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Getting Back to Business (part 3)

Posted on Wed May 27th, 2015 @ 1:15am by Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Captain Cressidia Lane & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & N'alae t’K’manatran & Miral Annhwi
Edited on on Wed May 27th, 2015 @ 7:52pm

2,069 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



Miral relaxed a bit when the other Romulan turned her attention to Raven. There was an undertone of familiarity that made her think N'alae had known Khiy at some point in the past, but she knew the woman was new to TGT. "I see your last business trip was profitable," she said, glancing at N'alae and Raven.

"Very." Khiy said before taking a sip from his glass. "I agree, we have much to discuss about my newest business venture." He was sure Miral knew by now about the D'deridex Khiy had come across, even if it was just through whispers. He was curious how bad it would be for him once the Empire found out.


Buck walked over to stand next to Ebele, though before he could speak the doors opened and admitted Commander Lane with the Rear Admiral in tow. "If you would take your seats please people." He said.

Eco shuffled over to a free chair and took his place, glancing about.

N'alae took a seat at the same table as Khiy, directly opposite him. She sat sipping the drink she had taken while pretending to be interested in the proceedings. Years of practice at her family's social events made it possible for her to keep tabs on the goings-on, while thinking on other matters. She considered the two woman she had just met. Much had happened in the last few years.

Miral didn't like the new person in Khiy's employ. They clearly had a history, but it had been before he came to Typhon. She wanted to sit next to Khiy, but there was an area set aside for the ambassadors and she was here as Ambassador so reluctantly went to sit with the other dignitaries. Later, she would find out more.

Cressidia was in her dress uniform when she entered the room, Rear Admiral Rollman following just a little behind her. She smiled when she saw everyone was present.

The new Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana along with two other security officers followed the Admiral in as they were assigned to guard her. Leon was simply attending as he was recently ascended to department chief, he had seen Commander Darkmoon off the station as Starfleet Security reassigned him per his request.

Rear Admiral Rollman made her way to the podium and the senior officers of Typhon had seats beside the podium while the others attending could stand or be seated in front of, but several meters away from, the podium. She waved all to get settled. "I want to start by saying well done in your latest threat handling, my ship will ferry the traders back to Earth for their trial."

Some of the officers talked among themselves as they took the Admiral's praise and it spread to the rest of those present.

"Please, please." Rollman continued into the mic, and the crowd fell into silence. She smiled as she turned to Commander Cressidia Lane. "Commander could you please join me here."

Cressidia stepped to the front, joining Admiral Rollman.

Rear Admiral Rollman's yeoman had secretly place a small gold box in view just under the podium's top where a speaker would put their PADDs to read from. There was a secondary shelf for additional storage of PADDs and so on that could be retrieved quickly by a speaker.

Facing back to the crowd Rollman smiled again. "With the authority of Starfleet Command, I hereby promote Commander Cressidia Lane to the rank of Captain with all the rights and privileges that goes with the rank." The Rear Admiral picked up the box and opened it as she faced Cressidia. "Congratulations Captain." She said picking the gold pip with her index finger and thumb from the box. Rollman then placed the box back onto the podium before using the same hand to gently pull Cressidia's collar out so she could pin the pip on next to the third in the line of three.

Cressidia gave a wide smile, and idly brushed a finger over her new pip. "Thank you Admiral." She didn't really know what else to say, but continued to smile.

"Congratulations, Captain," Raven said, smiling. The other woman had been through a great deal in her time on Typhon and the promotion was well-deserved.

"Thanks." Cressidia said, "We've been through a lot lately, it's nice to get some good news."

"Indeed," Raven replied.

Buck did not expect this, though he knew the Commander had been a Commander for an extended period of time. Considering she was in command of a starbase did actually warrant her increase in rank, especially a station of Typhon's purpose.

He smiled and clapped his hands as he got to his feet, beside him Leon did the same. Both men slowly approached their commanding officer as Rear Admiral Rollman stepped back. "Congratulations Captain," Buck said first.

"Aye, congrads Captain." Leon said offering his hand to her.

Buck would copy the Security Chief's gesture after the others had joined them when the party began.

Wilhelm stepped up, "Congratulations Cressidia. This is quite an accomplishment." He said extending his hand. "Enjoy the celebration Captain!" Wilhelm said with a small bow and moved out of the way for the next person.

"Thank you." Cressidia said, shaking Wilhelm's hand.

Rollman stepped to Cressidia's side and leaned in close so only the two could hear her. "Captain, I do suggest that some of your crew are due for promotions as well however, I offer that privilege to you if you wish it?"

"I think that would be appropriate." She said softly. Then Cressidia took a step away from the admiral and the waiting crew, back toward the mic. "Lieutenant Commander Ducati, please come forward."

A little hesitant, Buck approached his Captain and smiled semi-wondering what was about to happen. "Yes Captain," he said, it was going to take a little to get use to calling her captain now.

