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Getting Back To Business (part 1)

Posted on Wed Mar 25th, 2015 @ 12:29pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Various


Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati ran a hand through his purple hair as he straightened his dress uniform. He had just been informed Rear Admiral Rollman was visiting Typhon, he wasn't sure why. He hoped Cressidia would tell him at the gathering she called for senior staff to attend.

Lady Ebele was asked to provide some catering and Buck invited Khiy Tal'ehrihn for a meeting he was going to have with him after the event was finished.

He was on his way the chosen conference room for the event. The speculations formed in his mind but he only gave them several moments consideration before dismissing them.

Lady Ebele had brought the best of her staff with her; as an admiral does call for her best chef and Susan was a human whom had the distinction of having studied in France and came out to the stars to showcase what she had learned.

The buffet had a variety of her work that looked as good as the samples Ebele had tried while helping to prepare the spread. With an eye to the detail a good meal should be as appealing to the eye as the pallet, inviting the guests to partake. To do any less would not be Ebele's style nor the level of professionalism of her employees. She paid top price for good reason.

Dressed to say in an Ivory long dress with white lace covering the Ivory to add contrast; the sleeves of her dress were only the lace, the longer cuffs added some grace to her look as she moved about. The hair was loose as she liked her Human heritage of blessing her with hair rather than the baldness of her Ferengi genes. Taking pride in her appearances Lady Ebele sought to have some grace as a hostess and with her very muted Ferengi facial features she could almost pass for a human. This feature had served her well in her business.

"I hope things are up to your expectations?" Lady Ebele took a flute of champagne; what she understood to be common among this type of celebratory occasion, to offer to Commander 'Ducky' Ducati. "Thank you for the offer to work this, Susan does love to show off her skills, I thank you for her chance to indulge in her learning, she really comes out of her shell this way." She smiled with her much closer to human style teeth. "Is there anything special I should know about the Admiral other than the importance of the rank?"

"I'm afraid I don't know know her personally but I'm sure she won't refuse small things you can present her. She is extremely busy so I should think she wouldn't be staying long." Buck said. "The best I can say is that have the selection and she would pick whatever."

He smiled. "I'm always happy to keep our on board businesses busy." He ran a hand through his purple hair and recalled the presentation he had planned for Khiy which made his smile a little wider.

Wilhelm was walking through the corridor with a young, butter bar lieutenant discussing the return to normalcy for the Regiment. "...Make sure when Triarii arrives she gets that cargo unloaded ASAP, and those replacements get to the proper quarters. We don't need them setting up camp on the Concourse again." Wilhelm said shaking his head at that particular experience. "On second thought get that pyromane Otto out of his workshop and get him and his band of misfits to police up those greenhorns." Wilhelm said seeing the designated space ahead. "Lieutenant." Wilhelm said curtly dismissing the frazzled lieutenant and stepped in. Letting out a low whistle, noting the spread he made his way over to the tea/coffee service and poured himself some tea into a very nice piece of china.

Eco ambled into the room they had been summoned to. There were still some repairs left to do - mostly minor now, the major work had been done - and it the hush-hush nature of the summons had not pleased him. He would rather have had a reason to leave the tasks at hand. This had better have been important.

Khiy arrived dressed as he normally had in the past; dark grey suit and a black dress shirt, no tie. He casually walked in and smiled to a number of guests that recognized him, but otherwise kept to himself. He was curious why he had been invited since this seemed like a Federation staff party, though he surmised he would find out soon enough.

Raven walked in and nodded to the others. She saw Khiy and smiled to see her friend there. She took a seat next to him.

Khiy smiled at his old friend. "I'm not much a fan of Starfleet, but I have to admit you throw a good looking party." He gestured to the guests in their dress uniforms.

"Not Starfleet," Raven admitted. "Lady Ebele. She is quite amazing. I think I will haev to do business with her."

Buck saw Eco, Raven, Khiy and Wilhelm enter. He smiled at them while offering a small wave as he stood next to Ebele.

Khiy allowed a polite smile and curt nod in return.

"Time to play Hostess Commander." She winked and moved over towards the small gathering of people The Commander had waved at. She knew at least one of the people and she recognized another.

"Hello Colonel." Lady Ebele greet the man she had taken Schnaps to as a gift to show how 'Kindness Place' stocked the real stuff and hope to get a recommendation for her place for his Marines. I am glad to see you came." She offered a smile to him.

Wilhelm did a small bow, "Lady Ebele." he said. "Thank you for the welcome. I see you went all out for this staff function. It all looks excellent!"

Ebele noticed another familiar face. "And Commander Adams, it has been a bit, welcome to the gathering." She bow slightly to Adams. "I do hope you will visit my Place again?"

"Of course," Raven assured her. "Now that we are back to normal, I hope to come here more often."

"She noticed the other two people. "Where are my manners, She bow slightly. "I am Lady Ebele, proprietor of Kindness Place, I was given the honor of catering this event for you all." She gave a wide smile. "Please enjoy the Buffet, my chief Suan has outdone herself."

"Please convey my compliments to her." Khiy stated. He took a moment to take in his surroundings. "You have done a lovely job here this evening. I'm not one to attend Starfleet functions, however, it would speak to their good taste if this is the calibre of service they expect."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness Place

Colonel WIlhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading


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