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Saints and Sinners (part 4)

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2016 @ 4:16am by Morgan Damron & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & Drake & Amber
Edited on on Wed Jun 1st, 2016 @ 4:18am

1,410 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



Now this was an interesting place, the name in itself was enough of a draw to get Serena's attention, Saints and Sinners, very interesting, she hoped it lived up to it's name. Though she was not holding her breath on that one. Keeping her curiosity in check was not her strongest suit anyway. After having her meeting with Mabrande and taking a few to check in with her actual boss, (she had not had an official CIO in years it was going to take getting used too.) She wanted a look around the station, on her own two feet. Other exploring would happen later of that she was sure but she wanted to check things at eye level (for her anyway). Serena stood near the doorway just taking in the scenery for a few moments. This place had so many things to draw the eye, tickle the nose, and make her ears ring. It was almost too perfect for Intelligence work... There had to be hidden catches in this place. She wanted to go hunting but she did not want to upset the management yet.... Serena shook her head, making her vividly dyed blue curl bounce slightly and started walking deeper into the place, she wanted to find out how good the food was before she decided to get herself into mischief...


The door opened again and Morgan Dameron walked in like everyone had been waiting for her. She smiled at the bouncers. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought my own."

As if on cue, the door opened again and two large, burly Samoans dressed in traditional warrior clothing, holding large spears, stepped in. Neither one smiled, nor did they do more than walk in and position themselves one on either side of the door.

Morgan smiled broadly. "So, where is this Mr. Drake so I can meet him?" She liked nothing more than a good party and this looked like the perfect place. Smiling broadly, she headed into the club to see who she could impress.


Aria was pulling double duty that night. She was leaning on the upper balcony across from Saints and Sinners, watching. She had a funny feeling that something might happen and she was ready to jump in there and sort it out. She secretly hoped that something would happen, it would make her shift more interesting.

open tags.

----[Main Office, Upper Level]----

A figure sat in the chair behind the desk. Several monitors were turned on on the other side, facing the desk. The figure was so far back in the chair that his face was hidden in the veil of darkness, only his old and frail hands were visible as they lay motionless on the desk. "Amber, my dear, let's know a little more about our guests, shall we?" He said in his weak and soft voice.

Amber, his small and petite assistant, stepped out of the shadow. She looked down to her PADD and tapped onto a button, as a profile image of one of the guests appeared. On a different monitor, it showed the guests exact location inside the club. "Captain Landon Mabrade. He is the commanding officer of Typhon. Danterian. Klingon type humanoids who believe in honor among all else. They have a Medieval type culture. Mabrade comes from a royal family, of sorts."

"Yes. I've heard of them." Drake replied softly and weakly as he shifted his hands a bit. "Perhaps we should send him an finely aged spirit. Something from his home world. Offer our gratitude for allowing us the space to set up the club and add 5,000 credits to his account."

"Yes, Sir." Amber replied as she made a note in her PADD.

"Also, keep track of his movements. I want to know what he plays frequently and what he avoids. And tell Dozer to be careful with him. We don't want him roughing up our landlord, now do we?" Drake said softly as he gestured a bit before resting his hands again on the desk.

Amber nodded, adding a soft giggle before bringing up another file. "Commander Raven Adams. Chief Intelligence Officer and second officer to Typhon. Hybrid. 3/4 Betazoid and 1/4 Bajorian." She gestured to the screens as the profile and internal sensor location of Raven appeared. "According to sources, she may also have ties to the Maquis, although those reports aren't confirmed just yet."

"Confirm them." Drake replied quickly before coughing. He brought his hand up to cover his mouth and soon lowered it once the coughing had subsided. "There is nothing I hate more, my dear, than unconfirmed information."

"Yes." Amber replied, making a note before continuing. "Miss Adams is very smart and capable. Often reported as willing to break the rules for a goal. Bringing up her file directly brought up some flags of our own. We managed to cover our tracks without being detected. She has a high ranking Intelligence ally. Whether she knows it is anyone's guess. Needless to say, she should be monitored."

Drake nodded slightly, gesturing to the screen. "Do you know what I hate more than Intelligence Officer's, Amber? Attractive ones. They seem to be the ones that are far more dangerous. However, they also seem to be the ones with more secrets. Monitor her closely, but not too close. If we reveal our hand, we may place ourselves in danger far too quickly."

Amber nodded, making a note in her PADD before bringing up another profile and sensor image. "N'alae t’K’manatran. Commander of a vessel known as Morning Wake which is connected to a company known as Trans Galactic Trading. Civilian Group. She is Romulan, but our sources say she is considered an outcast. Our intel says she is a former Sub-Commander until an incident forced her discharge. No word on what it is, just yet."

"Find out." Drake said, raising his voice slightly. "There may be secrets we can use. Can she be bought?"

She looked down at her PADD and shook her head slightly. "No. According to our information, however, she holds a great resentment to Romulans and the Empire. Perhaps it can come in handy."

"Extend her credits by 2,000 and extend an invitation to her employer. If we can us outside means to bring in standard resources, perhaps the ones we use for contraband and smuggling won't receive as much light." Drake said softly.

Amber made another note than tapped on her PADD, bringing up another file. "Captain Darius Cayne. Former Security Officer, now Captain of the Arthurian. The ship is a prototype and the primary garrison vessel of Typhon. According to what we could find, he transferred to a Intelligence ship than all information went dark. However, our sources say, he may have spent time in a medical facility. A recent medical report shows his left arm is artificial. Also, he may have a drinking problems. The Medical report also shows some slight liver damage, but none too dangerous."

"A Captain with vices. One of the easiest to extort." Drake replied with a dark smile. "Nothing more dangerous than a Captain down on his luck. Extend his credits by 5,000 and offer him 3 additional drinks on the house for his continued service in Starfleet towards a better Federation." He added a soft laugh. "See to it he gets a bottle of his favorite bottle to take home with him, with my compliments, of course."

"Something you should know, Drake." Amber added. "When we looked into his file we hit the same walls and encryption when we looked at Commander Adams file."

"Hmmm..." Drake replied softly. "Perhaps they have the same ally. Interesting. Very interesting."

"And... speaking of Adams. The internal sensors we've been able to gather show her coming and going from the docking port that is assigned to Captain Darius's ship. However, there is no telling why or what she was doing since we can't access the internal sensors to the Arthurian." Amber added. "Whenever we tried, the system seemed to adapt and kicked us back out.

"We should keep a close eye on both of them." Drake commented. "Perhaps one of them will show their hand and give us something we can work with."


Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Infiltration Specialist

Morgan Damron
CEO, Damron Group

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Owner, Saints and SInners

Drake's Assistant


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