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Going Home

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2013 @ 9:59am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson [Lane] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyle Peterson [Lane] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

1,024 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Kyle was absolutely busy out of his mind. With most of the engineering staff dead, disabled, or not on board, it was left mainly to him and a handful of others, he could count them on his fingers, to get as much of Typhon running again as he could. Only minutes before, he had been forced to reroute all the power, again, after a lone drone had turned over half the station off. Luckily life support had remained functional, but the sensors had not come on again with the rest of the station. Nor had the weapons. Or other assorted systems, including about half of the turbolifts in engineering. Shields were low, which was his current task of highest interest, since he had been told they might be moving soon. Which meant they would need full shields to help maintain structural integrity.

Jane Porter was relieved to hear that the Borg were now contained. She'd kept to her arboretum as it was a safe place. But she missed not going out and seeing other people. She still kept to herself, but the oppressive feeling of impending doom was gone and she was now happily planting new flowers in anticipation of returning "home."

Kyle nearly jumped with joy when he finally got the shields restored to full capacity, but since he was stuck in a jeffries tube, jumping would have been a bad idea. He didn't need to be unconsious after all, there were still many slightly less, but still very, essential systems that needed repairs. Like long range sensors, and some of the more detailed functions of the internal sensors, and a lot of the power conduits that had been converted to supply the borg when they were on board.


Jane hummed as she trimmed dead branches and turned the soil. There was an excitement in the air now that was contagious. Finally, after what seemed like months, she would soon see Wilhelm again. She'd missed him terribly and kept a picture of him on her desk in her workroom. She hoped he was well and would be there when Typhon returned.


Raven sat on the couch in her office, her feet on the coffee table. "Edgar, have you finished looking through the data?"

The raven turned to look at her and nodded. "Three teraquads of data read and sorted."

"Did you find information on the wormhole that brought us here?"


"Edgar," Raven said, putting her feet down and sitting up straighter. "Could you enlighten me?" Sometimes she wondered if she put too much personality in her avatar.

"I could." He flew over to the coffee table. "The Borg Sphere created the wormhole that brought the Starbase to the Delta Quadrant."

Raven smiled. That was better news than she'd hoped for. "Can we use the information to recreate the wormhole and get back home?"

"Perhaps. It would take linking the Sphere to the Starbase to generate the power necessary to create and maintain the wormhole long enough to get us back. We will also need to combine the two computers to ensure that we get back to our baseline coordinates."

"Valid point. Get me the information and I'll present it to the Commander." Captain Kelly had gone missing at some point during the Borg Rebellion and she feared he was dead, but the Commander was still around and doing her best to pull the station together.

Edgar nodded and flew back over to the computer to put together a working system.

Raven tapped her combadge. "Adams to Lane."

Cressidia heard her comm badge chime, and answered it. "Lane here, what is it Commander? Are we ready to head back?" She tried not to sound too eager.

"Maybe. I've found a way to recreate the wormhole, but it'll take hooking the Sphere to the Station. They'll need to work as one to get enough power to get us home. It's risky."

Cressidia nodded, knowing very well that Raven couldn't see her do so. "We'll try it, I saw the shields go back to a reasonable level again just a minute ago, we've got very few engineers right now, but I think if you told Chief Peterson, he could help integrate the systems. With the shields and the power, everything else can just wait 'til we have a few more engineers. Unless you're ready right now, and you've already got it set up?" Cressidia hoped that she did, the sooner they got back the better.

"Not yet. I'm still running tests," Raven said. "But if all goes well, I'll be ready in an hour or two."

"Excellent, I'll let you get to it." Cressidia said, containing her happiness except for a slight smile. She cut the communication, and mulled over what else needed done.

==Lower Decks==

Otto watched the group of people on stretchers go by, "Finally, I think we got the last of the Borg. Corporal take these patients to Medical for their restoration surgeries. If anyone of them starts moving stun them again...."

Donnie was the one around who was pointing out who went where in the sick bay. With most of the others busy, someone had to tell the marines who brought everyone in where to put them. "Let's bring them over here." He said, leading the way through the rows of stretchers. "Do you know how many more are coming?" He hoped there wouldn't be too many more, or else they would have to spill out into the hallway.


Raven and Edgar worked intently as they connected the Borg Sphere's power to the starbase and then linked the computers. Finally, she was ready. She opened a channel to the entire starbase. "All non-essential personnel, please go to your quarters. In fifteen minutes we will endeavor to recreate a wormhole back to the Alpha Quadrant."

The lights across the station dimmed as power was converted to creating and maintaining the wormhole. There was a loud roar, the station shook violently, then all power went out.



Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer



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