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New Guests On Board (part 1)

Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 2:23pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane & Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport & Lieutenant Valerie Mira PhD & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Captain Warren Grey [Lane] & Captain Marrin Grey [Lane] & Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson [Lane]
Edited on on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 2:57pm

1,112 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: A Large Meeting Room


Cressidia walked in with the two trader captains, the only people in the room as of yet. She had just escorted them from their guest quarters, since they were not familiar with the station yet.

"Thank you so much for letting us use your station to repair our ships." Captain Warren said, smiling through his thick, though greying, beard.

"It's not a problem really, that's why we're here. I've invited the officers and the business owners to come and meet you, so you have some company during your stay."

Marrin smiled. "It's too kind of you really." Despite the fact that the woman was over fifty, she was still quite fit, and did not take a seat when Cressidia offered her one. "No worries, I'll stand, at least until more people arrive."

Ravyn walked in, curious to learn more about the 'newcomers.' "Hello," she said, choosing to stand on the side of the room.

Lady Ebele was in a flowing long dress as she made her way to the requested meeting, the sky blue dress was fitted as she had to pay extra to have a rush job done. The shoes were hidden until she walk and then only for the slightest instant did the open toe show itself, the color was close enough to be formal. Her hair flow loose to help cover most of her lobes and she had a small clutch purse that held her Micro PADD.

Entering she look around and realized the Command Chain had started to arrive and this would be her first real impression since arriving. She had taken the time to memorize the pictures of those in command to know them on sight.

'Always know the customer before they enter your business.' She remembered the rule and followed it to a point.

Good Day Commander Adams." Ebele saw her first and closest. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Raven bowed. "Greetings. You must be one of the new arrivals."

"And grateful to be here." Ebele said with a slight curtsy. "I have been trying to get a business on Typhon for quite a while now. "I admit that with the repairs and systems down I have left my Business open ... as humans say, twenty Four seven so people can eat and trying to live up to the namesake of my Business."

"With a starbase, being open 24-7 is a good thing as the station has crew on duty constantly," Raven agreed. "I will definitely stop by soon."

Warren noticed that some people were starting to show up. He looked to his wife, and smiled. "You should go talk to them. Make friends."

Marrin smiled. "Watch me screw up your delicate plans." She walked over to the two women who were talking. "Hello." She said softly at a pause in the conversation. "Mind if I join you?"

"Hello, I am Lady Ebele." Ebele gave a half courtesy. "Please do , conversation is best when shared." She had to admit she liked to mingle; it was good for the soul as her 'Papa' had told her.

Kira Martin walked in, wearing a tank top and sweat pants. "Hi, everyone. Don't mind me, I just got out of a class." She smiled cheerfully at the crowd assembled. "I don't think I've met you," she said to Lady Ebele. "I'm Kira. I own Xanadu."

"Lady Ebele." She bow slightly. "of Kindness place."

"Oh, yes," Kira smiled. "I saw the sign. Welcome to Typhon."

"It is very good to be here." Ebele agreed. "I have a Not for Profit organization so to keep the Grand Nagus out of my affairs." She joked. "Please come to my place and I will give you our best service."

Marrin kept her eyes down when Ebele said not for profit, not wanting to show scorn at that. She looked up, and put on a smile. "Perhaps I could stop by sometime, do you serve food or just drinks." Paulaby would probably love a chance to eat real food.

"My chefs are always at your service." Ebele said with a smile.

"I'll have to come by some night," Kira said. "Although Xanadu has some healthy food, I encourage my patrons to eat a variety of nutritious meals."

Valerie is pacing back-and-forth in the office waiting for her 4 o'clock appointment to arrive who is 10 minutes late as it is.

"Ms. McLaren, can you come here." Valerie sounded from home office

Warrant Officer McLaren walked in to the main office to found Valerie looking over a PADD... "Ma'am is there something I can do for you?" Vanessa asked looking like if she said the wrong thing the lieutenant would get mad at her, has she knows how the Lieutenant hates being kept waiting..

Lieutenant Mira looked over at her Aide; " Warrant Officer McLaren, I need to get to the meeting in Ops, can you inform the Lieutenant Commander that I will be back in 30 minutes for appointment." she said has she walked out of her office need waiting for Vanessa to answer her.

Danielle left her son with the holographic nanny that she named Katy and headed to the meeting. Her uniform was pressed crisp, her blonde hair up nice and neat not a hair out of place. She stepped into the meeting room and found her way to one side near a view port. Dani disliked these things as she felt at odds on what to say to people when she wasn't taking their vitals. She had arrived weeks ago and had settled in, the last crate had been unboxed and the Sickbay was stocked and ready as always. Her position here was a tad easier then it had been on the Langport. Here she had a good staff, there they were always short staffed.

Donnie walked into the meeting, and was surprised by the amount of blue in the room. He had known about the new staff they had received, but never had he imagined they would be mostly medical. Or science, he didn't know about some of them yet. He looked around and spotted the new Chief Medical Officer, and decided it would be good to try talking to her.

"Hey. I'm Donovan Peterson, one of the doctors here. I just wanted to meet my new department head." Donnie said to her with a smile.

(To be continued...)

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer

Captain Warren Grey

Marren Grey

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness Place

Kira Martin
Owner, Xanadu

Lieutenant Valerie Mira
Chief Counselor

Warrant Officer Vanessa MacLaren
Counselor's Aide

Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Donovan Peterson


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