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The first plague (Part 6)

Posted on Wed Feb 28th, 2018 @ 9:04am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant JG Terry Wu & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,060 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources


Aria sighed as she looked over to Mabrade. "Secure the docking clamps lieutenant. If the Athurian doesn't have permission to leave then don't allow it to" she replied simply.


Wilhelm looked up from reading the briefing PADD and listening to the discussion and hits his COMM, "Marine Rapid Reaction team to the Athurian Dock on the double. Secure that ship. Cut your way on if you have to." He paused a minute to remember who was on call, "Alpha Company, Third Battalion report to the Athurian Dock and backup the Reaction Team. Flight Control, CAP Razors to cover the Athurian. Launch Ready Five, Ten and 15 Razors." Finishing Wilhelm looked at the Captain, "Sir I reccomend alerting Starfighter Command and activating Docking Control's tractors."

"Let him go," Raven said. "He's not doing anything illegal, he's not breaking any regulations. He's just taking his ship out."

"Let him go," Mabrade said. "If he doesn't want to be here, we won't keep him."

Wilhelm nods, "Very well." he says then hits his COMM, "Marines to stand down to previous readiness." finishing he then looks at the assembled officers. "My suggestion for this whole ordeal is we institute a convoy system with rally points at random in deep space. We could use our fighters as parasites on the freighters outbound then they catch a ride back on the inbound groups. Also, we should rescramble all our transaction, communication, and trading networks."

Khiy nodded his head. "That would certainly help with security for the next little while. The shipping lanes will be a mess and it would create big delays, but it will be for the better. I worry about sending fighters, though. The pirates are focusing on escorts and although they aren't intentionally destroying anything, the threshold between disable and destroy on such a small craft is pretty narrow. Don't take that to mean that I underestimate their ability. I'm just curious to hear what you think."

"I have a program that can encrypt communications above and beyond what Starfleet uses," Raven said. She agreed with Khiy that they had to be careful about fighters and weapons. The last thing Typhon needed was to start a war with someone because they blew up the wrong ship. However, she did like the idea of more random checks and fighters making their presence known to deter more attacks. "Security systems are already set to deal with Borg incursions. They'll be able to handle any pirates that get on the station."

Raven; if you could get the encryption set up and working ASAP it will help to a degree." Mabrade began. "Set up a secure link with TGT also." He looked to Khiy. "I hope that will be satisfactory with your end?"

Raven nodded. She could have it up and working before Morticia left to do some recon.

Khiy nodded. His encryption skills were good but nothing compared to the skill Morticia had. Having been given an official green light from the Captain only made it better. "I believe that would help a great deal. Having real time data outside TGT's network will help our freighters avoid hot spots. More importantly, it will allow our security forces to engage hostile forces nearby that we otherwise wouldn't know about." He looked over to N'alae. He was sure she would be eager to be on the offensive given the last few hours.

"If Security can work out some sort of a new rotation of garrison vessels for escorts it would be significant. We need to have them not ready for our patrols, if they observed us a change will buy us some latitude; if that does not help then we have Internal problems, I want to know which it is?" He made eye contact with the Security Chief. "There is a Saber ready to go for you to take out, use as a mobile HQ if you need while you get a feel for the Space Lanes."

Aria nodded. "I'll get a team ready at once" she added.

"Rii'Na, you can get with Flight control in routing changes and such before you take out the other remaining Saber. Then find Captain Xavier for you taking charge of the Saber."

"I am sure Mister Conroy will have that taken care of quicker than you can say 'musical chairs', sir. Would flight know a good place to start looking for Captain Xavier or do we know his last position?" Rii'Na queried, wanting to have as much information as she could before heading out blindly with home to her back and possibly only the Prophets to guide her.

"We could have the Sabers drop sensor buoys along the major trade lines." Terry suggested. "It's a stopgap, but maybe we can get enough information on the bad guys' activity to create an algorithmic model to mathematically extrapolate their most likely base of operations." He further explained.

"All the Federation buoys collect information on what ships pass by and when," Raven said. "Not that we can't add to them. Might be a good idea with all the recent activity we've had around here."

"Do we have models that can Cloak and move slightly?" Mabrade asked. "The Probes that is." He put up a projection of space around Typhon. "What if we seeded some cloaked probes or sensory systems that were cloaked; and with ability to move a little to avoid collisions." He put up a hand. "Any maneuvers will tick it off on their sensors but those should be few cases of only ships with a collision alarm. Hitting a small probe in a stationary position is not like a cloaked vessel a small percentage of hitting it. But it could be an early warning as Early Warning, we place them in areas of high traffic that were not hit yet; we have beefed up where the Pirates are encountered, be foolish to hit there again so we put cloaked warning beacons in high probable areas for future activity." He looked around. "And we have things ready but no so obvious like laying some snares on the trails?"

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackelberg
Marine CO

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Terry Wu
Chief Flight Control Officer


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