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Exterminating the Bugs

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 @ 1:59pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

824 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Various


Morticia circled the station to take the Hawthorne into its private docking bay when she noticed the lights were out. "What the ..." She ran several scans. There appeared to be no problems. Someone was shutting down the station.

"Morticia to Tal'ehrihn." She used the secure comm to Khiy. "Look at the starbase."

Khiy received the message from Morticia and quickly turned his head to face the comm specialist. "Put the base on screen." He got up from his chair and stood in the middle of the Khellian's bridge.

The image faded in from the static revealing the darkened station.

"What the ..." He said to himself. "What readings do we have from the station?"

"The core seems to be operating just fine. It looks like the power has been re-routed away from a majority of the systems." Came the ready response.

"Morticia, the station seems to be working fine." Khiy said over the communication link. "We have no idea whats going on. I talked to Commander Lane just a few minutes ago and everything was fine."

"Yeah. Looks like someone turned off the power. Doesn't look good. I'd like to find out waht's going on before I take the Hawthorne in."


[Bridge-post Leoborg fiasco]

As the marines took the Leo-drone out of the bridge, Cressidia pointed to a security officer. "I want you to start working on restoring the functions of everything he just turned off." The officer got to it right away, even though they looked very upset at the dragging away of their previous department head. Cressidia made a mental note to make sure everyone saw the counselor when they got this mess back to where it was supposed to be.

With the borg drone taken away by the marines and power being restored to the station by the security officer, Cressidia went back over to the communications terminal and opened a link with the Hawthorne on a ten second delay. Stepping to the center of the room, she waited the remaining 7 seconds. "Commander Lane to the Hawthorne." She requested, formally.

"Hawthorne here," Morticia said. She had a voice modulator permanently attached to her comm system so it wouldn't sound like her.

"Hello. Khiy told me you were the one to ask about the sphere on the side of the station, i was wondering what your plan with it is." Cressidia had sat when she saw there was no picture. She was slightly annoyed that whoever this was thought it was necessary to use a modulator for their voice.

"I plan on getting as much information out of it as I can. I think the Borg are responsible for bringing us here and this Sphere may hold the key to getting us back," Morticia said. Then she asked, "What happened to the power on the station?"

"Excellent. Getting back would be a welcome change. As for the power, it was turned off by one remaining borg drone. He was the last one, but as you can see he did some damage. We're getting it back online though, a matter of minutes- just some rerouting." Cressidia responded. "When you find the way back, please do give us a warning before using it. If at all possible."

"I plan on giving my data to Commander Adams. I don't have the facilities on my ship to work with the Sphere," Morticia said.

"Excellent, I'll be able to get it from her. Lane out." Cressidia turned off the communication, and sighed. She tried not to let the stress show, but she was worried. Well and truely worried. How many other officers and crew had been lost to this borg infection? Some had probably been beyond the help of removing the infection threat, and certainly those who were had died. She was worried, and it showed on her face. She took a moment, and when the thirty seconds that she had allotted for it were up- she wiped it from her face. Compartmentalizing would do for now, she could cry over the reports later, in private.


Morticia watched as the lights came back on and carefully made her way into her private shuttle bay.

When everything was secured, she took the side entrance and disappeared into the inner workings of the starbase.

She took a roundabout path, not wanting to run into anyone -- especially any Borg. Even though she now sported long, straight, black hair which went a long way towards altering her appearance and different makeup, she didn't want to take the chance she'd be caught or assimilated.

Finally, she came through the hidden entrance into her quarters and stripped out of her clothes, carefully washing them and putting them away for next time.

After a long, hot shower, she sat down at her computer and began to analyze the data from the Borg Sphere.


Morticia Gomez
Independent Merchant

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer


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