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Cleaning Up (part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 4:31am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant JG Terry Wu & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran
Edited on on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 4:42am

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



With everyone distracted, N'alae closed her eyes and tried to focus. She pushed passed the presences she felt; Raven, Serena, Terry Wu and others working to clear the rubble, looking for Khiy's familiar signature. Quickly the effort started to give her a headache. For a brief moment everything came into sharp focus and she stood, in a sense, above ghostly lights, easily identifying different signatures nearby, searching. But it soon tumbled apart, pulling her back down and leaving her standing amidst nothing but fast-shifting fog. Sighing she pulled herself back from the feeling, walling this part of her mind off again behind only partially-effective controls. Her head pounded lightly, but not so bad that she could not ignore it, for now. The moment of clarity had to her what she needed to know - Khiy wasn't in the area anymore.


N'alae walked out of the office to see what the commotion was, and stood beside Raven. "Do you know where Khiy went?", she asked as she watched the workbee move across the promenade.

"He was in his office," Raven said. "He was uninjured," she assured the other woman. "He should still be in there." She glanced back at the door. "Perhaps we should find out?"

N'alae followed Raven's look, "No I checked, he's not in there now." She shook her head. "Who know where he's gone off too. He's always so much trouble." N'alae sighed aloud in a sarcastic manner and smirked but was only partially joking. Then a thought occurred to her as she looked back at the ruined office. "Are there any bars near here?"

"The Promenade has several, but I'm not sure he would go there. Too public," Raven replied. "He might go back to his rooms. He's got a decent selection of drinks." She paused for a moment. "There are a couple other places he might go as well." He could have beamed to one of his ships. That was more likely than going to his quarters. Then again, he could also be at Miral's. No one would look for him there.

N'alae considered the possibility. Perhaps he had changed over the years since she had been gone, responsibility making in-roads. She looked back over the mess along the promenade. "He better not be somewhere drinking," she said, more to herself than Raven. She had no right to be angry with him. He likely had good reason to have left the area and not check-in; yet she found anger there. So she simply shrugged, trying to appear indifferent, and began helping one of the office workers load a grav-sled with debris. "He'll show up sooner or later."

Raven nodded. She hoped so. It surprised her that Khiy had walked away. It wasn't like him. Either something was wrong, or he was concerned about something. As soon as she got back to her office, she'd make some inquiries. "I'm going to have another look around, just in case I missed something," she said, heading back into the TGT offices.

Khiy walked though the doors to his blasted offices. His feet crunched loudly on the broken remains of a planters pot, though it might have been the remnants of a blasted glass panel, Khiy couldn't be sure.

He noticed a few of his dutiful employees working at cleaning their offices of the debris left over after the fire fight. They were all given the rest of the week off, but Khiy understood the desire for some to reclaim a sense of normalcy after a traumatic experience. He simply nodded to them as he made his way to his own office.

Down the hall he spotted N'alae loading a burn scarred desk onto a grav-sled and Raven poking her head in and out of the various offices.

He put on a smile. "Ah, two of my favorite people in one place. Came to admire our latest decorating pass?"

"Speak of the devil," Raven said, smiling back. Although she wasn't buying the act, she'd pretend along with him.

N'alae and the worker dropped the desk the last few centimeters onto the sled, where it hit with a dull thud. "Oh yes," she said to Khiy, layering the sarcasm thick, "I have to say that I love the creative use of plasma burns on the walls." N'alae rolled her eyes. "Very contemporary."

Wilhelm joined up with Otto and his men as they escorted the prisoners to security. Coming up to an intersection they stopped briefly with Otto looking at to Wilhelm, "Herr Oberst. We could just turn right and take this filth to the nearest airlock."

Wilhelm shook his head. "No Sergeant, our Security and Intel heads want the prisoners as their playthings." Wilhelm said with a malicious glint in his eyes as he looked to the prisoners and then signaled the group forward to the Brig area just ahead.

Once he'd used the workbee's arms and phasers to slice up and move a large section of bulkhead onto some carts, Terry grinned down at Serena, popping the canopy and punching a few buttons to engage a small tractor beam he'd had the Shipyards install onto the craft, and using it to sweep the small bits of rubble out of the walking paths. "So, what are you doing down here, Monkeypenny?" He asked her in the universe's worst Scottish accent. "I apparently don't have anything better I should be doing up in Ops, but what about you?" In truth, Terry had volunteered to come down and help, but god forbid anyone find out that that was the case. He was pathological like that. He couldn't have anyone thinking he was nice.

"Helping out, since the folks that made the mess are in custody, and nothing better to do at the moment. Nice entrance again Wu." she said with a genuine smile up at the guy who was a character she was liking getting to know...

Terry waggled his brows playfully. "Would you care to meet up afterward for some coffee and joyriding?" He asked her. And then his hands played over the controls of the workbee. A different style of music played out of the speakers, and he began to sing again. "I can show you the world. Or, at least, one of them... Oh crap I didn't think this through, I don't have any clever lyrics..." He killed the music, grinning at her sheepishly.

"I think I can free up time for some type of caffeine intake and a joy ride, that sounds fun." she replied with a grin, as the music changed and his sang again before breaking off with a sheepish grin in her direction, she smiled fully giving him the full sight of her dimples. "No worries Terry, I am sure you'll come up with a more than clever remark later." He was a real character, Serena could not wait to get to know him better.

(To be continued...)

N'alae t'K'manatran
TGT Khellian

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hckleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant JG Terry Wu
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Infiltration Specialist


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