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Ice Planet Expedition: Cave Science, part 3

Posted on Fri Jan 29th, 2010 @ 8:17am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Basil Hart & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Tyberius X
Timeline: current



Their paws were incredibly large for their size, the claws were vicious. One good hit and they could do some serious damage. But it was the fangs that caught her interest. Long, sharp and stained with a thick, yellowish substance that didn't resemble their saliva. She pulled out her tricorder and scanned the creatures, then looked up, alarmed. "They're venomous. Don't let the fangs touch you. They contain a neurotoxin."


[Main cavern]

T'mpest began to systematically search the caverns and document what was in them. It looked like there weren't many people in this particular cavern. Maybe 200 and they survived less than 50 years before dying out completely. Most appeared to have starved to death, but as she searched, she found disturbing evidence that the last few humanoids were eaten by some sort of rodent.

John started checking out the skeletons, Ty Seven joined John in the search of the ancient bones. Gifford was scanning the area and found what appeared to be a small rolled up hide laying in what used to be the lap of one the unfortunate piles of bones he poked it and saw it was tied with a narrow band of leather.

T'mpest, I think you better take a look at this." Gifford flashed his light at the science officer so she could find him.

[Geothermal vents]

Sam, Raven and the two Marines came, at last, to the end of the tunnel. It opened into a medium-sized cavern with ocean on one side and a cluster of pots on the other.

Sam took her tricorder and sent over to the water to examine it. Although the water came from the ocean, the water here was drinkable. It had a high mineral content, but apart from that it was fresh. "Interesting. There seems to be a fresh water current right here so the ancients could get drinking water."

Trent walked over to the pots and picked up one to examine it. Despite being simple in form, there were intricate drawings painted all over the exterior of the presumably clay design. He nodded appreciatively at the artwork before setting the pot down on a rock. As he turned to walk away, he accidentally bumped the pot that teetered on the edge of the rock before slowly tipping over and crashing to the ground. As the pot shattered Trent winced at the sound and stopped moving in mid step. He held the pose for several seconds before opening his eyes to reveal everyone starring at him. He looked ashamed for a split second before opening his mouth. "What? It's not like they were going to use it anymore."

Sam sighed and shook her head. "Just step back from the pots..."

"...and nobody gets hurt," Raven finished, chuckling. The laughter faded and died as three large rodents crawled out of the water. Sam jumped back against the wall and pulled out her phaser.

The creatures looked vaguely like otters, but they were bigger. They also had large paws with long claws and vicious fangs. They growled at the humanoids menacingly.

Raven slowly pulled out her own phaser, making sure she had a pot between her and the creatures.

Just then a shuffling could be heard from the tunnel behind them. Three more creatures appeared, growling.
[Main Cavern]

T'mpest walked over to John. "What is it?"

John had discovered some thin leather rectangles with writing on them. It was a form of hieroglyphic that T'mpest had seen before. She couldn't read everything, but she could get the gist of it. The people called themselves the Romu. They'd been driven to the caves when the planet rocked to and fro on its axis and the endless winter came. There was also something about the k'naar in the caves growing more hostile and daring.
They are now coming into the light, attacking in packs. One bite and you cannot move. All who are bitten die.

Beatrix had wandered into the room for the last part of T'mpest's translation. "That's not good," she said quietly, looking from T'mpest to John.

John had a worried look on his face. "Don't really like the sound of that bite and die thing..."

T'mpest shook her head. "It might be a good idea to finish up quickly and head back out. We can return later with more Marines."

Just then they could hear the sound of small footsteps in the corridor.

John brought his Tr 119 up, Ty did the same. "This could get hairy boss."

[Geothermal Vents]

Sam was torn. She wanted to check the water but she also wanted to get back to the main cave and warn the others. She tapped on her combadge. "York to Michaels." Nothing. They were too deep to get any sort of signal. She quickly pulled out a sample bag and scooped some water into it and sealed the bag.

While she did that, the Marine began to maneuver into position to shoot the other rodents. They were lined up two deep in the corridor, growling menacingly. He shot a round into the middle of the pack, sending them scampering for cover. "Okay, folks. RUN."

[Main Cavern]

T'mpest looked at John and chuckled. "I..." Anything more she was going to say was cut off by the sound of running feet.

One of the Marines came running into the main cavern, looking pale and shaken. His nose was running profusely and he was drooling uncontrollably. "Giant... badgers. They tried to... scratched me as I ran past." He was panting heavily and shivering as he came to a stop.

T'mpest walked over to him. "What?"

"Giant, vicious... RATS. Poison. Got me... need medic." He cried out in pain and doubled over, grabbing his gut and rubbing his eyes.

(To be continued…)

USS Endeavor:

Commander T'mpest Michaels
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander John Gifford
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Anjen Torvil
Assistant Chief Science Officer

Ensign Beatrix Marelle
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

USS Orion:

Lieutenant Commander Samantha York
Chief Science Officer

Trent Kushner (NPC)
Marine Rifleman

Starbase Typhon:

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ty Seven (NPC)
Intel Officer

Lieutenant Lucinda Sprout (NPC)
Science Officer, Glaciologist


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