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Mystery [Part 1]

Posted on Sat Jun 6th, 2015 @ 1:01pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran

1,399 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Typhon Air Space

It was very lucky as it dropped from warp drive to come to a complete stop just short of colliding with the Starbase's suddenly raised shields. The vessel looked like a transport of some kind, somewhat old as well.

The ship's arrival had brought the party to an end, well for the Starfleet personnel anyway when the alert status of the station turned to yellow alert. The watch officer called out. =^= Senior officers to Operations, please. =^=

Buck headed out but knew Cressidia would be right behind him. Leon was also on his way, the Chief of Security needed to sort out possible boarder situation for the department. He was looking to be more of a tactical officer lately but he wanted to sort out this situation first before asking the command team.

Khiy looked over to N'alae. "So much for the festivities." He regarded the Starfleet personnel as filed out of the room. "I think it's a good idea for you to notify the ship. We may need to protect our assets."

N'alae nodded and put down her drink, leaving it unfinished. The party was over. It was almost a shame, since she had just been starting to enjoy herself, and it really was a nice dress.

All business now, N'alae exited the room and made her way to the the pylon where Khiy's Kestrel was docked. There she entered her code and boarded the shuttle. After a minute at the console she sent a transmission on a secure frequency, advising the ship to go to alert status and monitor the situation. Before leaving, she strapped a com-link on her wrist. It would allow for brief communications with the ship on the same frequency.

[Ten Minutes Later]

Another transport had also just docked with the station, but on the opposite side. It was transporting several new personnel and cargo to the station. Including one woman, she had long light red hair and unlike most Starfleet Officers was wearing the short skirted version of the uniform. A large duffle bag was on her shoulder, she did not look happy.

She strode onto the base looking around. Six hours ago Aria Kanzaki had been serving aboard the Excalibur on the line to promotion to Lieutenant Commander. However she had been dumped on the next transport and told to get off the ship and consider herself lucky she was still within Starfleet.

"Where can I find this base's CO?" She asked the officer who was managing the air lock.

"I believe in Operations Lieutenant, the computer can help with directions, welcome to Starbase Typhon." The dock officer replied with a smile.

"Thanks" Aria said as she strode out of the room.

[Transporter Room 1- USS Callisto]

As the Callisto moved into transporter range, Captain Aelyn turned to William.
"Sorry to be losing you, but I understand placing family first. The station will be gaining a great officer. Let us know if we can ever be of use. Best of luck Lieutenant."

Shaking the Captain's hand, William stepped onto the transporter platform.
"Will do Captain."

[SB Typhon - Transporter Room 1]

The transporter operator smiled at the Huxley family as they materialized on the station.
"Welcome aboard, your quarters are ready for your arrival. I'll send the coordinates to your ship's transporter room so they can send over the rest of your gear. Lt, the senior officers were called to Ops about 12 minutes ago. Not sure what's going on, but you may wish to check in."

It was a bit unexpected, but William knew life in Starfleet was full of surprises.
"Will do Chief. Thanks."


Raven walked into Operations and looked for Captain Lane. She generally didn't work here and so wasn't quite sure why she was needed -- IF she was needed.

Eco was monitoring some diagnostics being run through the Main Engineering Console. It wasn't normal that he be here, but he found Ops much quieter than Main Engineering, and more relaxing. As Commander Raven walked past, making a bee-line for Lane's office, Eco wondered if there was something wrong

The doors to one of the turbolifts in Operations swished open and Aria walked in. She had no idea what was happening, everyone seemed to be on high alert. Was her arrival that much of an event around here?

Clocking the new arrival, Eco frowned momentarily at the new face, then called out, 'can I help you ma'am?'

Aria looked around. "I'm looking for someone in charge" she said simply.

The transport that was unidentified, and uncannily Starfleet but not, was looming just outside the station's shields which had remained active upon the ship's drop from warp so close. It was an automatic protocol, Buck knew and watched the transport for several moments wondering just what was going on.

He noticed the new officer and smiled at her. "Welcome to Typhon Lieutenant, I'm Lieu- um Commander Buck Ducati," he had corrected his new rank though not as smoothly as he should have. "The executive officer, I wish I could have met you at the docking bay but as you can see we are a little busy." He offered a weak smile before turning to Raven. "Commander Adams, does that ship match any records?"

"Negative," she replied. "The ship does not match anything in the ship database or in Intel's database."

Buck frowned before he smiled and thanked Raven for her reply and turned to Eco. "Full scans and analysis please Mister Eco," he said.

'You'll have them momentarily,' replied Eco, working the console in front of him and frowning.

Leon was at the Security station working on weapons and defense analysis of the transport when he was pushed aside. "Hey!" He said indignantly.

Aria had moved over to the security console for the station. She hadn't yet reported in but started working the console regardless. Aria ignored him as her hands flew over the console. "Trust me, you need me here".

Leon bristled and narrowed his eyes. "I do, do I? And you are?"

She looked up at Buck. "Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki. Starfleet Security" she said. "I've been sent here after a little... misunderstanding" she explained.

Buck glanced at Aria, "Misunderstanding?" He asked.

Leon was surprised at Aria and wondered what happened. He was still angry with her and folded his arms over his chest as he stepped back.

"Yes" Aria said not looking away from the console. "You would have thought that knocking a Commodore on his backside after he ordered you to sacrifice your own men would be understood more... but not in Starfleet..."

"Knocking a Commodore on his backside is generally not a good idea," Raven replied, not sure quite how to react to that comment. She would definitely have to do some research on this particular officer.

"I tend to agree with Commander Adams." Buck said trying to smother a chuckle, though he couldn't hide a half smile. "Why don't you two get acquainted and then assess the ship's tactical status?" Buck asked.

Aria was already on the case. "That ship is old. very old" she said. "There seems to be no lifesigns aboard, however its not transmitting a transponder code" Aria explained as she read out the readings. "I advise from bringing it aboard sir, for all we know it could be rigged to explode by an enemy force"

Entering the Operations center, William took a look around. He caught the tail end of a conversation about a mysterious transport near the station.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for the CO."

Buck hated mysteries, especially the old kind. "Well that's just fantastic." He turned to face the new comer and smiled. That's 2 now he noted. "Hello, I'm the executive officer, Commander Buck Ducati, welcome to Typhon," he noted the 2 pips, "Lieutenant..? Excuse me a moment," he turned to Aria and then waved Raven over. "Would you two be interested in going over to investigate the transport?"

Aria stepped away from the console. "I'll need two security teams" she said. She turned to face William. "Do you want to come too? You're either a security officer or engineer" she asked. "We could use you either way"

"I'll join you, always up for a good mystery. Lt Huxley, Operations Officer."

This wasn't the first time he had investigated a mysterious ship, and he doubted this would be his last.



[will insert signatures later]


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