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Taking Back the Station Again (part 2)

Posted on Tue Sep 3rd, 2013 @ 4:38am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


[Turbolift - Typhon]

Leo was on the way to the bridge when from within he began to feel strange. It was like being sick and aching, it dulled and he started to feel like there was someone else inside him slowly taking over. ~Oh no,~ he thought as the collective hive mind spoke in his head and Leonardo Rayon was no more.

Although he was gone the collective knew everything about Leo and the drone can pretend to be Leo. He made his way to the Tactical station upon exiting the Turbolift. The drone did as necessary to put all around it at ease by the usual greetings that Leo used and then began disabling the station's systems one by one with Leo's knowledge of security codes.


It wasn't long before half the station's lower half had gone dark as the drone worked the Tactical console but it knew that it will attract attention soon and quickly needed to call for reinforcements before Starfleet could transfer Typhon back to the Alpha quadrant.

[Shuttle Bay]

Otto cursed quietly as the lights went out. Running over to a lit up shuttle he started to run a quick scan to figure out what happened. Realizing quickly that the power was being shut off internally he started scanning where the signal was coming from. After a few minutes he localized it to the Bridge!

Poking a head out the shuttle door he yelled, "Serah, Wilks get over here on the double set weapons for heavy stun." Otto returned to the shuttle console and primed the shuttle's transporter. Targetting the main Bridge and setting a slight delay he grabbed a weapon and jumped onto the shuttle's transporter pad and motioned two arriving Marines to do the same.


Materializing on the Bridge, "Everyone on a console! Hands on the top of your heads NOW!" Otto barked out to the bewildered looking officers.

The drone was about to get a transmission off but heard someone order everyone to put their hands on their heads. The drone stepped back from Tactical and looked at Otto. As he put his hands on his head he asked. "What is going on?"

Cressidia was not so compliant with 'hands on heads', but she did step back from the comms panel she had been using and show her empty hands, saying that she wasn't a danger here. "Do explain, Otto." She had no yet seen the lower half of the station going dark.

"Someone is deactivating the station starting with the very bottom. I traced it to up here." Otto said as a fireteam of more Marines came out of the turbolift and took up positions around the Bridge. " Now if you will all move over to that far wall and line up and submit to a medical test we will resolve this quickly." Turning to one of his Marines, "Start checking consoles see if we can find out who that way." Turning back "Now if you please sirs." Otto said nodding toward the far wall.

Cressidia nodded, it was wise to check everyone even though she knew it wasn't her. So she went to the other wall, and complied to the medical test. Though she still didn't like medical tests of any sort.

The drone's plan was unraveling fast and now it would be exposed with the medical test. The only part of Leonardo's body that was assimilated was his brain, though there was a path from where he was touched to his brain that was assimilated as well. It needed to at least attempted to get a transmission out to the collective.

Leo dashed for the console and in the split seconds it took for his hand to make contact assimilation tubules appeared from his hands then attached to the console. The drone began composing the message then started the transmission.

The Marines turned and fired at Leo pumping out several stun rounds apiece at Leo. While the Marines were firing at Leo, Otto switched his phaser rifle to full power and shot the base of the console that Leo touched a half second before sending the console flying. Leo fell to the floor after repeated blasts. "I guess we figured that out in a hurry." Otto said and rushed to a different nearby console to try to see what Leo was trying to do.

Cressidia looked at one of the marines. "Take him to the brig will you, I don't think it'll do anyone any good having a borg drone on the loose. If they want to study it later, they can do so from there. I don't want it infecting anyone else."


Morticia looked through the data Thing had compiled for her, fascinated by the volume of information contained in the Borg computer.

After a while, several notations about a wormhole caught her eye and she began to read all she could about it. Finally, when she'd finished, she tapped her combadge. "Gomez to Tal'ehrihn. You'll never guess what I found."

"Tell me something good." Khiy said as he took a seat at an abandoned station.

"The Sphere has specs on creating an artificial wormhole. I think they're the ones that brought us here. And I think we can use the Sphere to get back home."

"What do we need to do?"

"We'll need to power her up. But we can't risk activating the Borg again. Maybe we can hook it up to the starbase and operate it from there?" Morticia sighed. "I may have to give all this information to Raven and let her deal with it. It's more than the Hawthorne can handle. It'll take some work to figure out exactly how to create the wormhole, then how to suck us back to the right place. If I can get Thing and Edgar to work together and reverse the original wormhole, that would be best."

Morticia finished her analysis. Sadly, it was time to pass the information on to Raven. "Gomez to Tal'ehrihn. I'm going back to the station and see what can be done from there."


Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp

Lieutenant Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Morticia Gomez
Raven Adams' alias


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