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Taking Back the Station -- Again (part 2)

Posted on Thu Feb 19th, 2015 @ 11:21am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lady Ebele [Mabrade]
Edited on on Thu Feb 19th, 2015 @ 11:27am

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: various



As Jez attempted to get the Colonel to his feet she nodded. "Yes most of them sir, the rest escaped but are being hunted down. How are you feeling? Can you stand?"

"Yes ma'am." He said raising himself up unsteadily. "I feel like I got a week long bender hangover though." he said with a smile.


The medical officer had to inject a stimulant into his blood to get him more focused. There wasn't much time to let it pass on its own. Jez then after a quick prevention of him nearly falling over let go slowly and smiled. "Sorry Colonel but I'm not a ma'am to you, your higher rank then I," she giggled for a few moments then smiled. "You better check in with the Commanders. Over there," she pointed to Lane and Ducati.

Feeling the stimulants take their course. He nodded his thanks and made his way over to Cressidia and Buck. "Whatever that gas was I don't want to mess with it again. What's our status?"

"I've heard the traders are in the brig with the few exceptions being tracked down. It's almost over now." Cressidia said with a tired expression.

Wilhelm nodded in approval.

"I'm sure Khiy and Raven have everything under control, would you be up to joining us in Ops, Colonel?" Buck asked still holding Cressidia up with arm around her back.

"I will yes. I'll be along shortly." Wilhelm said then started moving over towards Jane.

Cressidia was starting to feel a bit more clear headed, but she wasn't sure about her footing yet. "Let's head up to ops then, we'll see you again shortly Colonel."

Jane slowly became aware of voices around her. One in particular drew her attention. Wilhelm. She still couldn't move, but at least she knew he was okay.

After dealing with Wilhelm Jez approached Jane and with a smile asked. "Hello, can you move Lieutenant?"

"Not at the moment. Right now, I feel weighed-down. I'm hoping my head will clear and all will be ducky," she replied in a soft British accent. She was more afraid that if she stood up she would fall over and so wanted to be sure she could maintain her balance before she tried.

Moving over towards Jane, Wilhelm leaned down and put on a forced playful grin, "How we doing sleepy head? You missed breakfast it seems."

"I'm always peckish when I do that," she quipped. "It's only temporary," she assured him. "Must have pinched a nerve or something."

Lady Ebele moved towards the Servers and waiter staff, all the ladies seemed to be coming around. It was her job to help get this sorted, she did not have much to do with the staffing that was Lynda's job as it was her show and Ebele had come to just act the hostess.

"Well we can cu back on the complementary drinks." Lady Ebele said to the staff. "Kindness will drink this loss easy enough but do you have it handled?"

"Sure thing Lady Ebele." Tessa the Human Head waiter said. "Where are you going?"

"To see an old friend." Lady Ebele said. "He is a man who knows this sort of thing, he might be insulted enough about outsiders selling in his station to get a lead?" She nod. "Cover for me saying I felt ill and left."

With that Ebele started off to see a friend that might get a name of a distributor?

Leon saw a man over near the wall and went to him. "Lieutenant Commander Eco, can you hear me?" The Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer asked as he bent down and checked the Chief Engineer.

Eco blinked blearily, coming around. His head was pounding. Groaning he tried to prop himself up on his elbows, 'this is worse than that night on Ivel III,' he muttered.

Leon helped the engineer to his feet. "I'm not sure I want to know, maybe later, if you want to share it." Leon said then chuckled.


Morticia tracked the shuttles to one of the merchant ships. As soon as she had it clearly identified, she contacted Khiy. "The little birds have gone to roost. You say hello and I'll get their data."

[Morning's Wake]

Khiy stood from his chair. "Decloak and go to alert status." He ordered.

The previously invisible D'deridex class Warbird refracted the light around the hull, bent it and then slowly materialized over the course of a few seconds. The weapons array immediately started glowing and before long burnt green, casting a glow over the front of the capital class warship.

The trader vessel immediately banked and changed course.

Khiy smiled. "We've spooked them ladies and gentleman."

The bridge crew lightly snickered.

Khiy nodded to the anticipant communications specialist who quickly turned and opened a link. She half turned and nodded back to Khiy that the link was open.

"This is the Morning's Wake. I am giving your crew 30 seconds to cut power to engines, weapons and shields. You will be beamed to this ships hold and your vessel with be towed back to the station. Once there you will be transferred to Federation security offers where I presume official charges will be placed upon you. If you do not comply we will be forced to fire upon you." He allowed a long pause to permeate the air. "Your 30 seconds starts no..." Khiy's words were cut off as the view screen flashed crimson as the trader vessel fired upon the Warbird. The ship swayed very slightly from the kinetic energy of the weapon, though, Khiy didn't even have to redistribute the weight in his legs from the assault.

(To be continued...)

Medical Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Captain Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness Place

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana
Assistant Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading


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