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Home Again, Home Again Jiggity-Jig (part 1)

Posted on Sat Nov 2nd, 2013 @ 4:43am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Lady Ebele [Mabrade]
Edited on on Sat Nov 2nd, 2013 @ 4:44am

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Raven woke to something tapping on her head.

"It's about time you woke up," Edgar said.

"Where are we?" she asked, trying to open her eyes. The flash of the red alert and the dim glow of emergency lighting hurt her eyes so she closed them again.

"Approximately 100 meters from where we left."

"We made it?" she asked, needing the confirmation.

"We made it. My calculations were almost perfect," Edgar preened.

"You are amazing," she assured him. "What's the status of the station?"

"Half the power circuits are blown, shields are down to 23%, we're on emergency power and life support is minimal and holding. The Borg Sphere is in a similar state. All Borg and the ship itself is in a state of regeneration. With the programs you put in place I calculate it will take them two years to recover."

"Plenty of time for the Borg to be removed and Khiy to disassemble the Sphere."


Raven was beginning to feel more like herself and slowly stretched. "Okay. Please gather all information on the wormhole and our return so we can analypze the data and see if we can recreate it at a later date. Then I want the Sphere and all data from it locked and encrypted. Access restricted to the two of us."

"Understood." Edgar flew back to his perch to begin his analysis and lockdown.


Cressidia was only slightly surprised when all the warning lights and sounds went off. She had thought it would be a bit longer, but in her mind, early was just fine. She stood, and checked the stations that didn't have officers at them, engineering and communications.

At the engineering station, she paused, the pressed her comm badge. "Lane to engineering." She said.

A moment later, Kyle heard his badge chime. "Peterson here, Commander. What do you need?"

"I need you to focus your efforts on life support, and getting us off emergency power. Only when that is done should you start on the other things. Lane out." Cressidia said, ending the communication.

When that was done, she went to the communications terminal, which was beeping with an incoming communication. She answered it on the little screen there, not wanting to use the big one, since it probably wouldn't work anyways.

"Typhon, what happened to you! And where is the Commodore?" The person on the screen asked, seeing Cressidia.

"The Borg stole the starbase, and pulled us into the Gamma Quadrant. Commander Raven Adams figured out a way to get us back. The Commodore, and Captain Kelly, can both be missing considered dead. The Commodore was went missing while trying to explore early on, and Captian Kelly went missing a few months ago. We think the borg kidnapped him and took him to their prision ship, which we destroyed." Cressidia explained. "I will include all the details in my full report."

== Athena Shipyard ==

Wilhelm woke from a restless sleep with an alarm going off. Realizing it was a proximity alarm he rushed to a nearby window and seen the Starbase. "She looks like hell." He mumbled firing up the COMM he called what was left of his Marines and the Marines on Athena "Prepare for boarding operations immediately. I want everyone ready to go in fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes later Wilhelm walked into Athena's shuttlebay a lieutenant greeted him. "Sir, good news we are receiving a datastream from the Starbase. All conditions normal, no active hostiles reported."

Nodding with a smile. "Very well. All Athena Marines are to stand-to. All that's left of my Marines is to depart immediately." The Colonel nodded to his pilot. "Let's get Home."

== Shuttle ==

Gregory woke up at about three in the morning to a great commotion that seemed to be happening in the main room on the shuttle. Almost everyone on board had gathered there, and they were all pushing to try to look out the small window. He leaned back in his room, the kids had woken. "Stay here, I'll see what it is." He instructed, looking pointedly at Janice, the oldest.

Greg then went to join the crowd at the window, but he couldn't reach it through the people. He looked around for a friendly face, and spotted the woman he had been talking to last night. He made his way over to her. "You have any idea what is going on around here?"

"It seems that our future home has come back as suddenly as it left." She had her wine glass half drained. "The sensors went wild and people are rushing to see." She held up a PADD. "I have the data of the scans filtering through here, it is better and more comfortable than crowding a view port." She smile. "I think a reunion of sorts will not be far off?" She hint and offered the latest 'list of people and their comm badges. "It is a active list of those on the station as I know no one I thought you might want to look someone up?"

Greg nodded and took the PADD scrolling through the names. They were organized by rank, and the first thing he noticed was that Commander was the highest rank on board. He had been certain that the station had a Commodore as it's commanding officer before, but it appeared that was no longer the case. He kept scrolling through the list all the way to the bottom, to the civilians. There was the name he was looking for: Jade Monroe. He sighed in relief, and passed the PADD back to Ebele. "I should go get the kids, they'll be so happy to get off of here."

"I am glad her name was on it." Ebele accepted the padd. "I did not check as that would have been rude." She winked. "I am glad she is on the station. I would like the chance to meet her sometime?" She nodded. "Of course if your daughter wants more stories and you ever need me to add to them I am at your service?" She rose. "I should put my things away for disembarking."

"Yes, that is a good idea. I do hope you will drop by when we're both all settled." Greg smiled, and left as well.

"One friends and counting." She put her glass to be desposed of. "Family men are generally gentlemen; I am glad his beloved will return to him."

She went to get her things ready for disembarking.

Greg also went to his room, seeing that all four of the children were poking their heads out of the door.

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Computer Avatar

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer

Ensign Kyle Patterson

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Gregory Monroe

Lady Ebele
Lounge Manager


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