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[Typhon] A Dawning Realization (part 1)

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 3:43am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]
Edited on on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 3:56am

1,157 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


[Aboard the Hawthorne]
Morticia enjoyed being out on her ship again. It had been far too long with one thing and another. Mostly business aboard Typhon and a relationship with Skylar. But something had changed. She wasn't sure what, but she could feel it. A shifting. She was sure once she returned to Typhon that Skylar would be gone.

So, to keep herself distracted, and because she hated to sit and wait for things to happen, here she was, aboard the Hawthorne having a good look around at the area. Something was definitely wrong here. Something that she was missing. She hoped that a good, detailed scan of the area would uncover some clues.

In sickbay, Basil frowned. He had tried to pull up a treatise on Xenopolicythemia and its symptoms, but had gotten a rousing chorus of "La Marseillaise". "Computer, run a diagnostic on the medical database. Look for anomalies and cross-linked files." he said.

The computer promptly told him to go do something anatomically impossible.

He tapped his comm badge, it emitted a flatulent noise. "That's not very damned funny," he growled, and headed towards the doors in order to talk to the engineering team.


Leo was in Operations helping the officers there understand what was going on. To the least it was not going well. The duty science officer announced that the starbase was now located in the Delta quadrant; unfortunately no where near the course Voyager had used to get home. They were in unexplored space with no back up.

"Commander, I'm getting power fluctuations on the lower decks, but they are not frequent." The operations officer said.

"Are internal sensors back online?" Leo asked.

"Not yet, I got this from the relays used to monitor power distribution."

"Have you been able to contact anyone in the affected areas?" Leo asked.

"Communications are still being worked on according to the last update from the runner they sent down."

Leo frowned. "Keep an eye on it," he ordered.


[Aboard the Hawthorne]

Eight hours so far and nothing to show for it. Even with her special scanning equipment she found nothing. At least she wouldn't be caught unawares.

She sent her hourly report to Khiy and turned to "Thing." "Anything matching the information in the database? Any familiar patterns?"

Thing, a computer interface in the form of a hand shook a finger from side to side to indicate a negative response. It then tapped across a keypad and continued searching.

"Great. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me if you find anything."

[Prison Ship]

Otto looked over the controls of the shuttle and looked at Cressidia. "That mother is gonna blow big..." Glancing briefly at the Breen Bomber then to the shuttle's shields and structural integrity monitors to make sure they were at 100 percent. With a bit of a smile, "Fire in the hole." and he hit the detonators...

With a bright flash the Breen ship disappeared and thoroughly wrecked the area around it in a expanding shockwave. Flame and debris also went flying in a expanding circle from the now vaporized ship. With a great shock it hit the shuttle throwing Otto from his seat and against a bulkhead. As quickly as it came the force of the blast disappated leaving the inside of the large alien shuttle bay a wreck. Multiple things were on fire as secondary blasts started goin off as pieces of equipment and other powercores destabilized near where the Breen ship was. Painfully, Otto peeked out the viewport and seen instead of an open way into space, a network of corridors deeper into the structure.

"Damn. This place is bigger then we thought. You alright Commander?" Otto turned seeing Cressidia on the floor.He rushed over to her "Cressidia?" he immediately grabbed a nearby med kit.

Cressidia had been knocked against one wall when the blast hit and was momentarily unconsious. It was not a good day for head injuries. After only a few moments of unconsiousness however, she blinked dazed. Her head hurt. Which was actually a good sign, since it meant she could still feel it. She moved her legs, and pushed herself up into a sitting position. Also good, no spinal damage. "Nice explosion. Remind me to call you next time I need to blow something up." She said, trying to be a bit cheerful about it all, being angry or sad or frustrated would not help anything right now.

Otto moved to help her up, "We blast to please... Now what? I don't think staying here would be a good choice."

It was like something or someone was preventing primary systems except for life support and environmental controls from coming back online. Leo supervised the operations center survivors as they worked but with only auxiliary power supplying their efforts it wasn't making a difference.

"We may have intruders who are already somewhat in control of the station." The operations officer offered.

Leo didn't like that and if it was true he should at least investigate the fluctuations before checking on the main reactors. "I leave you in command here, keep working and once communications are back online tell me." He ordered.

"Will do."

With that Leo and a few security officers that were in Ops at the time of the accident headed out to find out what the hell was going on below decks.

[Aboard the Khellian]

Khiy leaned against the frame of the entrance to the bridge with his arms crossed over his chest. He begrudgingly allowed the captain of his pried K'vort lead this mission while he sat nearby and "observed".

"Report." The Andorian captain demanded of his crew. He wasn't a fan of his employer looking over his shoulder, but it was a hard fought concession he had to make. As it was, he was trying to make a show of his command ability of TGT's largest warship. It was clear that Khiy wanted to take the reigns and leave him behind. His career hinged on making a good impression.

The sensor specialist gave a cursory glance to Khiy before turning his attention to his Captain. "Sensors are reading nothing anomalous, Sir."

"Communications read all clear except for some station chatter." The comm specialist quickly added.

"Weapon systems primed and awaiting orders." Came the third call.

"Engineering reads full power on all systems."

"Excellent." The Andorian said with a smile. It was as much as he expected. "Keep your eyes sharp." He turned to face Khiy. "This little venture will be good to stretch the ship's legs, but I don't think we will find anything if the station hasn't yet."

(To be continued...)

Morticia alter ego of
Ravyn Addam
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans Galactic Trading


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