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Now What? (part 2)

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2015 @ 2:21pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]
Edited on on Tue Aug 4th, 2015 @ 2:23pm

1,143 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past


"Lets see if we can find a computer access point. This ship has to have a bridge or an engineering" Aria explained. "We split up into two teams. One finds a computer access point, the other finds an Engineering section" Aria ordered. "Keep an open comm link at all times".

Wilhelm looked around feeling a chill, "Well there's no computer access in here. We better get moving and I think the less time spent here the better."

Raven nodded. "Agreed." She pulled up the map from the probe and headed for what was most likely the bridge. There was something here that made her uncomfortable and the sooner they got the data and were cleared to go back to the shuttle, the better.

William was trying to get an idea of the ship's purpose, but so far there was nothing. It had certainly taken a beating, but how much was from the trip across universes and how much was from other sources was unknown.
"Any indication of a mess-hall or lounge? Either location may contain information about the ship's registry. Might provide some sort of clue as to the ship's purpose."

--- Bridge ---

Raven arrived at the bridge and immediately set about getting power to the computer so she could access the data. While she was at it, she also had a good look to see why there was life support when there was no other power. She still had a niggling feeling that they'd walked into a carefully-prepared trap.

Aria followed her and looked around. "Why would a ship have a bridge, life support yet no crew?" she asked as she ran her fingers over one of the consoles.

"The only reason I can think of is it's a trap. Lure your victims over with life support and then... That is what we need to figure out," Raven said. "We walked into the trap, but I don't want to be stuck in it."

One of the consoles lit up suddenly. Raven looked at Aria. "And there's another lure. Should we bite, or wait and see what happens next?"

Raven didn't wait for an answer. She decided to bite. She had several data crystals that would allow her to transfer data and then check it for any number of viruses, spiders or other malicious hitchhikers before letting any of it get near Typhon's systems. She planned on using the Intel sandbox just to make sure all the data stayed isolated.

She also wanted to get off this ship before whatever trap they'd walked into was sprung. To that end, she quickly downloaded everything from the ship's database. As it was well over a hundred years od, she was able to fit all the data onto her crystals. She didn't need any of the data needed to run the ship, just everything since it came out of the shipyard.

--- Engineering ---

It took a little longer to get to the Engine Room but Leon, Wilhelm and William entered cautiously. Leon had his weapon drawn and aimed out in front of him as he turned around in the darkened room that had some illumination.

He couldn't understand without power, and the oddly still operating life support system, how there could be light. Leon shone his torch in the direction of the illumination and found what looked like to be a sphere that produced its own light. Dim but still, he wondered what it could be.

Wilhelm scans around the room quickly and professionally checking corners and around equipment. Satisfied, "Clear." He says and walks towards Leon noticing the sphere. "Whatever you do don't touch it and only passively scan it. God only knows what it does."

"What should we do then Huxley? You're the engineer." Leon smiled as he asked.

William looked around the room.
"Is the sphere seemingly connected to anything? I'm wondering if it may be some sort of power source? Considering the origin of the ship, their systems may not work the same as ours. Other than that, I'd look for some sort of diagnostics."

Leon moved about the light source and inspected what he would call the casing. He really wanted to just touch it and get it over and done with, all this tiptoeing around was driving his crazy. He is a man of action which is why he joined security in the first place.

It was his job to be the one to go into danger to protect others, well the more important people. Leon gently shifted the globe of light to see if he could inspect under it.

Nothing happened but he would get an earful from the Colonel but if they didn't do anything they wouldn't find out anything. Passive scans and guessing took one so far before practical application had to be done.

"Looks like it is not attached to anything, though it can plug in, for a better term here." Leon gestured to the indent that fit into the globe's bottom.

"Well log it and we'll let an engineering team deal with it when we tow this wreck back to base. This is only a scouting run and we don't touch anything except the computer core." Wilhelm said.

He would have liked to have spent more time examining the device, but realized now was not the time. Perhaps he could wrangle his way onto the engineering team, but for now a visual inspection would have to suffice. Taking detailed scans to run through the station's database, William acknowledged the Colonel's orders.

"Aye sir. Guess this mystery will have to wait."

Raven entered engineering in time to hear Wilhelm's statement. "I am still opposed to bringing this ship anywhere near Typhon until we know what happened. Shortly after we entered the bridge one of the consoles activated. There are far too many oddities for me to not believe this is a trap and if we take it back to the starbase we risk endangering tens of thousands of people."

"Which is why we are here Commander," Leon said in his matter-of-fact tone and smiled at her.

"Which is why we are leaving," she replied. "We have the data from the computer. We need to take it back to Typhon so I can examine it in an isolated sandbox. This ship has waited a hundred years, it can wait until I analyze the data."

Raven turned to Aria. "We'll beam back to the shuttle first. The rest of you can follow as soon as you're ready."

Raven pushed a button on her belt that activated the shuttle's transporter and the two of them disappeared.


Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Played by Ducati]
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Second Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant William Huxley
Chief Operations Officer


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