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[Typhon] A Dawning Realization (part 2)

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 3:50am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Edited on on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 3:58am

891 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: In and around Typhon



"Excellent." The Andorian said with a smile. It was as much as he expected. "Keep your eyes sharp." He turned to face Khiy. "This little venture will be good to stretch the ship's legs, but I don't think we will find anything if the station hasn't yet."


Khiy glared at him and said nothing for a number of moments. "You claim that you have put together the best crew possible for this ship, correct?" He finally growled.

"The best money can buy." The Captain frowned back. How dare he challenge his and his crew's ability.

Khiy pushed himself off the door frame and slowly walked over to the man. He leaned in close so that only the two of them could hear what was said. "Then why is it that no one has picked up a cloaked ship within our short range sensors? Not only that, but no one has noticed the coded transmissions between that ship and mine?" He pulled the PADD and showed the man the status updates that he and Morticia had been rebounding for the last few hours.

The Andorian would have paled if it was within his species skin pigments.

"You and your people are obviously not taking this seriously enough or you would have found at least the comm leak." He simply shook his head and walked off the bridge into the Captain's conference room.

This wasn't even Khiy or Morticia's "A" game. How could he trust this crew's ability if they couldn't find a couple of lazy runners?

Khiy typed his latest report to Morticia and sent it off. He added the frustrations he was having with the people around him as well. "Might as well chat while we are out here." He said to himself.


"I prefer to think that we're just that good," Morticia replied to Khiy's latest transmission. "I mean, we've had enough practice at it." Then, deciding to take another tack, she added, "Still, your people really should have noticed SOMETHING. We're not trying our best to be covert."

She looked over at Thing who seemed far too pleased with himself, even for an avatar. "Have you been practicing?" she asked it.

The hand looked even more smug, which was quite a feat for a hand. "Khiy, I think Thing has been working on some new communication techniques. He's quite pleased with himself."

A proximity alarm began to ring. "Looks like we found something. I'll report later."

She sent off the transmission to Khiy and turned to Thing. "Back off and scan the area. Find out what's out there before we run into it."


Leo and his escorts were just stepping off the turbolift when all the power around flickered then went offline. He pulled out his tricorder and took a few scans. "It appears life support is still operational," he stated.

"Clearly there must be an intelligence behind this."

Leo was inclined to agree. "It appears that way, let's get to the main reactor room." The team activated torches clipped onto their forearms and made their way to the jefferies tubes that will take them into the power plant for the entire starbase.

One thing that worried Leo, no lifesigns at all. He didn't like the thoughts he was having.

[Lower Decks]

Pete and Repeat sat at the bar, treating the house. They'd found a way to introduce Borg nanites into the beer to infect more people. So far it was working brilliantly.

Repeat stood and raised a stein to the room. "Drinks are on us!"

[Typhon Engineering]

It was quiet. Too quiet, and that was giving Leo the hebegebees. He could see the same from those with him, both of younger ages and impressionable. Though he know they could hold their own. "Okay keep alert," Leo encouraged.

They reached the main reactor complex and found that everything was still operational. "Odd," Leo stated, he concluded that the power was going somewhere else instead of where it should be.

"Sir I'm reading life signs in the control room but according to this they slightly different biology, I can't identify it." One of the young security officers.

Leo found himself feeling even more worried then before and hoped he was just suffering from extreme paranoia. "Okay let's sneak in and have a look." He decided to take point as he wanted to do some on-the-job training for his team. "Follow me," he ordered and they made their way in via a Jefferies tube that would shield their entrance.

[Main Reactor Control]

Once in position Leo could see that the people in the room looked normal but somewhat acted stiffly. He wondered what was going on and heard a tricorder open, he quickly snapped around and used both hands to force the loud scanner shut. "Switch to silent mode," he instructed at a whisper.

The younger man blushed with embarrassment and made the adjustments on the top of the device and slowly opened it again, now it made no sounds. It revealed Borg energy signatures within the people working at the stations. The wide-eyed expression told Leo that the security officer was surprised.

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans Galactic Trading

Morticia alter ego of
Commander Ravyn Addams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Pete and Repeat
Borg Infiltration Drones


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