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Now What? (part 1)

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2015 @ 2:09pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]

1,065 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Mirror Universe Transport's Interior

Leon glanced around, nothing but complete darkness. It appeared the transport suffered a power failure in all systems but lifesupport. That triggered a red flag in Leon's mind instantly but he was unsure what to do about it.

He triggered his wrist torch and immediately shone it around him finding Wilhelm near him, making the tactical officer jump. Leon knew the other man was with him but still the suddenness of it all didn't factor into his logic parts of his brain. "Okay, you okay sir?" He asked the Colonel, after all he was the highest ranked individual on this away mission.

"I'm fine." Wilhelm said, "Remember: use the buddy system and don't open any doors until we know we won't be vented into space." Wilhelm said scanning his surroundings.

He looked up from his tricorder at the Marine. "What? I'm not in charge of this, I don't know who is. And yes good advice." He smiled. "Do you want to suggest that grand idea or me?"

"I'll voice it up. Just don't open up any rooms that might be vented to space." Wilhelm said.

"I won't," Leon replied. It took him a few moments to take an air quality diagnostic and smiled when it was good enough to breathe, bit stale but usable. Leon tapped his combadge. =^= Montana to Adams, it's safe Commander, it's just a little cold and, =^= he removed his mask to take a few gulps of air and his face scrunched in disgust at the staleness. =^= Stale, =^= he finished.

"On our way." There was still life support? That concerned Raven a lot. She slipped a phaser out of the locked bin before transporting over, just in case.

A few seconds later Aria materalised a few feet behind Leon.
"HEY!" she shouted as she stormed over and grabbed Leon's collar. "I don't care about rank here, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" she asked angrily as she pulled him back and pushed him against the wall. "You're just going to beam over to a ship we can't scan the inside of! You order people around like you own the place!" Aria's eyes were full of fire. "How the HELL did you know there was life support? How did you know there wasn't hostiles on board! USE YOUR HEAD NEXT TIME!" Aria yelled not caring about who heard. "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" she demanded.

Instinctively Leon grabbed Aria's wrists, squeezing a little harder then he wanted to. It was to show he wasn't going to back down. "I wanted to secure the beam in site to protect the more important officers from danger. We had the breathing masks and a sonar scan of the interior or were you not paying attention Chief, why risk all of our lives when not necessary." He said in a low normal volume voice so Aria had to actually calm down to hear him. Passive aggressive often worked against agitated individuals to get them to calm down and listen or they wouldn't hear what was being said to them. "The Colonel is experienced with combat and it is not wise for an away team of one." He finished hoping she would see his logic, however reckless it was.

Aria scowled at him. She was not impressed with him in the slightest.

She shot a look over at the marines that had joined Leon on this little trip over. It was safe to say she was very far from impressed with them all.
"Do you Marine always follow orders so blindly?" she asked. "If you didn't know, I was once like that. However I saw the flaws in others decisions. The only reason I'm HERE is because I knocked a flag officer ON HIS ASS when he told me to sacrifice my own men and follow it!" Aria explained as she pulled out two phaser pistols from holsters just under her skirt. "Now, shall we take this mission step by step without putting anyone else's lives on the line?"

"Just to make it clear. I'm the Chief of Security, therefore I'm the one giving the orders here!" Aria said firming her authority.

Raven, who had beamed over with Aria, agreed. "This is a security investigation, so I have no problems," she said. "I would like to look at the computers and see what data I can access." She raised an eyebrow at Aria. "If you don't mind. There's no reason that life support alone is working. Something's wrong with that."

Wilhelm just shrugged not wanting to explain the Limpet or how Leon and him acted as canaries. "I suggest myself and Lieutenants Montana and Huxley will proceed to the Engineering spaces. Also, the rest should proceed to the Command Center per standard boarding procedures and work from there." He said looking at Aria. "Or do you have a better movement order Lieutenant Kanzaki?" Hackleburg asked with a hint of challenge.

The sound of the conversation seemed to resonate through the nearby corridors increasing the creep-o-meter's maximum number 10 levels, well for Leon.

Leon was about to point out that they all were now putting their lives on the line but kept the remark to himself as he shone his wrist-torch at Aria's face waiting for her to issue orders. Leon remained at the place Aria had shoved him against.

"We find out what the hell is going on" Aria said. "Suggestions?"

"I think we should get the data from the computer and leave," Raven said. "Something is seriously wrong. We have no power, there should be no life support. I recommend that no one leaves this ship until we have the transporters set up to scan everything and make sure nothing comes back with us. There are too many things wrong with this scenario for me to believe it accidental. This is a booby trap and we've walked right into it. We've violated too many regulations and security protocols as is."

Not being an engineer, Leon was not one to know much technical knowledge so it was not something he thought about often. He remained quiet, he was already in a lot of trouble and didn't want to add to it.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Played by Ducati]
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Second Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant William Huxley
Chief Operations Officer


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