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Party Disasters (part 2)

Posted on Fri Sep 19th, 2014 @ 6:37am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Captain Warren Grey [Lane] & Captain Marrin Grey [Lane]

1,067 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



Khiy shook his head; they both knew better. The only reason for this kind of attack was to confuse and disorient. "Whatever is happening, I think it's already too late..."


"To stop, yes. But I'm not going to make it easy for them," Raven said. "In fact, I'm going to throw as many roadblocks in their way as I can."

She remembered something she'd received the day before and quickly pulled it up. "There's a party scheduled for today. The Greys. What do you want to bet they're behind this? Too late to call off the party, but you and I can make sure whatever they have planned fails. I've changed all access codes into the computer. IF they try to get in again, they'll fail. I've also put in some precautions in case they try. I'm going to ask Morticia to help as well." Both she and Khiy knew that "Morticia" was the name she used when she worked as an independent merchant. Sometimes her jobs took her into hostile territory and she often needed to get in and out of places without being noticed. She'd learned a lot in those days about subverting computer programs and security protocols. It looked like she'd need to pull some of those tricks out again if she and Khiy were going to stop the Warrens from whatever they had planned.

Khiy smiled at the notion of "Morticia" making one of her rare appearances, but he also understood the implications of it. "You realize we still don't know if anything is actually happening, let alone something enough to start pointing fingers at people."

"No, but there are too many little oddities that don't add up. I'd rather be cautious. Besides, everything I've uncovered about the Greys is so perfect it bothers me. And, on top of a big party just for fixing their ship, we have someone hacking into the Typhon's computers. Seems a bit too much of a coincidence to me."

The computer beeped and she turned to see what it found. A moment later, she sent a picture to Khiy. "Those are our hackers. Now we have the proof we need." The picture was of Paula and Abbey Grey.


Ebele was quiet in her entrances, she had made her way to the 'preparations Area first. Where the chef Mira had been busy in her culinary traits, the food was being prepped with an exacting care yet not pressing too hard.

"Lady Ebele..." Mira said with surprise. "I-I thought you were attending , not coming back to..."

"I am only here to give you the encouragement." Ebele said as she stood in her usual Floor length dress, a different one of peril and Ivory this time. "I am on my way in, I just wanted to thank you for bringing such honor to 'Kindness' Place's reputation."

The fact Ebele is half Ferengi but favors her human side more than the 'Vulgar' side that gave women no chance to be anything but naked slaves. Her hair was the most human of her features and like the Earth Fairy-tail Rapunzel, Ebele took great pride in her hair. It hung loose well past her shoulders; a way of defiance to the Ferengi side that suppresses women. She had a few trick up her sleeves that were more than just the supple skin under he Ivory sleeve with white lace. Ebele did not become vain but just assured of her appearance, being the ever-present hostess she played her part to the hilt. Even when a guest she dressed the part.

"T-thank you Lady Ebele." Mira had always wanted to show her pride in being of Ebele's staff, a woman that took Mira in despite the reputation and asked nothing of Mira's past. "I will not let you down." She glanced around. "Please excuse me, I DO have a reputation to upkeep." She winked.

"Yes of course." Ebele moved away and into the main area, her entrance barely noticeable as she followed two servers out and then gracefully separated to stand near the serving tables as though she had always been there.


Later it was time for the party to actually begin, Buck encouraged Marrin, with a playful smile and nodded to the lectern, to walk over to the dais for the opening speech. "This is your show," he teased.

Marrin smiled and whispered "go" into her communicator. Her crew was scattered over the station, anywhere and everywhere important. She stepped up to the dais. "Welcome everyone." She began. "First off I would like to thank everyone for their kindness, hosting us at your station." The confirmation came from her men that the docking ring was sealed. "I especially thank the engineers who helped repair our ships. Thank you all for your hard work, it makes a big difference in what we do." She paused here, as she was getting a report on the status of their take over, whispered into her ear by her communicator. In the back of the room Warren nodded. "I would also like to thank all of the staff who graciously showed our crew around the station, because we could never do it without you." Marrin couldn't smell the sleeping gas that was pouring into the room, but she couldn't help but doubt the antidote that was running though her system as she yawned.

Wilhelm started feeling groggy almost drunk taking a look at his drink quizzically, his instincts started to fire off "Son of a..." he muttered as he felt himself start to teeter-totter seeing Jane doing the same against the purpose built drink bar. Drunkenly he brushes the side of his belt and grabs a small phaser in a holster tucked into the small of his back and struggles greatly to bring the weapon in-line for a shot on the nearby Marrin.

"Wilhelm!" Jane called as she slumped to the floor.

The drowsiness came quickly and Buck was trying to fight it but the chemicals were potent. He found himself slowly lowering to the ground and he saw everyone in the room except the traders doing the same.

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness Place

Captain Warren Gray
Captain Marrin Gray
Bad Guys

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackelberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant Jane Porter

Commander Buck Dukati
Executive Officer


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