthless creature would fit them.

Her observations are for two uses. One to get to better know Starfleet for her generation and the next generation for hopefully better relations as it has been suggested, and it is also to be used by the Tal'Shiar for their own personal observations.

Upon transmitting the data with Starfleet's blessings, it will go directly to the legislative and executive branches of her government ... but the Tal'Shiar also has its own form of "piggy back" communication that is very carefully hidden in the transmission that Starfleet isn't even aware of it.

Other information only for the eyes of the Tal'Shiar is sent out encrypted in a transmission to her family.

As shouting continued it brought a small amusement to Tan'Ru. Diplomats are nothing than overgrown children!

* * *

The meeting had dragged on for three hours already. All that had been agreed was that they would break into sub-groups to discuss various aspects of resolving the conflicts. Bennett himself would chair one on reparations to all sides. He was exhausted.

'As it's almost time for the evening meal, I suggest we break there for today, and meet again tomorrow. Just a short general meeting before we move into groups. I can't stress how the faster we move on these items, the faster the conflict will come to an end.' He looked around the table, 'I hope you realise that too.'

He got to his feet. 'Until tomorrow, then.'

Wilhelm stood and bowed slightly. For the most part he avoided the arguments and only piped up in an eloquent manner when it came to Camp Stonebreaker. This is going to take awhile.. he thought.


Commodore Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Jefferson

Commander Samantha York
Executive Officer
USS Jefferson

Lieutenant Lestari Cheten
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Jefferson

Tan'Ru Hrienteh
Romulan / Starfleet Liaison Officer
USS Jefferson

Colonel Wilhelm von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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