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Ice Planet Expedition: landing, part 2

Posted on Sat Jan 23rd, 2010 @ 8:28am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Commander Jack Tolren

1,015 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Tyberius X
Timeline: current



Damon nodded. "I appreciate the leeway Sir. You won't hear any complaints from me or my Marines."


John Gifford always enjoyed shuttle ride; he got the best sleep while in motion. The man on his left was very quiet He spoke a little to Gifford but didn't look up from his padd much. John had met him before and knew him as TY and he was added to the team from Starbase Typhon at the last minute. Watching Ty check and fiddle with his equipment would wear a guy out...

Raven Adams sat quietly in the back row of the shuttle. She liked sitting in the back where she could get a good look at everyone else and observe them. She noticed John Gifford a short distance away. She recognized him from her research on the Endeavor. She hoped she'd have a chance to talk to him about Intel...

John caught a glance from Raven sitting nearby. He got up and took a quick step to her. "Hi, I'm John, I'm from the Endeavor. How about you?"

"Raven. I just arrived on Typhon. I've heard about you. I'm also in Intel," she replied with a smile.

John smiled, I heard you were coming. I stopped by the Intel office there after I met with the Admiral. I'm glad to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, I assure you," Raven replied.

Beatrix Marelle was looking forward to this little trip. She'd been stuck on the Endeavor since the last mission to Abydos and she hoped they'd find something fun.

Yvette Jaynes sat at the back, feeling a little uncomfortable as she hasn't done a lot of away team assignments. Doctor Bowen picked her, as a nurse, to go with the away team instead of herself. Yvette doesn't mind the cold weather as she was born and raised in North Dakota on Earth. She wasn't sure who to talk to and felt like she is probably the lowest in rank on this shuttle. Yvette buckled in and watched everybody getting settled.

Lieutenant Lucinda Sprout sat in a seat one over from T'mpest's. "Hello, Commander. I am the chief representative of the Science Department aboard the Typhon. Our Chief Science Officer is on a survey of his own right now, and we don't have an Assistant Chief. I'm the highest ranking science officer, with my specialty being Glaciology. How do you do?"

"Excellent," T'mpest replied. "It's good to have you with us. This is going to be a fun trip."

Anjen Torvil, having collected a cup of coffee from the replicator took a seat in the midst of the other people. The shuttle was a little cramped, but he supposed he could manage, just provided he didn't spill his drink.

He turned to the man beside him and extended his hand over the short distance, "Anjen Torvil, from Endeavor."

"Alex Faulkner, I'm an engineer from Typhon," the man replied. "I'm here to make sure we don't run into any engineering issues." They continued a brief conversation for the remainder of the journey.

[2nd Firefly]

Sergeant Kara Melo sat in the back with her squad. She was looking forward to the opportunity for some real-world training. She sat quietly, mentally going over what she hoped to accomplish.

Lana was leaning back in her jump seat as she watched her squad go over their gear. Catching the Sergeant out of the corner of her eye, she smiled and nodded, "First Lieutenant Lana Hunter USS Endeavor" raising her hand toward the other Marine.

Trent Kushner was watching as the two Marines near the front of the transport were talking to each other. With a smile he nudged the Marine next to him. "Hey Allen, that Marine talking to Kara is kinda cute. The Lieutenant."

Allen stretched his head out and took a curious glance forward. With a sigh he shook his head and looked back to his rifleman. "Trent, I swear, if you embarrass me in any way I will seriously kick your ass."

"Ouch." Trent looked like he was hurt from the remark. "You aren't any fun today."

Allen listened as the hum changed in the crafts hull. "Alright, we're slowing down. Get your head in the game Private." He reached out and good-naturedly slapped down hard on Trent's helmet. “You wouldn’t have a chance in hell with her anyways.†He added with a sideways smile.

Trent grinned back at his superior. "Understood, Sergeant."

Before long, the two shuttles approached the planet. It was white, which was to be expected, seeing that it was an ice planet.

As the shuttles circled, looking for the best place to land, T'mpest began to scan the planet as well, looking for signs of the former inhabitants. "Down there," T'mpest said, indicating a section near the equator. "That looks like the best place to start."

"You got it, T'mpest." As Zach looked over the proposed landing site. It was long and wide open. It would make take off easier as well. "Might as well strap in." Zach told her, "We're going down." He gently dropped the nose of the shuttle down and began a long and graceful descent toward the planet.


USS Endeavor:

Commander T'mpest Michaels
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Harmos Aurelius
Marine CO

Commander Zach Scott
Chief of Staff

Lieutenant Commander John Gifford
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Anjen Torvil
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Marine Captain James "Reaper" Archer
Marine XO

1st Lieutenant Lana Hunter
Platoon Commander

Ensign Beatrix Marelle
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

USS Orion:

Lieutenant Commander Samantha York
Chief Science Officer

1st Lieutenant Damon Raine
Marine CO

Staff Sergeant Metro Hawkes
First Sergeant

Petty Officer 3rd Class Yvette Jaynes (NPC)

Sergeant Kara Melo (NPC)
Marine Scout

Lieutenant Commander John Sheridan
Executive Officer

Staff Sergeant Allen Riley (NPC)
Marine Section Leader

Trent Kushner (NPC)
Marine Rifleman

Starbase Typhon:

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ty Seven (NPC)
Intel Officer

Lieutenant Lucinda Sprout (NPC)
Science Officer, Glaciologist

Lieutenant Alex Faulkner (NPC)
Engineering Officer


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