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Party Disasters (part 3)

Posted on Fri Oct 10th, 2014 @ 12:23pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams & Captain Warren Grey [Lane] & Captain Marrin Grey [Lane]
Edited on on Fri Oct 10th, 2014 @ 2:48pm

1,072 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



The drowsiness came quickly and Buck was trying to fight it but the chemicals were potent. He found himself slowly lowering to the ground and he saw everyone in the room except the traders doing the same.


He realised that they were gased, but Buck thankfully noticed before that several senior officers didn't turn up and would be alerted to the situation. "Computer, lockdown all station command functions authorisation Ducati-zed-zed-nine---" He found himself unable to complete his command code and groaned in pain as he fell to the floor, as darkness took him he came to the conclusion he was just shot.


Krang was watching the monitors in his office when they suddenly started going out one by one. He tried to check their status with the computer and found he was locked out. He slapped his communicator to alert the Captain and was met with static. "Hanson, what the Hesmona is going on with my controls?"

"I don't know, Sir, but it's happening out here too."

"Adams to Darkmoon."

"Darkmoon here, what have you got?"

She sent him the image of the two hackers. "I don't know what they're up to, but I doubt it's anything good. I have, however, taken control of the main computer. I'll keep them from taking control of any major systems."

"I have lost all system access here in security, and until now, I haven't been able to reach anyone on the comms."

The traders worked in groups of three to mop up the stragglers in the corridors and the few officers who were still on duty during the party. Once the go was called, the teams began sweeping the station. All the quarters were locked and blacked out by the girls. Tomms, Blue, and Jones made up one of the teams, which was headed to security.

Jones motioned to Tomms to take the other side of the door, while Blue prepared to fire his phaser (on stun) straight through the door. They expected security to be one of the few occupied places on the station. When they were all ready, Jones let his hand drop to the door button. Blue entered the room first, firing at the officers he could see, which were few. Behind him, Tomms and Jones also slipped in, firing as the slid along the walls.

"Sir," Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana rushed in, "I've got an alert that gas is being used in the party hall." The Trill reported.

"Scramble all available teams and cycle the atmospheric scrubbers in there right now."

Raven heard everything as the comlink was still open. She locked down the entire station so that nothing could be accessed except by her, Khiy and Morticia. Whatever their plans were, they would not take over the station. Then she secured all the essential areas. Finally, she used her override and beamed everyone who was not an authorized crewmember on the station into the brig.

When all the traders suddenly found themselves in the brig, they were a bit confused. Hadn't everyone been knocked out at the party? It wasn't hard for Paula and Abbey to get the cells open with their computer, but the entire brig had been locked down, and that was more difficult to fix, since they were working against others, and not just the station's automated security programs.

After the ease with which the Grey children had overridden the station's automated systems, she wasn't surprised they got out of their cells. She had no idea what they'd done to the system, but she wasn't going to take anything for granted.

"Khiy, I've locked them in the brig, but I don't think they'll stay there for long. If they get off the station, or if the Mayfly launches, they're all yours."

Abbey and Paula worked furiously against the computers and the people on the other side. They were making gradual progress, but it was slow, since they constantly had to check back to make sure their previous successes hadn't been turned around on them.

Raven gave Edgar the task of continually changing the security codes to keep the traders from getting amy further control of the station and headed for the Hawthorne. It was time for Morticia to help Khiy.

[Marine HQ]

Sergeant Otto was working on his next pyrotechnical surprise on his bench when his COMM went off. "Captain Wilks to Sergeant Krupp. The Colonel's beacon has just gone off. Grab your men and see to him. Also, communications with Station Security just went off line we're routing a team that way."

Otto got his squad rounded up and made for the docking ring. Before entering the Ring his team came to a closed bulkhead door that wouldn't open. "Computer. Open bulkhead door... Sierra niner eight six five alpha. Authorization Krupp tango echo three three five bravo." Otto waited half a minute before "Access denied." echo'd back. "Emergency override: two one mike romeo three five niner one." Otto said with irritation as he started gesturing to his men to manually open the door and getting a denial once more.

Under manual control the door started to open slowly as a phaser blast came whizzing through from the other side startling Otto and his marines as they jumped back. "Krupp to MHQ. Regiment to arms! Repel boarders Docking Ring section 9865A. Secure all critical station areas. Alert Red pass on to Station Command. Computers have been compromised. Out." Otto said into his COMM then looked to his marines "Prepare for breach!" he said taking a frag and a sparkler grenade from his equipment bag and looked through the opening in the door with a feral grin.

Meanwhile the trader captains were busy with the task of getting their ships ready to hold all of the goods that they managed to take from the starbase. The warning came to them as soon as the Marines entered the docking ring. By the time the soldiers were at the doors of the Mayfly, the captains had readied a second round of gas, to be released when the sealed door to their ship was opened.


Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
NPC'd by Buck Ducati

Raiders: Blue, Tomms, Jones
NPCd by Cressidia Lane

Abbey and Paula Grey

Sergeant Otto Krupp


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