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New Guests On Board (part 2)

Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 2:46pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson [Lane]
Edited on on Thu Dec 19th, 2013 @ 2:55pm

1,051 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



Donnie walked into the meeting, and was surprised by the amount of blue in the room. He had known about the new staff they had received, but never had he imagined they would be mostly medical. Or science, he didn't know about some of them yet. He looked around and spotted the new Chief Medical Officer, and decided it would be good to try talking to her.

"Hey. I'm Donovan Peterson, one of the doctors here. I just wanted to meet my new department head." Donnie said to her with a smile.


Danielle had been deeply lost in thought and jumped when he had startled her. She blushed lightly and quickly gained her composure and flashed a smile in return. "Danielle Davenport, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Have you been her long?" She obviously meant the station not the meeting.

"I've been here about six months now." Donnie said. "It's been a hectic time, but I do enjoy the space. Much bigger than the last ship I was on."

"What type of ship were you on prior to arriving here?" Danielle asked her curiosity was peaked and a hint of a friendly smile started to appear at the corner of her mouth. Her thoughts of her lost child drifted away like the wind.

"Just a Nova class. It was an interesting enough mission, and the crew were very close, but I got a bit tired of the confines." He paused, thinking back on it. "Besides, being far away like that is hard on the family. My wife wanted more things to do, and better schools for Alexis and Silas. Do you have a family?"

"Yes, my son is here with me. My husband, is assigned else where for the moment." Danielle said.

"Well, that's too bad. I know it would be terrible being seperated from my wife." Donnie said, trying to sound comforting.

Khiy arrived late to the gathering and he did his best to blend in without notice.

Since arriving back home he had found that a number of big changes had happened in his absence. Having quickly been declared lost by some of the more ambitious Board members, TGT was close to fracturing into a number of individual merchants and groups looking to take advantage of the power vacuum.

It had taken Khiy a number of weeks to re-establish himself as the company head, however, he was still missing a number of ships from Captains and crews who had decided they could make better earnings elsewhere. Ironically, some had even taken up piracy. As they had stolen TGT property, engaged in actions that were in clear violation of contract and, most importantly, really pissed of Khiy, he had no choice but hunt down these rogue crews personally. Quietly, of course.

He would have decided to keep a low profile since going "off station", however, missing this party would raised a lot of red flags. Better to be seen than be absent in this situation.

Raven made her way over to where Khiy stood. "Good to see you."

Khiy offered a slight bow. "Likewise." He gave Raven a sidelong glance knowing well that she had likely been keeping tabs on his off station trips. There wasn't much he could keep secret from her. Still, he was curious to note her reaction to it.

"I would like to meet with you later," she said quietly. "To see how you're doing." Mostly, to see how she could help as she was fully aware of the problems he'd faced since his arrival.

"I'm fine, business as usual." He lied. "If that answer doesn't suit you, I'm sure I can work something around my schedule to chat for a few minutes."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Yes, please." he should know by now that he couldn't lie to her. Even though he was quite adept at it, she'd known him far too long for it to work on her.

Wilhelm entered and looked around at all the new personnel. Grabbing a cup of tea he made his way to an empty seat.

Jane arrived a little late and a little out of breath. She'd been busy ordering new plants and seedlings for the arboretum and lost track of time. She smiled when she saw Wilhelm and took a seat next to him.

Saul walked in, fresh from his quarters. After docking, the Warrant Officer who had been assigned to guide him about had handed him a flimsy with information about the event. Following a quick shower and change of clothes, he had rolled up, not really sure what to expect.

Seeing that nearly everyone had arrived, Cressidia stood from the seat she had taken at the table. "I'm glad you all could make it." She said loudly, followed by a long pause to get everyone's attention. "I called this meeting to give everyone a chance to know about our new arrivals, and meet them. In addition to the numerous new officers we have on board, there is also a new business joining us. Kindness' place is run by Lady Ebele." She found Ebele in the crowd and waved to her. "And I hear it has a great selection of foods and beverages for all ages. I would also like to announce that there is a new school on board, run by Mrs. Jade Monroe, who couldn't make the meeting today. I highly encourage all parents to enroll their children in the new school. I also wanted to announce the arrival of the trader ships belonging to Warren and Marrin." Once again, she indicated the position in the room of the two people she was talking about. "They will be welcome around the station, with the exception of those areas that require security clearance." Here she spoke of the engineering decks, and the bridge. "Please make all of our new arrivals feel at home, and enjoy yourselves." She smiled, and sat back down, allowing the conversation to come up again.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Donovan Peterson

Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport
Chief Medical Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer


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