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A not very Brief, Briefing.(Part I)

Posted on Thu Jun 28th, 2012 @ 2:04pm by Admiral Kathryn Burke & Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Basil Hart & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 8:35am

1,128 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Athena Shipyards Conference center

The senior staff had been ordered to arrive at Athena Shipyards, under a Starfleet Command order. Apparently, as the old saying went, something was hitting the fan, and it didn't smell like daisies.

Why, however, Admiral Ongaku-Chi, was ordered to be among them, Skylar did not know. He nodded to those present - Typhon's Command Staff, the Admiral, and another Admiral, Skylar recalled, once or twice. Berka? Beer keg? No. Burke. That's right Burke. The two sat in what seemed to be a relatively uncomfortable silence.

Skylar nodded to the two, and waited for the others to arrive.

Wilhelm walked into the conference room and stood at ram-rod straight attention for a few seconds then said, "Admirals." Wilhelm said with a nod of his head then looked at Skylar, "Commander." Wilhelm said then took a pew.

After the dinosaur was killed and sent to a medlab, Leo was informed of a meeting on Athena base. He left his assistant in charge while he attended the meeting.

Leo walked in and nodded to the Colonel. "Thank you to both you and your marines for helping us with the Raptor," he smiled to Wilhelm.

"'We aim to please' Commander." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"Admirals, Commander," Leo then greeted the others in the room.

Kathryn nodded to the men as the arrived. She wasn't happy about her current assignment. Honestly, she saw no reason for it. But it was a decision by Starfleet Command and she had no say in the matter. Just like she had no say when they foisted Doctor Victoria Lang on Inti Colony.

Raven walked into the room and bowed to the Admirals before she took a seat by Skylar.

Skylar was warmed by Raven's presence. He nodded to her, knowing that this was sufficient for her to understand.

Ongaku-Chi looked down at her PADD. She counted the people, and scowled. Collecting the Command staff of a Celestial Class starbase, however, was not an instantaneous process, and took time to orchestrate. She nodded to a Yeoman, who pushed in a cart, which carried coffee, tea, juices, and various pastries. "Help yourselves, ladies, and gentlemen." Ongaku-Chi said, with a patient-appearing smile.

Selith rushed in, fearing he was late. Once he realized he wasn't, he glanced at the cart, hoping for some hot chocolate. Seeing none, he grabbed a cup of tea, and sat with a grumble.

"Is there an issue, Mister Vi'ir?" Ongaku-Chi asked, observing the new-comer.

Selith looked up from his tea. "No, sir. Just still trying to redecorate the office."

Raven took the opportunity to get herself something from the cart. She grabbed something for Skylar as well and set it on the table next to him.

Skylar nodded to Raven, and smiled.

Basil sauntered in, smiling. He grabbed a glass of orange juice and a pastry and sat in his customary chair. "Good morning, all."

"Doctor Hart." Ongaku-chi said, nodding.

Cressidia walked to the beverage cart as soon as she arrived, picking up a cup of black coffee, and found her seat, trying not to draw attention to herself.

Skylar nodded to Cressidia, as she sat down. He remained silent, waiting for the rest of the crew to show up.

Cressidia smiled in return. Since she was still not entirely used to the change in command, it was nice to see a familiar face or two around.

Leonardo sat down after grabbing a plate of food and as he waited for the meeting to start nibbled at the foodstuffs.

"Transporter Room to the Briefing lounge... oh... oh god... oh..." The comm-panel began. "Uh... there's... been an accident... uh...."

Ongaku-Chi looked to Skylar.

"Could you clarify, please, Ensign Watts?" Skylar asked.

"Uh... well, we beamed most of you over, using Typhon's transporters. The uh... oh god... that's just disgusting-"

"To the point, Ensign Watts." Skylar said, sharply.

"Uh... well, Captain Darkmoon, sir. He was beamed over using Athena's transporter network's external targeting system, and it got a bit of Typhon's transporter buffer mixed in, and so-"

"Report to me later, please, Ensign Watts." Skylar said, and then sharply added, "End comm-link", killing the rather unpleasant sounds coming from the transporter room. "Hazmat team, and a medical team to Athena Transport Room..." He looked down at a PADD, and called up the locator beacon of Ensign Watts. "Two. Don't send anyone who has eaten in the past two hours."

Raven looked at Skylar, her expression grim. "That's two. I'm beginning to wonder if the position of Typhon's Commanding Officer is cursed."

Burke made several notes on her PADD. She was here as an observer and didn't want to interfere or appear to take charge, but she would definitely make a report on the new Commander and how she dealt with this tragedy.

"Do you want me to bother with an autopsy, commodore?" Basil asked automatically.

"I get the general sense," Ongaku-Chi noted, "that the matter is at hand, and being handled. I also sense that this matter is not time-sensitive. Mister Skylar, Lyra didn't put that-"

"Do not blame that on Lyra Walsh." Skylar said harshly. "She still hasn't returned, from that mysterious mission you abducted her for. I will not have my crew be blamed for activities conducted in their absence."

Ongaku-Chi was not expected Skylar to be so... short. She noted how close he sat to Raven, and then raised a brief eyebrow. "Quite." Was all she said. "Does anyone need to take a moment, to recollect, after that unexpected announcement?"

Raven almost put a hand on Skylar's arm, but the glance from Ongaku-chi kept her in her seat. Even though Darkmoon's death appeared to be an accident, she would begin an investigation, just to make sure. Two Commanding Officers, one Executive Officer, all dying by accident or design. It was more than a coincidence.

"It's a pure shame sir and an ugly way to go but the show must go on." Wilhelm said with a frown on his face.

Cressidia had noticably paled when the news had arrived, but through the few minutes of conversation that had occured, some color had returned to her face. She sipped her coffee and tried to relax, it could have been anyone that had been transported up like that, but it had been her commanding officer. That was a lot to take in, but she would surely manage.

Skylar sat, uncomfortable. His thoughts muddled. He simply nodded to Ongaku-Chi.

Basil sighed. "I for one am ready to proceed, Commodore. I regret what has happened, but we must all soldier on, correct?"
(To be continued...)
Admiral Kathryn Burke
Commodore Lauren Ongaku-Chi
Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Commander Skylar
Commander Cressidia Lane
Commander Basil Hart
Commander Raven Adams
Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon


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