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Saints and Sinners (part 3)

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2016 @ 4:08am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

1,303 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



Khiy slowly made his way around the room taking note of the people in attendance. It was the right mix of high ranking officers, business owners, contractors and socialites. All in all, a good place to do business. Perhaps, he thought, he would be buying one of those "Saint" Memberships tonight.


Over at Wilhelm and Otto's table they picked up two more Sergeants and a brand new Lieutenant and they were paying rapt attention, ".... So the Herr Oberst here," Otto said feeling the affects of alcohol, "He was sneaking up on this patrol of Cardies, and you could tell their point man knew his stuff. So here he is hiding behind this little dip in the ground." Wilhelm speaks up and waves his hands "No, no, no you pyro. It was a damn rock garden right at their two o'clock.." Otto waves and cuts him off, "Anyways here he is looking at these Cardies, and their not paying attention. So he lobs a grenade at them." Otto said and then burped and took another drink of his beer, "So the grenade falls right into the middle and goes boom, knocking them out. Mr. Point Man however somehow jumped out of the way and started firing into the rocks. Willi takes off like a jackrabbit taking to much contiuous fire. While this Cardie's fire hit an apparently volatile large rock. The rock goes BOOM, Willi takes the blast." Otto looks over at Wilhelm, "How many stone shards did they pull out of you? Ten? Twelve? No matter Sergeant Hackleburg here goes down with a cry and sensing victory this Cardie ceases fire and sets out to confirm his kill." Otto pauses to finish his beer and slams it down.

"Ein anderer!" Otto said looking at a nearby waiter and gets back to his story, "So here our brave Colonel is on the ground, quilled by a damn rock. Blood thirsty Cardie looking for a little pay back. So this guy comes around a rock and here Wilhelm,waiting for him. We pop over the ridge and see what's about to happen and the Cardie suddenly had somewhere else to be." Wilhelm just shrugged, "Now why don't I tell these guys about the time you had this bright idea to try to use buildings in your own demented version of Dominoes..." Wilhelm said and took a shot of something, wasnt quite sure what it was at this point, and seen the crowd just move around them.

"Now, now just wait a minute." Otto said staring at two good looking blondes that just walked by and starts to standup. Wilhelm reaches a hand over to Otto's shoulder and pushes Otto back into the chair. "Now hold on their boyo. Those women were with that group of guys from Security." Otto looked and sighed and then spotted Rii'Na. Shouting out, "Commander Rii'Na! Why don't you come over and join us Marines for a drink we'll pull up a chair!" Wilhelm shook his head at the antics of his Sergeant.

"Do Marines know how to be subtle and look after a lady? It seems a bit loud over there." Rii'Na commented. "Your Colonel did say to me that you boys can behave. If I do come over, I'd rather the chair be by him but not unless it's quieter. Can you do that?" She replied with a small, soft smile. She was happy but the atmosphere was a bit overwhelming.

Wilhelm muttered to Otto, "This is the LAST time I go on a Boy's Night Out with you... Answer the lady." Wilhelm looked across the table at the young lieutenant. "Sergeants better make sure the LT there gets back to barracks. He's starting to turn green at the gills." Wilhelm said and watched the trio get up and departing leaving Otto and himself. Otto stood and spoke up, "We can behave ma'am. We appear to have an opening." Otto said gesturing towards the empty chairs.

"Seeing as you were so polite." Rii'Na slipped off her chair and moved over to settle in with the Marines. "I know so few people right now to have at least one familiar face is nice. She replied.

"Ohh don't worry you'll get to know everyone soon enough." Otto said then continued, "So what's your poison?"


Raven sensed Khiy and almost smiled. She still needed to talk to him about their new venture, but tonight she was keeping business strictly in the office.

She and Darius arrived at the table and Raven smiled. "Hello. Nice to see you here. May I introduce you to Darius Cayne, Captain of the USS Arthurian. Darius, this is N'alae t'K'manatran. She works for TGT."

"It's nice to meet you Captain," N'alae greeted him, then held out her hand towards the empty chairs. "Sit, please! My XO was hoping that I'd have some fun tonight, and that's very difficult when you're sitting alone." She smirked. Her head still hurt but she wouldn't let it show. Through the fog she briefly sensed two more familiar presences; Khiy and his Gorn goon. It was only her personal training that helped her resist the urge to turn and look at them.

Khiy watched as Raven and her companion traveled over to N'alae's table at her invitation.

"Well, that'll be some interesting conversation." Khiy said in observation. "Wonder how much he know's..."

It was then that Khiy noticed the Gorn over his shoulder giving him a questioning look and emitted a confused growl. He was clearly unsure as to who Khiy was speaking since no one was within earshot.

"Intrapersonal communication." He started. "It's when we talk aloud to..." He stopped. The Gorn simply continued to stare at him like he was crazy...or he was hungry...Khiy wasn't really sure.

"Well, let's go find ourselves a seat. Something near the bar?" He asked, clearly giving up on trying to explain himself. He was met with another growl, only this time Khiy was sure that it was the approximation of an emphatic "yes".

Khiy shook his head and smiled as he made a path to the bar. "Really have to work on your vocabulary, buddy." He said to the trailing Gorn. "A little intrapersonal communication might do you some good."

Now this was an interesting place, the name in itself was enough of a draw to get Serena's attention, Saints and Sinners, very interesting, she hoped it lived up to it's name. Though she was not holding her breath on that one. Keeping her curiosity in check was not her strongest suit anyway. After having her meeting with Mabrande and taking a few to check in with her actual boss, (she had not had an official CIO in years it was going to take getting used too.) She wanted a look around the station, on her own two feet. Other exploring would happen later of that she was sure but she wanted to check things at eye level (for her anyway). Serena stood near the doorway just taking in the scenery for a few moments. This place had so many things to draw the eye, tickle the nose, and make her ears ring. It was almost too perfect for Intelligence work... There had to be hidden catches in this place. She wanted to go hunting but she did not want to upset the management yet.... Serena shook her head, making her vividly dyed blue curl bounce slightly and started walking deeper into the place, she wanted to find out how good the food was before she decided to get herself into mischief...

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Colonel Wilheml Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Staff Sergeant Otto

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

Commander Raven Addams
Chief Intelligence Officer

N'alae t'K'manatran

Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Infiltration Specialist


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