"As the second in command here, you are invaluable to all of us." She smiled and gave a knowing nod. "You have done excellently so far, and I hope you will continue to serve us well as a Commander." She took a pip out of the box, removed the half pip from Buck's collar, and replaced it with the new, full one. "Congratulations, Commander."

"Thank you Captain," he replied beaming with pride. "You all will have nothing but my best."

It was now time to enjoy the party and Admiral Rollman dismissed everyone from the assembly area, while she herself only mingle briefly as she had to return to Starfleet Command. There were a few other stops she had to make on the way as well.

Buck didn't leave Cressidia's side however. "I didn't want to bring this up so soon but do we have any new orders? Or are there any new assignments that Command wants us to do? Just so I can start preparations maybe tomorrow or the next day."

Rollman overheard and smiled as she approached the command team of the starbase. "Actually there's still some scientific exploration left to do in this system, I will leave it up to you two to decide how that will be conducted."

The newly promoted Commander nodded. "Yes Admiral," Buck replied and turned to his Captain for her response.

Cressidia nodded her agreement.

Khiy waited for an appropriate moment before approaching Buck. "Congratulations Commander Ducati." He said with an outstretched hand. "Considering how well you handled that last little crisis I'd say the promotion is well deserved."

Miral approached the two newly-promoted Starfleet officers. "Congratulations to the both of you." She bowed respectfully to both of them.

Buck mimicked the Romulan. "Thank you Madam Ambassador." He turned to Khiy and laughed softly. "I was knocked out with most of the other senior officers, it was you, Raven and our crew who did the handling." He said proudly. "They and you should be the ones getting the praise," he clapped excitedly with a mischievous grin on his face as he watched Khiy, he wanted to see if he could make the man nervous.

Khiy was surprised by the man's response but only showed a moments hesitation before smiling broadly. For most of his life he operated in the background, being singled out like this wasn't a comfortable feeling. Then again, appearing shy was just plain bad for business.

"If you need anything from TGT or any of it's affiliates don't hesitate to ask." He said after a moment. Then added; "We can add a 'Home Sweet Home' discount."

N'alae watched from her seat at the table as the others offered their congratulations to the Starfleet officer. She sipped a little at her drink, but didn't have very much. She had never really cared that much for synthahol. The crowd of presences all around her was starting to give her a headache, and she was starting to wish it was the real thing.

Eco smiled lightly as the promotion was offered. It was well deserved. He turned and started chatting to one of his fellow officers from Engineering.

Buck smiled at Khiy. "Khiy, if I may use your first name, as a thank you and with Captain Lane's blessing, we present the TGT and you with one of the Trader vessels." Buck smiled.

"Congratulations, Commander Ducati," Raven said.

Miral bowed. "Indeed."

"Thank you Commander," Buck smiled at Raven and returned the bow to Miral. "And thank you as well." He glanced back at Khiy for his reaction to TGT's newest acquisition.

Khiy was surprised to say the least. Typically when Starfleet assets are attacked they take the offending vessels as reparation. If the Typhon was offering one of the vessels to him they would have to absorb much of the damages and incidentals incurred on the station. It's not like the Federation couldn't afford it; but the paper work of justifying the cost and signing this freighter over to a corporation would be staggering. Khiy appreciated the gesture.

"Thank you, Commander." Khiy said evenly, though any telepath would clearly see through his calm demeanour. "I will be sure to put it to good use. Perhaps I will dedicate the ship to delivering luxury items to the station, I know how difficult it is to get a reliable route these days to a station this far out."

Raven was stunned by the gesture. Not that Khiy didn't deserve it -- he'd saved the station on more than one occasion -- it was more that she'd never known the Federation to be so generous with ships. Especially without letting Intel have a look at it first. She glanced at Khiy. She could work something out with him later to see if she could "borrow" anything from the ship.

"It's up to you what you wish to do with the vessel, it's yours now." Buck said with a wink then a smile. "It's docked on the outer ring and the dockmaster can help with getting your crew on board."

"Thank you. I suppose I'll be looking over my crew manifests and see who is deserving of a promotion." Khiy already had several people in mind.

"Congratulations," Raven said quietly to Khiy before she turned and headed back to her office. She'd been there for the important part, she didn't care to stay for the celebration. Not that she had anything against Lane or Ducati, she simply didn't enjoy parties.

With that sorted Buck excused himself and went to grab some food and drink.

Miral stepped back and waited for Khiy to finish his coversation. "Are you free tonight?" she asked.

Khiy turned to Miral. "I am." He said simply. There was much to discuss.

"Good," she replied. "I will see you then." She had much she wished to discuss with him, both business and personal.

She bowed to the group. "I will take my leave of you," she said formally. Unfortunately, she had an appointment and needed to go back to her office.


Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Played by Ducati]
Chief of Security/Tactical Officer

Captain Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner of Trans Galactic Trading

N'alae t’K’manatran
Employee of Trans Galactic Trading

Lady Ebele
Owner of Kindness Place

Miral Annhwi [Played by Adams]
Romulan Ambassador


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